Wolf DeVoon

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Everything posted by Wolf DeVoon

  1. The way I understand it, women marry for security and go over the hill to find a soldier of fortune to advance the gene pool.
  2. Men are celibate (?) involuntarily (?) because they're lame, or stupid, or fat? Rubbish. I know lots of ugly / stupid / fat men with nice women. "Incel" hooey reminds me of a graphic that explains much...
  3. "involuntary celibate" ?? Who needs such a word?
  4. Heavens! -- a vial of nitro in sawdust. Ahem. I'd like to know what an "incel" is. Zank you. While waiting to find out, this Drudge link caught my eye: the Tea Sips at UT think masculinity is a mental disorder. (snicker) Let's ask Chris and Peachy what they think?
  5. Agreed, defamation is malicious, "facts" spun in such a way as to harm reputation. Shrug. People do it all the time. It would be ill-advised for anyone to assault me tomorrow morning or any other time. I don't fight fair.
  6. This is all wrong. The only proper venue is a court of law, complaint filed with the police, or a lawsuit for money damages. In California, statute of limitations for rape is 10 years. Spewing allegations on the internet is a campaign of defamation, whether "true" or not. You say you've made a conclusion, based on claims you have no way of authenticating. I don't know anything about Catherine or Ridpath, except that this is a matter for due process of law, not tabloid gossip.
  7. Careful, mate. "Justice delayed" refers to slow due process, unnecessary hurdles after a complaint is filed. It pertains specifically to legal proceedings, specifically criminal prosecution for alleged sexual assault, with timely complaint and relevant evidence, sufficient probable cause to charge someone -- not a fucking kangaroo court at ARI, or a campaign of defamation and libel, 30 years later. Jeez.
  8. Do I have this right? ARI to "investigate" something that allegedly happened 30 years ago?
  9. I've taken a lot of stick, ridiculed for being a foppish con artist, so let's look at some text. Finding Flopsie is two stories -- his and hers, presented sequentially and covering the same action adventure soap opera, seen separately by Chris and Peachy. A few words of set-up, please, because Flopsie is the 4th volume of their saga as a married couple. Chris Cable is a far better man than I am. He was a Marine Corps officer, Silver Star and Purple Heart, resigned his commission, changed his name, and relocated to Southern California. He tried working in law enforcement and hated it, hung out his shingle as a private eye, age 32. Let's catch up with him at age 64, when Finding Flopsie opens on the campus of UCLA. The second half (the "better half") of Flopsie is told from his wife's POV. What a woman! -- thick red gold mane with wisps of gray, movie star pretty, Stanford Ph.D. brilliant, a CPA and licensed p.i., and passionately devoted to her husband. Semi-retired at age 62, Mary Blount Cable does tax accounting for Hollywood producers. Here's the first page of The Way Peachy Saw It, second half of Finding Flopsie. I don't give a flying fig whether anyone likes it or not. I'm not quite as stupid as people like to assume. I've read Hemingway, Irving, and Steinbeck, disgusting dreck, as far as I'm concerned. Whether you agree or not is unimportant. I've invested 20 years in developing an authorial voice of my own, and have no regret, no matter what it cost. Open two thousand novels at random, any page. Anything written in the last few years will have dope addicts, antiheroes, and paranormal heebeegeebees in drag, howling at Jupiter's moons. A straight white couple who cleave to each other? -- oh, that's Wolf Buffoon -- no book sales, no agent, and no publisher. Penalized and shunned because he writes hot sex scenes, mocks LGBTQ as inferior and inert. Signature work, never confused with any other novelist past or present, incapable of happy humble marketing because it just doesn't matter any more. Now you can claim that you read two pages of Wolf DeVoon, dismissed it as trash.
