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Blog Comments posted by Marc

  1. 53 minutes ago, tmj said:

    How old are George Floyd's kids 

    1 hour ago, Peter said:

    Who could boost the democratic party by running in 2024? Joe Mansion. Is that how you spell his name? Maybe its Munchkin. 



    At least they proved already that they could win one State which is one more that the party could win in 2024 because the party will not exist by then.

    The party probably will cease to exist by January 2023.

  2. 7 hours ago, Peter said:

    Naw. He's quaking from the quake in California who is the governator there, Gavin Noisome or some such name. He can give a good speech. I think I will look to see if some think he is going to run in 2024.  

    Just curious about anyone who thinks Newsome or whomever will run in 2024.

    It begs the question for which party will they run because there will not even be a Democratic party in 2024 and whatever party(ies) replace it, probably will not want Newsome.

  3. 19 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

    So, what you're saying, then, is that Barbara B was Deep State, too?
    How deep does this go? Was Ayn Rand part of the Illuminati, after all? Alan Greenspan's involvement with the Federal Reserve makes more sense, now...
    (There are no coincidences...)



    Isto é fora dos curriculums escolares, mas ..... por que barrar o inquérito da verdade? Ayn Rand - Philip Rothschild's Mistress? « on: April 29...




    Lolllllllllll right?!?!??!?

  4. 44 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

    Ah, geez, Louise...

    Now anons are claiming Betty White's death was not a "coincidence";  executed  "17" days until her 100 Birthday, a "deep state" handler for Hollywood, was the sister of Barbara Bush, and the  adrenochrome-guzzling daughter of Alistair Crowley...

    Rubbish, I say! Absolute Rubbish!!!
    (Then again, she did live to 99...and had joked that she has "been around the block, I've seen a lot of things, I've done 1 or 2, I know a few things...not much, but some..." 😉 )

    Lighthouse Keepers on Facebook with "corroborative" Q posts...


    Patriots supporting each other and POTUS and his administration. We research and confirm here, we pray here, we dig here and we love one...


    Barbara B always told me that her and Betty W were good friends.


  5. 12 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

    Then at not.


    if you're fighting the criticism follows; if you're not it proceeds

    I enlisted in the army in September 1964 and was recruited into Special Forces in Basic Training n in jump School March  1965 the training NCO told us conventional forces were going in n the Marines landed in April

    I thought, 40,00 Americans died in Korea but they stopped it by drawing a line across the peninsula, how could d they do that in Vietnam

    does this mean 40,000 will die in Vietnam? but how will they stop it? look at those long borders

    naw, they can't be that stupid; they must've learned something

    I was 20 yo n two weeks I left Ft Benning on a bus to Ft m Bragg n passed the wooden barracks of the soldiers made famous by the Mel Gibson movie  with some Air Cav soldiers lounging about wondering how many were going to die

    looking at dead men, I knew I was looking at dead men hoping I was wrong

    we arrived in SC on Sunday, my 21st birthday n no place to buy a celebratory drink, boy was I pissed

    at Ft Bragg I jumped into my short sheeted bunk

    before that the well made bunk had a cherry on top

    thus I was welcomed into the United States Army Special Forces

    I wasn't dumb; I volunteered for medical training and many months of hedonistic temporary duty at Ft Sam Houston Texas after of which I went to two months of hospital training at Ft Gordon GA

    and former President Eisenhower had a heart attack playing golf at Augusta

    (he kept hitting his balls into one tree n asked it be cut down n was refused but it became the Eisenhower Tree which out lived him}

    so I volunteered to help take care of him n I was taken to a blocked off corridor in this old WWIi wooden army hospital n left alone --five years before the most powerful man in the world--with him while he was sleeping all beneath a primitive beating heart monitor

    the next night they moved him into  a large suite n several days later the brass sent down the prettiest army captain nurse to share the evening shift with me

    I kept out of his sight but one PM I saw an elephant with flowers sent to him by my hero Barry Goldwater so I walked up to it n put my Green Beret on its head, looked at Ike looking at me me looking back at the elephant then back at Ike then giving him a huge Eisenhower grin then walking out of view

    about a year n a half later he had a Readers Digest article saying I have seen the youth of America n I'm not worried about the future of our country!

    he died on my 25th birthday n I knew smoking had taken ten years off his life n that's the day I stopped smoking

    I smoked in the army because I figured I had a good chance of being killed in Vietnam so WTF?


    What an incredible story!!!!!

    Very appreciated to read this.

    Thank you 

  6. 59 minutes ago, anthony said:

    Can the Maple Leafs play rugby? Cricket?

