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Everything posted by turkeyfoot

  1. Have you ever played baseball in the winter? Or golf? Summer games, ie; track and field, swimming, beach volleyball. Winter games, ie; skiing, cross country, luge. Winter games require snow. The coldest average temperature in Rio is 70 in July Why are elderly who leave the norths winters, for Florida, called snow birds?.) Why does a rolling stone gather no moss? Papa Was a Rolling Stone, why isnt Mick Jagger?
  2. Clinton is a proven liar. Voters who cling to ideals of socialism, even if personal ethical behavior is important to themselves, will give her the benefit of the doubt since she alone is championing their more important social values. I remember how depressed I was in August 2012 after the SC ruled on ACA. A repeal has an inth of one percents chance. Im not sure what Trumps personal motivation is on that other than to say he will lead an effort. Hes says taxes will be lowered by half. He says a lot of things. He spouts nonsense. Hes misinformed. He grates. Ok, hes not a Capitalist. Dont look there for Capitalism. Not good, bad bad, really bad. Now that its been defined Mr Armstrong might tell us Capitalism has been the unknown, lightly practiced ideal since circa 1966. Im very glad to have been told that Capitalism isnt a choice this cycle. So Fugget about it. Nope. The choice is between a contemptible liar and Mr give him a chance Trump and Mr never had a chance Johnson. Leave Capitalism for people who cant have what they want.
  3. I thought saying Trump is a dick on tv funny. My sense of humor finds truth funnier than fiction. My funny bone didnt stay tickled for long. Its an old story but one deserving a trip on memory lane. I also thought it funny not haha but funnily bizarre that Trump would think to criticize Mrs Cruz unattractiveness when he is proud of a tasteful photo. Laughing too about Trump not knowing or for that matter any of his campaign managers (as if he listens) that its illegal for the Cruz campaign to coordinate with a super PAC and would violate federal regulations. Notice he didnt pursue the one thing that would have hurt Cruz more than anything else. As we wend our way back through time revisiting the timing of events, Cruz unwilling to endorse Trump we see that, one, Cruz wasnt responsible for the photo, and two,Trump invited the person whos wife he scorned, to a party to not endorse him. In my best Gomer Pyle voice, SUPRISE SUPRISE. Then we turn to the subject of the photo. Departing from the humorous aspect for a second. “To think that she’d be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy,” Manafort said. This is just plain funny, since the truth is something entirely different and escapes the main man in the Trump campaign. She cribbed Michelles speech, her husbands malefactor. In a show of forgiveness, in view of the royal screw up, probably because the words were priceless, it was decided the speech writer would be kept on, by no less than someone who rates excellence above all else. There is something funny watching a demolition derby (where its serious business except for the crowds vicarious thrill) in the detachment one takes when its not happening to themselves. Like seeing Barney Fife shoot himself in the foot. Yes, the Trumps are serious.. Its just that Im not, about Trumps. And Im laughing while saying this. But thats my sense of the humor. Im so glad there is comedic value in the presidential process because Ive gotten a bit down over events in these past days.
  4. Beauty no brains. "The relevant passage in McIver’s mea culpa is as follows: “In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people. A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos that I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama.”
  5. Liz Mair on whether Cruz had anything to do with the photo. I — absolutely not. Of course he didn’t. I mean next thing Donald Trump is going to be out there claiming that it was like the Illuminati or something and that will be just as equally plausible as what he’s claiming here. No, it’s totally bogus. People can blame me if they don’t like the ad. The fact is, the ad worked. The ad did exactly what we intended it to do and it’s done far more than that. The reality is that part of the reason that Donald Trump is tanking right now is because he’s bothered spending a week and a half getting pissed off and acting like a toddler having a major meltdown over this ad. Easily unhinged but fit to govern? Would he be DICKtatorial? The New York Post, who supports Donald, published this Sunday. Who could be against her? (Note from MSK, image deleted. See the original here.)
  6. "So I wonder if anyone here has any success stories about spreading Objectivism that they could share. Or is it hopeless to even try?" If a photo had been snapped of me at 17, we would've seen me: Naked, drugged and in a room isolated on a 340 acre former farm, laid out under kegel lights on a cart, wrapped in cold wet sheets packed tightly around every inch. I woke to a calm, deep voice, saying, "Mr A. My name is Dr. -. You're safe. It was the most dangerous place I had ever been. By my reckoning, 1 1/2 yrs later was a win, today is a success story. I kid you not.