  10. " amateur-trash, sappy soap opera, bodice ripper, penny dreadful " Thanks. I'll use that. https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/16439912-this-takes-the-cake-and-squashes-it
  11. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) Eric Blair (George Orwell) François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) David Cornwell (John le Carré ) Jacques Thibault (Anatole France) Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee (Ellery Queen) Amandine Dupin (George Sand) Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) Johann Schmidt (Max Stirner) William Porter (O. Henry) Benjamin Franklin (Richard Saunders) Allen Konigsberg (Woody Allen) Dean Koontz (Aaron Wolfe) Elizabeth Carlisle (Loretta Lynch) Hamilton, Madison, and Jay (Publius) Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Agnes Bojaxhiu (Mother Theresa) Cassius Clay Jr (Muhammad Ali) Robert Parker (Butch Cassidy) Josephine Mentzer (Estée Lauder) Archibald Leach (Cary Grant) Lucille LeSueur (Joan Crawford) Farrokh Bulsara (Freddie Mercury) Jonathan Leibowitz (Jon Stewart) ... bunch of cowards! Oh, wait a minute, I forgot good old salt of the earth Nathan Blumenthal (Nathaniel Branden)
  12. Intensely proud of this, especially Peachy's story. Nothing in my wallet, nothing in my briefcase doesn't matter any more, not after Flopsie.
  13. Up yours, troll hiding behind an anonymous avatar. I'm a public figure. Everything I post is indexed in a blink. Meanwhile, guess who's going to Las Vegas in April and I'm not? Peter Boettke and Donald Boudreaux from George Mason, Per Bylund, Robert Campbell, Cory DeAngelis from Cato, Douglas Den Uyl, Roderick Long (an old nemesis), Alberto Mingardi (a house guest in Costa Rica), Robert Murphy (a total doofus), Doug Rasmussen, and 200 other academic presenters, panelists, and moderators. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 | 8:00 - 9:15 am Session Chair: Alexander William Salter, Texas Tech University Papers: When Will a Constitution Bring Leviathan to Heel? Wolf DeVoon, Author A Theory of Self-Governance: Liberalism, Democracy, and Liberal Democracy Alexander William Salter, Texas Tech University Starving Leviathan: A New Fiscal Constitution Robert Eric Wright, Augustana University Leviathan’s Non-Constitutional Money Richard Michael Salsman, Duke University
  14. I was going to ignore it, but I decided to say something instead. I was talented 30 years ago. Past tense. Ever since then, it's been downhill, not a single new idea. Good joke on Google, proclaiming that I'm a novelist. Hahahaha. All I did was take a bunch of words and mash 'em up at random, paid people to plant phony reviews. I'm not actually poor. I have a swell chalet in Bern, vacation in San Tropez. Or I never left the Rust Belt, don't know anything about Hollywood or New York or Europe or Australia or carrying a gun or what O.G.A. means. See how simple that was? Didn't even ask for a pork chop in return. Guess what's trending on YouTube today? -- a black guy named Drake, another black guy named Kevin Hart doing something with an NBA All Star event, a three-minute video on how paintballs are made, and a Disney teaser for Incredibles 2, a cartoon. My fake novels sell no books. Capiche? No threat to anybody anywhere. Another couple years I'll have a stroke and that'll be the end of it, disappear without anyone bothering to notice that I left a stolen footprint in the sand. Here's something else to sneer at ~ http://screenwritingdoc.blogspot.com/
  15. Interesting definitions of obscurity, aside from the pejorative of being unimportant ob·scu·ri·ty əbˈskyo͝orədē/ noun the quality of being difficult to understand. "poems of impenetrable obscurity" synonyms: incomprehensibility, impenetrability, unintelligibility, opacity a thing that is unclear or difficult to understand. plural noun: obscurities "the obscurities in his poems and plays" synonyms: enigma, puzzle, mystery, ambiguity "there may be obscurities but no answerless riddles"
  16. Reply all you like, I have you on Ignore for cause.
  17. Huh? Ought from is, a slam dunk. Man is a being of specific identity, physically and mentally. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.
  18. This is why I have no cash, no credit, no car. I'm satisfied with the bargain, two years of my life well spent.
  19. Fine, let's talk about biology. Evolution favored a class of primates with normative abstractions, which eventually made physical science possible. You can't win this one. Physical laws of nature have to be known and obeyed to yield useful application (useful to who?) Physical survival of an individual or an entire clan depends on good behavior (reason, law, justice).