Oh Oh Obiwan - say it ain't so!

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This is a fascinating video and if it represents the beginning of the wacko elements of the left's campaign to confront O'biwan, even though they "love him" as one of the singers murmurs wistfully...


"Spoke Carla Maranucci, SFC, re the mocking opera serenade of POTUS at the San Francisco glamorous St. Regis breakfast, where the wealthy paid $5000 a chair and enjoyed the Fresh Juice Party theatrics. POTUS was stumped and snookered. The song mocks POTUS for the Bradley Manning brouhaha and for the general and non-specific incoherence of the Obama "hope and change" sloganeering. Speculation with Mary Kissel that the George Washington University speech that attacked Paul Ryan was meant to secure POTUS Deep Left -- and that this demonstration may have farther left to go. POTUS is not specially rattled by the event; however it does underline the general drift of the Obama administration into fecklessness and posturing. Late in the day, the DoD announcement that POTUS approves drone strikes in Libya also illustrates the administrations hit-or-miss conduct these last weeks. Air strikes, then no air strikes, now back to drone strikes. A Libya policy as much unknown as the Manning policy, as the Afghan war policy. Also, late in the news cycle, word from Pakistan of a major drone strike in the Northwestern Province town of Mir Ali, with many casualties. This drone strike is certain to bring retaliation by the ISI; and the CIA vs ISI dispute continues with violence. POTUS Obama reigns over general incoherence. Mockery from his own supporters is a measure of the triteness coming in the presidential campaign."

Also, watch the "security?" "secret service?" come in and take start collecting the signs.

Now with O'biwan the War President dispatching PREDATOR DRONES to kill the innocent civilians in Libya for OIL we may be looking at the beginning of the end for the little boy marxist from Hawaii.


Post Script: Oops in the thread title's second window it Out - OUR

Edited by Selene
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