Jules Troy

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Everything posted by Jules Troy

  1. Amber Turd perhaps could make shock art in future by cramming various Color paints up her ass and using bed sheets as her “canvas”. You know some rich brain dead idiots will buy it….
  2. You don’t have to tell me twice. Seeing as our own little narcissist spent more money that we don’t have in the last year then all the prime ministers since the founding of this country combined…we are definitely fucked. Ya know your fucked when you start looking at third world countries to move to so you can have a better standard of living… said country must have pretty birds for me to take pics of and some sort of internetz though.
  3. I should have specified no money for that in the US. I mean what is the yearly expenditure on the homeless compared to the trillions spent on The war on drugs. Oops..I forgot about the CIA black ops selling drugs to fund Iran-contra and other proxy wars…do they subtract that money from the drug wars?
  4. War on crime! War on drugs! War on poverty! War on cancer! Why isn’t there a War on homelessness? Ooooh yeah…there is no money in that one…
  5. Can I have a PutinTootin tee shirt? “Smirks”.
  6. Lol that’s because I’m not a bully, nor do I seek to intimidate anyone. I may get pissed from time to time but not often.
  7. Canada has never been on the “winning” side of free trade…
  8. Still don’t give a shit. In 2-5 years I’m getting as far away from here as possible. Fuck em all I’m finding my own galts gulch. Trudope won’t be leaching off my hide any longer and I won’t be caring one way or another about the one sided “free trade farse” either who ever you elect.
  9. If you want to kick Russia in the balls pressure the Canadian Government to get rid of all the red tape for building pipelines and set a goal of quadrupling oil production. Get rid of your own bullshit red tape like how Biden killed Keystone XL and actually act like a trade partner instead of the bunch of jackasses you actually have been. Oh extra bonus, by importing a shit ton of Canadian oil you also get to kick the crap out of the Saudis and their ability to covertly fund terrorist orgs. Win win.
  10. I think the most effective way for a dictator to truly know people are unhappy about him is that half second or so before a bullet enters his forehead…
  11. Where is Adam these days? Anyone heard from him?
  12. Yeah well Biden’s first act as El presidente was to cancel Keystone XL. Guess he prefers Russian blood oil to our peaceful beaver oil. Fuck Biden.
  13. Canada had friendlier oil, that is until trudope decided to dress up as a little small penis syndrome dictator.
  14. Drogon Our Rottie Baby Boy Photograph by Steve Cossey FINEARTAMERICA.COM Drogon Our Rottie Baby Boy Photograph by Steve Cossey Now that is better than Covid! Lil sucker grows every time he takes a nap! He has an older brother that is 11 months old and 142 pounds. I foresee much time with a shovel in the near future!
  15. All the Chinese you need to know is: “Dew Neh Loh Mahh.” English translation is “ Go fuck your mother”
  16. Northern Goshawk - A high Perch Photograph by Steve Cossey FINEARTAMERICA.COM Northern Goshawk - A high Perch Photograph by Steve Cossey I was out looking for snowy owls this weekend and found this fellow instead! Super happy!