  7. https://www.thenation.com/article/against-neo-mccarthyism/ This is one of those moments that will determine how I will probably vote. And then there goes Trump again sounding like an idiot - again. "If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!" I feel as if its secondary to him whether he wins or not. No thought as to how to bring voters to himself.
  8. 2016 Republican Party Platform. There are enough pledges in it to make Cruz blush and Trump cringe. https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf The few areas of agreement are the wall (immigration), repeal of ACA, the 2nd amendment, Chinese currency "manipulation". The Democratic Party Platform reads like the Communist Manifesto. Trumps first 100 days. http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36602672 Reuters reports Trump is considering Okie fracker Herbert Hamm as Energy Secretary whose been as advisor to Trumps campaign.
  9. I'll chew on it Michael, to the extent it bothers me. But for now, if he becomes president he wont be a dictator nor achieve every proposal hes made. Im not sold on the perception hes got among voters that hes a master negotiator. Especially upon hearing from bankers who negotiated terms on his behalf. I may be slow to realize marvelous contrarian opinions expressing differences on that. As CEO of an enterprise and the money and power necessary to revoke building alterations he possesses just what it takes in that realm but even that assumes the condition of the underlying economy. He may get the power the pen provides but 2/3 of highly technical means to the ends of ACA and tax reform (something every candidate was for) put a damper on the success he envisions. He'll push walls and boundaries. Those are good attributes in a CINC that are in abundance where he will go to live. Im sure it is not enough.
  10. You over rate my participation. I am for something other than the perceived hard choices. Any win or loss will have a subtle affect on life here although Ive got no problem imagining a government dr holding sway over treatment in health choices. Agita stems from these kinds of conversations. There is no all or nothing in this realm. There is standing up for and taking action in pursuit of ones personally meaninngful objective and emotional needs and wants. Im virtually convinced casting a vote is a minimal action one can take to achieve that outcome. Ive made more moral personally impactful decisions in the last 2 yrs than ever in 62 yrs. Outside of these exchanges I actually live ok with those Ive taken. Its the relative freedom Im ok with and how its affected me day to day. This is funnier to me than you, because Ive freed myself of lingering life long unhealthy behavior, ridding myself of some unsavory relatives. Thats given me more personal satisfaction than I could hope to get from concerns for who will be president! ) The yin to that yang is I'll make many more choices attaining personal peace of sorts, I hope, in striving towards that.
  11. The only way Trump will persuade me to vote for him is by presenting sound, made for government fiscal ideas. The kind that can also pass muster amongst the built in lethargic Congress. I can ignore the noise if what he says makes sense in the context of effective limited government. At best hes high risk. He doesnt play well with others. Other than irrelevant noise, the theatrics, one liners or the game being rigged. They have an expiration date. I agree with him, the game is rigged. Where is his nuts and bolts proposal for repeal of ACA? Its a highly technical thing, of that Im sure. Other than arm wringing how does he expect to get a wall built? What military might is he set on delivering the decided blow to ISIL? What resistance might be expected in getting his tax proposal enacted and how likely is it that his proposal survives? Or a balanced budget. My vote is contingent on him convincing me that he has a handle on these things. At the moment they are out of his grasp as he struggles to contemplate Cruzs' future. Cruz made a poor decision that he alone is accountable for. Whether he is done or not is to miss the point other than there goes another politician who lied. While Cruz has redeemable qualities they dont matter. Whats missing in the eleventh hour is Trumps attention to the detail of governance. I look to the candidate to tell me, to show me he has a coherent grasp of the field hes embarking on. Tell me how you play a rigged game and win. Brick by brick by brick. Listening to pundits explain his meanderings doesnt help me. Twitter feeds are the worst. Speaking contemporaneously doesn't help. He needs to show me he gets what hes undertaken, the rebuilding of a breath taking gorgeous vista of Americas past. He talks of a hundred days. Pssshhhhh. For someone who struts his builders credentials where is the security to allay fears stakeholders have when calling for a re- laying of a foundation? He cant bulldoze. He has to build on top of a shit pile. Its at once the simplest thing and the hardest to chose between a criminal and a builder of buildings for president. A third party or write in at the moment is the better choice for me.
