Two Halves of a Man

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I can't wait to see what they do 21/2 Men after deciding to continue it. I've read about demographics worries, will losing Charlie Sheen mean losing Under-50 viewers? They must have concluded that everybody under 50 loves Ashton Kutcher more than any other actor they were willing to pay for. Maybe they statisticised that the under-50 women viewers like Ashton more than they like Charlie, which doubtless they do, because they probably intensely dislike both of them and had to choose Mr Moore as the least yucky.

Sheen was fun to watch, but the appeal of the show to women is knowledge that Charlie and Alan are of course the same man. He's a crossbreed, a hybrid, a wild shy creature who's been lurking in the backyard for years, utterly strange but somehow familiar. Eventually we'll persuade him into the house, and learn to comunicate with him, and tame him, or teach him to be brave,whichever he seems to need. Or he will teach us.

To watch this show, for a woman, is to reassure yourself that although there are such men as Charlie in real life,(verifiably there is one at least), we are highly unlikely to meet them, however much we might enjoy it (briefly).

We are far more likely to meet Alans, but that will be later in life when we are better able to deal with them and appreciate their good qualities.

Maybe this hybrid sounded like Ashton to the execs. (I don't see how they could create another actual foil for Cryer's character).

Maybe they have rocks in their heads.

Maybe they'll surprise me pleasantly.

Anyway, I'll be watching.

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