Is there anything amusing about autism

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Off hand I would say no, but this Onion portrayal of an autistic television reporter reporting on the funeral of a young woman shot by a stray bullet had me awash. The autistic symptoms were portrayed in this spoof in a letter perfect manner.

Have a look at,18983/

Strange as it seems I thought it was hilarious.

I am convinced that Onion could make Lou Gherig's Disease funny.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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That gave me a chuckle too. Man, I hope my kid doesn't go into that line of work!

you thought it was amusing also. Now I don't feel as guilty.

I can scarcely wait for Daily Onion do on Lou Gherig's Disease.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Edited by BaalChatzaf
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There's no need to feel guilty about having a twisted sense of humor.

I'm usually the first person to start cracking jokes about international tragedies, celebrity deaths and other assorted things. "Too Soon" means, to me, "not soon enough."

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Your link does not work for me.

that link seems to have gone bye bye. Sorry about that.

try this link:,18983/

Here is another one of the Autistic Reporter,20098/

Ba'al Chatzaf

Edited by BaalChatzaf
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There's no need to feel guilty about having a twisted sense of humor.

I'm usually the first person to start cracking jokes about international tragedies, celebrity deaths and other assorted things. "Too Soon" means, to me, "not soon enough."

George Carlin has a great routine about natural disasters and how he roots for the death count to rise...

I can't seem to find it on Youtube.

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