  12. No. Id say its vindictiveness but what do I know. The guy cannot pass up a chance to stick it to those who he feels has disrespected him. First he knows Cruz wasnt going to endorse him. Then he says its ok, then he doesnt want it, then acts po'd. Its evident to me through all of his past dealings. And it smells similar to self sabotage although in Trumps mind it may be hes sending a pre emptive subliminal message to those with whom he will be negotiating with. It just strikes me as being totally inefficient with ones resources. Its as if hes playing when the stakes are high and the gamble to big, like an adrenaline rush. It makes me concerned for every serious comment he makes on policy or substantive issues that he cavalierly deals with them and then runs to his twitter feed to jazz shit up. I dont follow the media claims well so I dont know if credible evidence exists for Trumpists to claim the upper hand in this dispute over their wifes and who was first. For me its always been a matter of taking ones word with their character and adding it up. For someone who takes time taking petty shots at rivals youve got to wonder about a lack of diplomacy getting the better of them/us as our steward. He is for me the definition of what non Americans call American arrogance. Its similar to Putin bearing his chest. I think its mostly ridiculous, vain and petty but harmless until you figure this idiotic behavior could actually be on the world stage as the president. He wouldnt be the first. Id worry more if he werent to be surrounded by very smart people, (another of his comments) including a psychiatrist. Ive considered hes acting virile due to an increase in medication thats helped him keep up with the campaign demands. He seems like many young people who twitter away their time saying silly things that get them in trouble without thinking through the consequences. Yea. I get it Steve. You and I have similar instincts.
  13. Cruzs Senate career will last until 2018 and what he hasnt accomplished (pledge) doesnt affect his standing, in my opinion, if it matters. If it were true, in his mind and explainable that the Republican Party currently isnt the same group as the one in the previous September context that he pledged to when he pledged then the pledge is rendered meaningless, in my opinion. I wonder what he would say. He was on the outs then but garnered enough votes to place higher than all but one. The party is in shambles, lacks backbone and integrity. Its funny how meaningless the Republican Party truly is in terms of opposition to the ideals of its nemesis.
  14. My fellow americans. Its a circus atmosphere and they're all full of baloney. The surprise was Trumps invitation to Cruz. It conveys a complete lack of understanding. Invite a person whose wife and father youve slammed, show yourself to be petty and contemptible but expect an ass kissing from the competition. Cruz was played in a way that was not complimentary of either man. Im so tired of this ritualistic conformity of the conventions. Cruz can follow through with his pledge at a time of his choosing. The Republican debates were a disappointment, the Leave land shew is another. The only exception has been Marcus Luttrells gut wrenching speech. To paraphrase, "I know he (Trump) understands what its going to take..................(read, I hope he understands).................................................. to fix this." In his unprepared comments he said not only do we expect them to step up and support us, we back them up for every position and office that they hold. This from a man with a proven track record. As DT texted. "Dont lose out. Get Trump/Pence gear before it sells out." Isnt it Great?
  15. “I do not believe anybody including Trump can tell you what a Trump presidency would be like,” Gingrich said. “How we make the transition from, you know, language for fourth graders to real policy, I don’t know.” If Trump picks Cruz, that would be the shrewdest thing hes done.
