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Status Replies posted by Marc

  1. The leading candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada leadership is Pierre Poilievre --- born in Alberta with his surname from dad's origins in the small Saskatchewan 'French Canadian' community, better known now as the 'Fransaskois' community. Despite his prairie French roots, French is his second language and acquired mostly in his adult years.

    His command of the language under question and in Parliament is almost perfect, more smoothly functional than Jagmeet Singh, and much more fluid and less stilted than previous leaders Erin O'Toole and Andrew Scheer. Basic fluency in French is an unstated rule for federal party leaders, and being at home in French can offer added bonus points and lures for Quebec voters. Being more than functional in the language of the majority in lhe province never upends a race, but helps in the hustle, the selling phase. Quebec voters can be as fickle as any other provincial bloc.

    Compared to O'Toole and Scheer, Poilievre sounds and looks fresh and on point in encounters, fresher still compared to the ancient Jean Charest (former federal Progressive Conservative leader, former Liberal premier of Quebec), rumoured to jump in the race. 

    Here we get good questions, strong answers -- in the sense of short phrases, no wriggling, in this interview replay on Facebook Video. 


    Course à la direction du Parti conservateur du Canada : « Il y a beaucoup de Québécois qui me [disent] que je serais un bon candidat. C’est quelque...


    Here is Jagmeet. I think Poilievre could kill in this format, whereas Jag merely hit all the points in his general script:

    If it seems a little bit weird to see a Sikh man representing a Vancouver-area suburb doing politics in French in North America, but that is the deal. You have to be good enough to perform under pressure in the language of one-fourth of the population. At least to be seriously in the game.

    I had assumed a francophone background for Poilievre. Rong! Like Singh, he worked at it. He positioned himself and worked it.

    If I were Trudeau I would half-dread half-relish the prospect of a fight for power with Pierre Poilievre.  Ultimately, I think Poilievre will get a stint at Sussex Drive. If the Conservatives are not too stupid and tear themselves in two one more time. 

    1. Marc


      It sure seems like he going to run the table to get the nomination, no ? 

      Obviously others will challenge but I sure get the feeling that he is our next PM.

      Great post, thank you!