How Herman Cain Can Become A Legitimate Black Man

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How Herman Cain Can Become A Legitimate Black Man

Smoke crack for real!


This has to be one of the all-time great anti-racism videos I have ever seen.

I don't recall seeing a work before where biting political irony and sarcasm inspired goodness inside me instead of contempt for the object of ridicule.

Rock on, Mr. Cain!

And rock on, Zo!

We'll do the politics another time.

This thing is way too cool for election politics.

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Excellent, Michael. Satires and parodies of this awful, twisted trend in our culture are an effective antidote and need to be circulated widely. Thanks for sharing it.

Just as a more literal reply to the question -- I'd say that if he could strip away somewhat more than 50% of his genetic makeup, Herman Cain would be approximately as legitimate a black man as Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

It's always puzzled me that Obama is touted as our first "black" President, when it would be far more accurate to say he was our first "somewhat less than half black" President.

Just as a side note: while I don't think Cain has completely dialed in the right economic perspective for his proposals, and I think he needs to study up a good bit on foreign policy, he sounds pitch-perfect when pointing out the envy and class hatred of those wanting to redistribute income.


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He needs foreign policy and he needs to drop that 9-9-9 now before it becomes an anchor around his neck. A national sales tax is a nightmare in waiting. Perry, not Cain, will be well briefed in the upcoming foreign policy debate. The question is whether Perry is smart enough to properly use his briefing materials. It's a three-way race and the other candidates don't count. Palin is waiting in the wings. Perry is more George Bush and more war, especially regarding Mexico. Another stupid President. Cain is the best of all three plus Palin. Best doesn't count for much in Presidential politics. Right now it looks like Romney. Don't think Obama can't win. He's got a hell of a war chest, but Cain is the only guy who can and will tear him apart in the debates.


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Here is Harry "Herman Cain is a Bad Apple" Belafonte in his original remark a few days ago:

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Now here is sleepy Harry showing what a good apple he is when you get him alone (last Friday, on the KBAK-KBFX morning show in Bakersfield, California):

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I want to say something clever, but I just can't top these videos side-by-side.




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Here is Harry "Herman Cain is a Bad Apple" Belafonte in his original remark a few days ago:

Denied Intelligence? Cain graduated as a trained mathematician and did applied mathematics at the Naval Proving Grounds.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Denied Intelligence? Cain graduated as a trained mathematician and did applied mathematics at the Naval Proving Grounds.


Yes, but Belafonte sung a mega-hit about bananas.



I first heard Harry B. in my bro-in-law's home here in Tucson in '57, '58 on an LP. I loved that record.


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  • 2 weeks later...


To the left, Herman Cain is now "a black man who knows his place."

MSNBC Analyst: GOP Sees Herman Cain as a 'Black Man Who Knows His Place'

By Michael Warren

Oct 28, 2011

The Blog

The Weekly Standard

Here's the video:

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From the article above:

On Martin Bashir's television program this afternoon, Democratic strategist and MSNBC analyst Karen Finney said that Republicans are supporting Herman Cain because of his race:

"One of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy," Finney said. "I think he giving that base a free pass. And I think they like him because they think he's a black man who knows his place. I know that's harsh, but that's how it sure seems to me."

"Thank you for spelling that out," Bashir responded.

These folks ought to quit it.

Outside of being disgusting, they are stupid. They are giving Cain more and more votes from independents with each act of racist stupidity they hurl at him.

He couldn't buy results as good as the ones they are giving him for free. All he has to do is keep his cool and stay on the issues.

There's an Arabian saying I like for this: "The dogs bark, but the caravan keeps moving forward."


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  • 2 months later...

Even the faithful are deserting the Messiah...


Belafonte on Obama: He Doesn’t Deserve a Second Term, Lacks ‘Moral Compass’

by Hollywoodland

If Matt Damon is disillusioned with The One, Harry Belafonte is downright dismayed with President Barack Obama’s first term.

The Calypso crooner didn’t hold back during a recent radio chat on “Smiley & West,” co-hosted by Tavis Smiley and Cornel West, even if a rebroadcast of the program snipped out Belafonte’s most punishing comments, according to The Radio Equalizer.


“My question is, what legacy will he leave, having the opportunity to serve under such hugely dramatic circumstances and had such a huge impact on the universal state of things … how could he have had such a splendid opportunity to do more than most presidents would have ever been able to do, and he let that opportunity slip away from him.

I’m very cautious of the fact that those who think he has some second agenda and only if he could be given a second term for us to see the new light, new things will be revealed, new efforts will be made to take us to a place other than where we’ve been and where we languish. I just don’t trust that. I don’t believe that’s a safe way and accurate way to look at this scenario. If there was the kind of moral compass serving Barack Obama the way we hoped, the moral force would have helped him make choices, the absence of that force in his equations, that barometer to guide him when he has to make these decisions that are hugely complicated, he should have come to the table with the things that would have helped us in this moment of crisis.”

Sounds like someone took that whole Messiah shtick a tad too seriously.

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