  16. Proper. http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/proper Belonging to or pertaining to the person or thing in question. Ive used the word often. When I do I hear pins drop and crickets chirp from those who are unfamiliar with how the word has been used in that context. On the receiving end I think the feeling is similar to being a dinner guest amongst future in laws where every move is studied to see where one fits in. To this day my wife feels the proper way to end a meal isnt done with a ceremonious napkin drop. Thats rude. Or stacking dirty plates. That is not proper. As a boy I was instructed to eat in a way that pleased my father. Which was that there was a proper way to do everything while he was watching. Breaking a slice of bread in half before buttering it. Taking a pad of butter with a special butter knife then spreading it with your own. Chewing everything as if youre considering the palette of every morsel. There was one time my siblings were made to split a stick of butter in thirds and eat it plain. They questioned the taste of butter as compared to margarine and whether it was proper to eat it when my father clearly provided only one choice. Hows that for a lesson in authoritarianism? ) I suppose that is why Ayn Rand appealed to me. Without knowing why I wanted to ask, "Proper?, I was intrigued by the thought there is a way in which in to run a government." I was but a boy who was smitten by someone who absolutely knew without a doubt something was true. I was looking for truth. And for me that was everything is done in a particular manner, I just need to discover it among the many choices available. When is right. Where on the spectrump of rights is the candidate? The question is a good one, the answer is plain to see. At the moment he calls a thing what it is. He is sure that alone will define what he is for and what hes not for. You and I know what he has in mind is something quite different from what we have in mind. Why? Because he hasnt spoke it. He sees Muslims and he says wall. He sees terror and he says war. He says big hands and we say WHAT!? In order to understand this candidate we must get on the see and say level of abstraction bandwagon. Point at BAD, point at GOOD, point at UGE. And that is the problem of when. People wouldnt know, first hand, what Capitalism is if it bit them in the butt.
  17. Flynn. He has no political experience. A life long democrat, he also is for abortion, will put him at odds with the Republicans. Gingrich is 73. Together they'll be the ole geezers. Newt would be better as chief of staff. As a policy wonk he will overshadow Trump, so hes better in an true advisory capacity. Pence seems to be the best choice for delivering votes, garnering Republican support across the board and has experience as a governor. Trump has said he will make his pick based on gut. Jesus Christ, when will this guy ever get to the business of what he intends to do for the economy and the debt. Hes been scored by CRFB at a -9.25T against HC. Here in Va, there are ads run against him every evening as he stays silent. Trump is ignoring the generally well considered approach of making contact with each potential voter 6-7 times to cement a connection.
  18. Sorry Michael, I hadnt read the first line of your link stating Trump had been accused of bigotry so was just looking at the what the media regard as being the comeback for such reasoning. Im not finding any meat to those bones, from the accusations or to a line of defense for Trumps 1990's actions. Lots of irrelevant noise in this election process, isnt there? This is from Nov '15, I guess before the hoopla. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-trumps-palm-beach-castle-and-his-30-year-fight-to-win-over-the-locals/2015/11/14/26c49a58-88b7-11e5-be8b-1ae2e4f50f76_story.html Is he also against the handicapped? I dont know or care. But he does open himself up with his one of a kind behavior. Its funny, I can recall doing the same thing during a boring family photo shoot. Trump though does go the extra mile to excite the crowd, he mentioned "the reporter" I guess not Charles Krauthammer. I dont think theres anything more than stupidity there. Is he artificially creating these problems for himself and then wasting time shutting them down? I dont know. But there is plenty for his opponenets to pick on. Hes a friggen treasure trove of missteps.
  19. I read the Jewish population of the surrounding area is 40%. Why would a businessman allow or sit back and watch the town exclude those people who could afford the $100k membership and $14k py dues in his private club? If Jews were being excluded from other clubs in the area what better way to bring in business? I dont think this offers a more balanced view of Trump as being "modern" enough to "fight" for Jews or blacks in the late '90's. He was simply out to bring business to his private club. And a law suit the town would have rightly understood they would lose. What bothers me is this attempt at burnishing his creds into something theyre not. It would be similar to saying he is in business to make money. DUh. Trump doesnt win any awards for being fair minded and rational towards these groups. He also fought a town ordinance over a flag pole. Theres the proof. What a true American! ;)
  20. The FBI had twisted Apples arm during the San Bernardino murders. It made a case for Apple to make the Iphone population insecure by providing a backdoor for the FBI (with warrant) to break encryption under the Writs Act. The authors contention is by doing the FBI can do nothing to prevent international hackers from compromising the Iphones software Subsequently they figured it out on their own. "There’s nothing relevant on the iPhone 5c, CNN reports, according to U.S. law enforcement officials familiar with the matter." https://audioboom.com/boos/4787058-iphone-vs-fbi-susan-landau-science-worcester-polytechnic-institute "(1). Law enforcement contends that there should be no “warrant-proof” spaces: When there is a valid court order, agents should be able to access communications devices and systems. Technologists (2) and many former government security officials (3–5) see this differently: Weakening smartphones' security provided by encrypted communications is counterproductive to long-term security. The ability to secure data on smartphones is crucial not just for the private information present on phones but also because of the ability of smartphones to securely authenticate users to online accounts. Rather than rely on out-of-date approaches to law enforcement, the FBI must develop 21st-century investigative capability.” I think it undermines its mission when it cant tell the difference between a common criminal (HC) and the American Iphone public (whose security interests are ignored by its cybersecurity models). Political influence is inherent in these investigations. FBI, in these 2 cases has overshot, by a mile in misunderstanding intention and gross negligence. And its almost tragic in its repercussions, perceived and real. Justice in this sense isnt an objective measure rendering amorality alive and well. The lesser point is the comments Comey made about HC wont be remembered. Its the absence of an indictment. And that allows her to cavalierly stride the stage with an imperial manner and claim the moral high ground against someone of questionable civility.