    They have not won anything in hockey, rugby or cricket since 1967 lol, and even then they won plenty of times pre 1967 when there were 6 teams and got all the best players from Ontario!!!!!!!!!

    Think the Leafs and the Dems have the two worst organizations around but I do think the Leafs are on the uptrend!!!

  7. On 6/1/2021 at 12:55 AM, william.scherk said:

    Luckily for you, water-pistol wounds heal quickly in warm weather. 

    My own unsourced clanger is "let me say this about that." I seem to remember this as a tic of Richard Nixon's political speech. I assume I can just call up the presidential library reference desk and check my recollection.

    Yes, well, tragically for a swath of fans, Montreal Canadien advance to the next NHL playoff round, knocking the Toronto Maple Leafs out. Montreal seemed destined to crap out after losing the first three games. Nice comeback, Habs!.

    Congrats to all the Hab fans but I mean was it ever in any doubt?

    When was the last time that the Leafs did anything? 

    I was 5, and currently am 59.

    Has a team ever even lost 4 game sevens in a row ???????

    I've been a Flyers fan since I was very young and thank god I can actually remember our two Stanley Cup victories very fondly, but have felt the pain of all Leaf fans considering it's been a very dry run since 75.


  8. 22 hours ago, william.scherk said:


    Everything or anything is good, and I can take the 'anything' as "Wrong to call for the arrests of Pence" or "Wrong prediction that Pence will be arrested" or/and "Wrong to assume that if arrested, Pence will face a firing squad."

    Basically, I believe that Pence is not at risk of being arrested for treason. I am not really sure what L Lin Wood believes in his heart, but his words express (for me) a recklessness and a lack of rational judgement.

    I believe it wrong to agitate for the arrests of Vice President Mike Pence, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    That partially answers your question. I'd like to ask you one back, if you are willing to give it a go.

    I don't gamble, generally, but these are special times. I could do a special Twitter video short: "Why and How I Was Wrong about January 6th" or ~500 word Friends and Foes post -- if I lose the contest. Or you can tell me what I need do once I lose the wager.  Or suggest what we each do on winning/losing.

    So, what shall be the wager? Shall we base it on a fantasy-league Who Wins January 6 o something similar?




    [Edited Jan 2 -- to replace the removed, over-large image.]


    Fair enough! 

    So you believe it's wrong to "agitate" folks in certain political positions when you know and have the evidence of very wrong doing?


    As in they are above the law?


    No, you have not seen the evidence yet of what Lin speaks of but assuming that he has what he suggests that he has, once you see that, once that is presented as evidence is presented legally, can they agitate those folks at that time? 

    Or still not?

    The wager is simple.

    When President Trump is inaugurated on January 20 at noon, you post a message here ( and it must be sincere ) stating in your own words, 500 or less, but must be genuine, about how incredible it is that MSK has been correct  for around six years in predicting basically everything correctly about Trump.

    And you cannot hedge, it has to be sincere.

    Just saying, but no disrespect intended.

    You have to admit that you were wrong too and give Mike big props, publically here.

    If I'm wrong and its Biden or Harris, you tell me what you want me to write on this board about whatever.


  9. 37 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:



    Well, based on the following guy, Ontario politicians would certainly fit right in with the American swamp.

    Ontario Finance Minister Resigns After Tropical Vacation
    The finance minister for Canada’s most populous province has resigned after going on a Caribbean vacation during the pandemic and seemingly trying to hide the fact by sending social media posts showing him in a sweater before a fireplace.
    BY ROB GILLIES, Associated Press

    What's to say? Busted is busted.



    ... versus reality:


    St. Barts. Photo from Tourisme St. Barthelemy.


    Ah... to be one of the Anointed...



    Lolllll shows you the extent of the freaking bullshit when it's so freaking premeditated!!!!!!

    • Upvote 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

    Wrong about what, Marc? Do you mean something like 'please explain why L Lin Wood is wrong to call for the arrests of Pence'?

    Yes, conceivably, sure, why not. It would be a protracted process -- and considering the Clarity Act, any referendum in Ontario on leaving Confederation would need to garner a substantial majority.  So, getting to that first necessary place seems quite unlikely in my lifetime.  



    Wrong about anything or everything.

    Sounds to me like he is very confident, et tu?

    I'm curious if you will wager with me here, a gentleman's bet, or a loonie, just to make it interesting?

    My premise is that most of his tweets are very accurate.

    Do you agree or disagree? 

    About Ontario, thanks for that answer!

    Totally agreed! 



  11. 35 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

    Fellow Canadian, please explain to me why Lin Wood is wrong?

    Also, can Ontario join the Union? 

    Hell, even just Toronto, would suit me fine!