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Everything posted by Kimmler

  1. Is this satire on Rand's style or writing? Is it meant as a joke? This is very talky, I can't imagine this one making Broadway. He really says all this before jumping off the bridge? Most altruists I've met seem happy and sane. Some do commit suicide...I guess your play is a look at the life of one of them. Just strange that it has to end this way...hmmmm. Like a Christian morality play where the atheists suffer and the righteous prosper.
  2. Bah! Surely it was giving the Midas Mulligan’s carte blanche that lead to this crisis in the first place.
  3. Erm...not quite sure what he hopes to achieve. Other than the collapse of international finance. Eric Cantona's suggestion that we withdraw our money from the banks en masse thereby precipating a banking collapse is another example of a not very thought out proposal because it doesnt really have much to say about what is to happen in the aftermath of such a collapse. Sounds ruddy silly if you ask with me. Time to show Catona the red card.
  4. HRH Prince Andrew has been caught in the latest round of wikileaks...but in fairness he does have a point. He says that the Americans are hopeless at Geography, but then Sarah Palin did confuse North Korea with South Korea. Plus, France is hopelessly corrupt. Indeed! I don't have much respect for him, not that he would care but his statements did make me chuckle. Is it just coincidence though that these two countries, America and France, don't have any respect for royalty?
  5. My instant solution for immigration problems Many of the so-called “illegal aliens” live in the Southwest U.S., a huge area taken by force from Mexico in the 1846 war. If we went back to the pre-war border these people would be instantly back in their Mexican homeland, and a big part of the immigration controversy solved. Of course, this would also mean the Americans there would become instant illegals in Mexico. Would they be allowed to have drivers licenses? To have jobs?
  6. Your posts have been worthless, are worthless, and, Shirley, will continue to be worthless. Sure, yet if you add up the sum total of your posts & the others here, what would that amount to? Peregrine, lets keep musicians out of music, they always spoil it, the boring b*****ds.
  7. Think about how smart the astronomers and physicists are for finding all those extra billyuns and billyuns of stuhrs. And think how amazing it is that Horribly Corrupt Physics (according to Harriman) can lead us to such information. Ba'al Chatzaf Clearly if Kant had never existed, these stars would never have been there to be found. Or there wouldn't have been corrupt physicists who perform evil experiments...
  8. Michael, The World cup without the Brazilians would be like Jaws without the shark. But...have you ever noticed when the World cup is held in Europe a European team wins. European teams seems to wilt in the heat. In 2018 it will be Russia, wonder how they managed to get that eh? But back to the Latin American teams...they seem to shot from 30 yards out to get their goals, where in Europe we tend to walk the ball into the net and hence tend to lose when we play them.
  9. Merry Xmas, Michael Merry Xmas to you all. I think I'll leave the tree to the lady in my life. Women are so much better at these things. Steve
  10. Oh sure, let’s all talk Christmas with a troll. Actually this made me think of something funny for Dr. Who fans: It's a time of peace and goodwill to all men. Surely you can suspend your hostilities towards me over this festive period? Come nice and I'll try to be a Rush fan, even for just one day. Can't say fairer than that can I?
  11. Anyone care? Football eh? Or what is laughingly referred to as 'soccer' in the US. Erm...great working class sport and I love it! Actually I've never been to a game in years and hope that England don't get it. They'll have to bow to down to FIFA and although Cameron insists it will make £5 billion to the British economy the Dutch have announced that they predict it will lose them 150 million Euros.
  12. This is the *snigger* objectivist Carl Sagan?
  13. When do you start to feel Christmassy? When do you put up your tree? How’s the old Xmas shopping going? Are you remembering it's a time of peace and goodwill to all men and women ;) Ever year I vow I'm not going to eat too much, drink too much or spend too much and fail miserably. How do you cope with the Xmas atmos(phere)?
  14. Galileo and Newton were natural philosophers. Did they produce nothing? There were not metaphysicians and modern physicists are natural philosopher (archaic expression). I was referring the the metaphysical types who do no science but tell us how silly the scientists are. The natural philosophers (aka scientists in the physical sciences) are producing results. What are the metaphysical theorizers doing for us? How much physics has the Critic Harriman produced? Where all all the Objectivist Physicists, the "John Galts"? Have they gone to the Gulch and are they hiding out? Ba'al Chatzaf That is the $64 000 question and them some! Perhaps someone here would answer this one? According to objectivism, Newton, perhaps the greatest scientist ever, was an irrational man because he believed in god. He spent the later part of his life trying to locate heaven. Clearly a waste of time but small beer compared to his epoch making work on optics and the laws of motion. Yet, to objectivist eyes, the later pales into insignificance because of the former. A weird way to look at what he achieved in life. I'm an atheist, with a small a, but I have to admit that all the scientists at the top of thier game probably do believe in some sort of god. Moreover it does them no harm either. Yet objectivists would say yes it does, they would turn round and say something like "what could Newton have achieved had he not believed in god". Good grief as if the man did not do enough! Face it the prime movers in science are the tribalist, collectivist, looter, whim-worshipper types. Don't hold your breath for objectivists contribution to science.
  15. My complaint is that I've never been pulled over and/or hassled by the cops. Disgraceful! I can't even walk down the street and get arrested.
  16. Your posts have been worthless, are worthless, and, Shirley, will continue to be worthless. Well I like that! You get a better class of insult here. Though 9th Dr. can you keep a straight face whilst listening to the Trees?
  17. Ed still want say who the 'select' members of the cast and crew are going to be. For such a high ticket price I find that unacceptable. If none of the cast and crew have confirmed they will be there then I think they owe it to those who have shelled out to at least say so. Those that have confirmed should at least be named. NB I know that the producer is going to be there.
  18. In terms of spending, surplus, deficit etc.
  19. Do you believe the workers are revolting? I do. copyright Chaucer Ba'al Chatzaf Oh come could carbon date that gag. Here was me thinking I'd get a better class of insult here.
  20. Rush were awful, are awful and always will be awful. 2112 is prog rock at it's worst. The UN should have banned concept albums and 2112 is one of the worst, if not the worst. Bloated, pompous, dull stadium rock. No wonder the punks were so angry. All together now, after me: "I am the antichrist I am an anarchist"
  21. Peter, there are no socialist politicians in America...the welfare state and Medicare and nothing to do with socialism and are solutions to the problems created by capitalism. They are reforms, brought in, not by the socialists, but by conservatives, in order to keep capitalism working. In that they have been successful. You might not believe me but this socialist is totally opposed to social security, welfare or 'socialised' medicine. The working class deserve better.
  22. Don't be silly Kimmler! You are not a prime mover...just ignore the above comment and good luck to that politician for getting rid of these things; cruel confidence tricks on the American working class who deserve much better.
  23. RIP you funny guy. We need men like him more than they need us.
  24. KIche doss. Hast du in sein ganzen leyb gesehen? Schwartzers! Losem geh! * Ba'al Chatzaf * funniest line in -Blazing Saddles- a Mel Brooks production. A film which gave the impression that those that made it had twice as much fun as those that watched it. Typical Mel Brooks film then. Still give him his due, he hit the mark with his farting cowboys...that is what 70's audiences wanted to see.