  21. How does the lay person comprehend Comeys findings with what happened in similar cases? Regarding intent and "how similar things have been handled in the past". https://www.fbi.gov/sacramento/press-releases/2015/folsom-naval-reservist-is-sentenced-after-pleading-guilty-to-unauthorized-removal-and-retention-of-classified-materials http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-05/peak-fbi-corruption-meet-bryan-nishimura-found-guilty-removal-and-retention-classifi "the FBI director was clearly ignoring the US code itself, where in Section 793, subsection (f),"Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", it makes it quite clear that intent is not a key consideration in a case like this when deciding to press charges, to wit:
  22. Youre right. In a way Trump has to start all over again (since the primaries and apart from his businesses) proving himself in another field of expertise. Whatever attributes he might bring with him may or may not hold him in good stead. I recall my father in law, talking about candidates arriving in their plebe year, all well qualified in their own right, many having prepared for years for the undertaking, being told, look to your right and look to your left because only one of you will remain when its over. I have been involved in work where there was a premium on technical competence. But in the end because the job called for rotating crews in 24/7 work, I found after 1 1/2 yrs I wasnt cut out for it. In martial arts, the reasons I wasnt black belt material had little to do with competence in self defense, but that I had no interest in teaching which was the expected payback for a higher belt. Some part of Trump is telling himself, over and above simple qualifications, hes got what it takes and wants the position. He has yet to convince me. In the time left before the elections he will answer those questions for himself.
  23. No, of course that would be absurd. Texts Ive received from DT since 6-23 mention only HC except for those strictly asking for donations. A large part of his time is spent being loose with "facts". The fact is, unfortunately she isnt a criminal, not by the definition the FBI is using. Show me hes ready for prime time. The way to go after HC is to go after her beliefs, her record and the system that brings her to the doors of the WH. Hes labeled her behavior ad nauseum, its time to move on to salient points of fundamental difference. The choice this year is one of evil or a crude ridiculously vulgar loud mouth braggart who spouts tenuous "facts" and Gary Johnson. I had hoped Trump would rise to the occasion, he seems to be in cruise control, but I am disappointed in his one dimensional character, his policies and his progress. Hes showing signs of fatigue and at near 70, theres no surprise in that. Its doubtful whether he could change his method of operation, though Im listening.
  24. Trump misses the point with me when he goes after these kinds of things. It is a uge disappointment. He doesnt convince me he has something better using her example. His is an emotional appeal having limited use. Theres is so much more that he could do. Instead he appeals to the masses in the same way that all politicians do using similar slogans and negative banter. There are enough facts to make a solid case for fence sitters. Unfortunately he doesnt have the philosophical framework necessary to understand how to impart the information to voters in a meaningful way. That he pinned his hopes on this shows me the very limited manner in which he comes at solving problems. The problem isnt HC its governments role in our lives. His kill shot is off the mark, shes already dead to me. Where is the builder from whom an unparralled eruption of beauty can emerge? To borrow a phrase, Make America America again. No one really believes America is going to be great, theyve heard it a thousand times. So why not pose the question, what was America when it wasnt as corrupt and define it in terms that show others exactly what you have in mind.
  25. I enjoyed it. He has a raft of free articles. Wheeler Expeditions sound phenomenal.