OL - Why Do I Stay?

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There are a number of things I am very critical of at OL, regarding posters, logic, fairness, etc. So why do I stay? Just to vent or be critical?

Three reasons, I think:

1. There is a wide range of people here with a range of erudition. Even some of the most annoying or offensive posters can often have very interesting points to make or have their own special areas where they have a great deal of unusual knowledge.

2. Michael and Kat have kept the forum fundamentally open. They have generally attempted not to censor, expel, or ban even those they strongly disagree with. Objectivists and non-Objectivists, for example, can present their views and questions. (I haven't really checked but suspect that is fairly rare.)

3. Breadth (this is really an extension of point 1): When not undercut by food fights, you can find here discussion of the sciences, math, art, the humanities, technology, etc. [As well as that perennial staple for Oists and libertarians, politics.]

(The various strong criticisms I make from time to time still stand of course.)

Edited by Philip Coates
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There are a number of things I am very critical of at OL, regarding manners, posters, logic, fairness, etc. So why do I stay? Just to vent or be critical?

Three reasons, I think:

You "think," but are not sure?

... Even some of the most annoying or offensive posters can often have very interesting points to make or have their own special areas where they have a great deal of unusual knowledge.

Thank you! I acknowledge your praise of my virtues.

2. Michael and Kat have kept the forum fundamentally open.


3. Breadth ... you can find here discussion of the sciences, math, art, the humanities, technology, etc.

Other Objectivist boards also have many topic areas. So, this is a canard.

I think that you are a lonely guy who needs attention from people you can look up to. But, myself, speaking for myself, I place a lot of weight behind projection.

Why do you stay?

Heck, why on Earth would you leave? I mean, what if you went to a NASCAR website? Who'd care what you have to say? Here, you have visibility, status, and reflection. Last night, Laurel and I watched Breakfast Club.

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What can we do to change your mind?

He asked innocently...

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What can we do to change your mind?

He asked innocently...

C'mon, you know you want Phil to stay, whatever his reasons. It would not be the same without him. When I was lurking before I joined, half the conversations were about this mysterious Phil who was not even here, and obviously his return was longed for.

MEM, there are other Oish sites,but this is the most interesting one. I personally could never bring myself to join a site to be moderated by someone who calls himself Capitalist Swine, however cute he thinks that is.

I also don't think many participate in the forum just out of loneliness. I am not lonely and I'm on here all the time.

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Subject: The Wonder of Me...

> sigh - another thread by Phil talking about Phil...

It's *All About Me*, Michael, you know that....

> half the conversations were about this mysterious Phil who was not even here, and obviously his return was longed for.

Daunce, it's very true. They asked me how soon I could leave...and then they made post after post begging, longing, pining wistfully.

Obsessing about me. Especially WSS and Rich Engle.... :P

Finally, after I received some bribe money...

I could understand if it had been only the women.

I am after all, Dr. Phil, much more attractive than Dr. Peikoff as someone pointed out on another thread....

Edited by Philip Coates
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My dead Irish Setter is more attractive than Peikoff and he has been dead twenty years!

Second, are you saying that you can be purchased? And, if so, can we have a price list?

Is your opinion on philosophy, morality and ethics for sale?

Or is it just a physical thing?


Edited by Selene
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The Vampire Finch (Pseudobjectivista parasitica) is a small bird native to the Galápagos Islands, most famous for its unusual diet. The Vampire Finch occasionally feeds by drinking the blood of other birds, chiefly the Nazca and Blue-footed Boobies, pecking at their skin with their sharp beaks until blood is drawn (Schluter & Grant 1984).


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MEM, there are other Oish sites,but this is the most interesting one. I personally could never bring myself to join a site to be moderated by someone who calls himself Capitalist Swine, however cute he thinks that is.

"Capitalist Swine" is a woman. At least she looks like a woman from her avatar and profile pictures. I was moderated by "Software Nerd" one of the helpers. There, I was signed in as Hermes, though I did identify myself in my profile. Different softwares do these things differently. I do not log in here with the name that I appear as. Same on RoR, the software for which was written by the creators there. Just to say, if you are not familiar with the culture of computing, it may seem odd. This all goes back to the days when we had 8-character log-ins on computers identified as Sleepy, Doc, and Grumpy. Across the boards, I thought at first that Ninth Doctor here was Ted Keer because of his affinity for Dr. Who from RoR. Can't tell the players withouth a program.

