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Everything posted by BTDT1980

  1. I will forward this conversation to my attorney. If he says we have a case, I will sue.
  2. Mr. Kelly, Jesly wrote, “Can anyone help me to understand if my husband is a sex addict?” I replied to help her. I did not attack you. I did not criticize your ideas. You interjected yourself with a vehement attack on me and accused me of trying to drum up new business. I responded by pointing out that I have not taken in new clients since November 2014 and that I am not looking for new business. You did not dispute it. Now you are calling me a con man. Are you saying that as a statement of fact? If so be prepared to back it up in court. Disagreeing with the 12-step approach does not make anyone a con man. You insinuated that I am a Scientologist. I am not and never have been. You also wrote: Please submit evidence that I or someone working in conjunction with me created this supposed grand deception. Until you do, you are making an unfounded accusation that you might have to prove in court. There is nothing mysterious about my post to Jesly. I have been a lurker here ever since Frank O’Connor’s niece posted. I responded to Jesly in good faith to help her as much as I could. I had no idea it would lead to this. I have better and more important things to do than continue this conflict. I hope you do also. I propose that we stop it here and call this dispute a series of misunderstandings and leave it at that. It will be a better alternative than a lawsuit or an endless flame war. Please accept my offer. Thank you.
  3. Mr. Kelly Silly me. I posted under a pseudonym to avoid getting into a conflict with you. I offered Jesly a free ebook as an alternative to your advice. I did not criticize your advice. Your unchecked premise that I am trying to drum up business is wrong. Anyone who contacts me for counseling hears an announcement that I am not taking in new clients. That announcement has been there since November, 2014. It is also posted on my website. I assumed that Jesly was a real person who really wanted help. I still do. She wanted to know if her husband was addicted and what the symptoms of sex addiction are. Wives in her situation suffer. I gave her a free source to answer her questions. I wanted to help her as best as I could without actually counseling her.
  4. Look at your log files. Check the IP addresses.
  5. Hi Jesly, For a rational approach to your husband’s addiction or if you are not sure he's addicted, try this book, “The Most Personal Addiction,” You can find the .pdf on the Internet. Good luck.