BTW, when Betsy Speicher (http://forums.4aynrandfans.com/) moderates you, she does so as Besty Speicher.

Edited by Michael E. Marotta
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Subject: Bribery, Incessant Bribery

> Second, are you saying that you can be purchased? {Adamant Senility}

Adam, I can't be bought but I can be rented. (A man has to have some standards.)

> can we have a price list? {Adamant}

for flattery: one dollar a word

for sucking up: seven dollars a paragraph

for making up virtues you don't possess and publishing them in a national newspaper: one hundred and twelve dollars and a fruit basket including pineapple

> Is your opinion on philosophy, morality and ethics for sale? {Mr. Senility}

depends. what are you offering?

> is it just a physical thing? {A.S.}

i) do ya think I'm sexy do ya want my body? that will be a thousand dollars for fifteen minutes and no tongue

ii) for naked elvis impersonation, rates are negotiable depending on choice of wigs

> "our" Phil is far, far preferable to Dr Hambone or Dr No-Bone...Thanks for the cheque, Phil. {Dauntless Linedancer}

No problem. I pay liberally for compliments...especially on this website.

> Why don't you love me like you used to do? {Podium Boy}

I also pay for mournful yodeling country music accompaniment and insightful questions, so a cheque (damn, there I go with that insidious canuckistani spelling) is also on its way to George.

Edited by Philip Coates
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In psychology, this thread would be an example of what is called operant conditioning; more specifically, positive reinforcement. It occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a stimulus that is appetitive or rewarding, increasing the frequency of that behavior. In the Skinner box experiment, a stimulus such as food or sugar solution can be delivered when the rat engages in a target behavior, such as pressing a lever.


Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. :lol:

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My dead Irish Setter is more attractive than Peikoff and he has been dead twenty years!

Second, are you saying that you can be purchased? And, if so, can we have a price list?

Is your opinion on philosophy, morality and ethics for sale?

Or is it just a physical thing?


Which died 20 years ago :huh: , your Irish Setter or the other guy? :unsure:

I presume that the reference (dying 20 years ago) is to your Irish Setter (my condolences, although rather belatedly), since the other "died" (morally and spiritually speaking) 43 years ago when he decided to condemn one side in a romantic spat without bothering to hear the position of those who he was condemning. :wacko:

And thus sidelining a philosophical movement into over forty years of fruitless discussions unworthy of a soap opera. :angry::angry2::blush::blush:

Edited by Jerry Biggers
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Sharks... Vampire Finches...It's déjà vu all over again!

Do you think you could put some variety in your inchoate protests? You can find some nice self-mutilation vids on YouTube. Those might work. OLers mutilating themselves, sort of. Or how about some Jesus movie clips? Jews calling for the crucifixion of one of their own. Yeah, that would work, if you could figure out who the Romans are supposed to be.

Let your creative sludge and sewage flow fast and free!


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MEM, there are other Oish sites,but this is the most interesting one. I personally could never bring myself to join a site to be moderated by someone who calls himself Capitalist Swine, however cute he thinks that is.

"Capitalist Swine" is a woman. At least she looks like..."

I just had another look at the Swine and he looks like a man to me, and it says male on his profile. There must be two of them with the same cutting-edge sense of humour. Maybe they have to be paired over there, like nuns on an outing or detectives grilling the suspect.

Edited by daunce lynam
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What a great clip! I've never seen that movie: I have to put it on my list. (Yes, I got the bit about the blood-crazed sharks tearing at each other... :blink: )

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What a great clip! I've never seen that movie: I have to put it on my list. (Yes, I got the bit about the blood-crazed sharks tearing at each other... :blink: )

One of my favorite movies, great performances by Hayworth and Welles, available at Netflix.

An immediate must see.

See the review with stills and a clip here.

Edited by Ted Keer
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> Do you think you could put some variety in your inchoate protests? [GHS]

Ted's protests are usually quite clear and well-stated not inchoate at all. He doesn't need to "vary" them for your benefit. {I would like fewer personal condemnations but I don't think you, George, are in any position to complain about that - and I've been doing way too much about personalities myself lately}.

In fact Ted is one of the most articulate, deeply-knowledgeable people here on OL. ( Now, don't sense a rivalry or get penis-envy, George... :lol: )

Edited by Philip Coates
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