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Everything posted by equality72521

  1. House R-3 D-0 Senate Republicans gain 1
  2. what your talking about is the way of snakes. If a law is bad or corrupt then it needs to be repealed but the law is the law and changing it to mean something other than what it says what it meant originally is corrupt.
  3. Shayne, We hold elections that is where the consent comes from.
  4. oh I know-I totally agree! Its sad Apple makes great products. as for the original post. I am skeptical of stories like this because of the trashing the unions and others have done to companies like wal-mart. The vast majority of the time the stories are trash with little bits of truth.
  5. By all the gods, just got back from the polls, and its a freakin bloodbath out there. Can you smell that.... can you??? its the smell of victory, and boy do it smell good. Rewatching rush's CPAC speech.
  6. There's this pesky little concept called "consent of the governed" that would cause a rational person to differ with you on this. Shayne Shayne, I said very clearly if you dont like it change it. The law is the law and it must be interpreted as originally intended. "consent of the governed" my answer is, if you dont like it change it. Do you know what "consent" means? Shayne Do you know what "Objective Law" means. If you dont like it change it. The problem we have now is that people are loosely interpreting the constitution, the law now is non-objective and THATS the problem.
  7. This is a mad mad world, and there are a lot of crazy things out there to make you cry so if you need a laugh please watch.
  8. There's this pesky little concept called "consent of the governed" that would cause a rational person to differ with you on this. Shayne Shayne, I said very clearly if you dont like it change it. The law is the law and it must be interpreted as originally intended. "consent of the governed" my answer is, if you dont like it change it.
  9. I should qualify my statement to come because I hold a clear but different definition of the words I use, so understand that "*****" has nothing to do with skin color, but instead is a life style description. I would not insult people of any skin color by defaming them so, however "******" are little more than animals in human suits. That said. I loath ******. as i said they are hedonistic animals who's culture is absolutely corrupt. It is a shame that so many people of all skin colors flock to this life style. NOTE FROM MSK: Racist crap removed from post.
  10. Progressive, Red, Socialist, Bastards.
  11. The answer to this question is of course simple. Objectivists should be Strict Constructionists. Look at what the original intent of the constitution was and strictly stick to it. if you dont like it than change it.
  12. Yes because we should be glad that statists had a good laugh. come on ba'al.
  13. generalize much? and who exactly cares what you do or dont refuse to do? (btw how about a spell check?) and yes I wear longstockings when it is cold I use spell check a lot. dyslexia.... And yes it is a general impression.
  14. Gods save us from politicians. Joke: All businessmen disappear tomorrow the world starves. Time Travel All politicians disappear tomorrow businessmen stay, production quadruples in 24 hours, global poverty ends, death is cured.
  15. So the wisdom of a child is guiding you. Good luck with that. What I am saying is demonstrated by your post. your intentional distortion of my view and further your refusal to stick to the point (your slam at me for example). "Adults" grow stagnant , they become complacent in their thinking and become inflexible in there thinking. This is what I refuse to do, I keep my thinking dynamic and dont allow myself to become complacent. BTW you have not disabused me of my stand.
  16. sorry this comment wasnt exactly right for this thread now that i read further. apologies Shayne, When I was a kid I used to say "I never want to become an adult because adults are stupid." in the years since I turned 18 that conviction has only deepened. If a flood happens every 10 years and someone says in year 5 you would accuse them of being a Malthusian. The normal experience is that when animals reach a certain threshold it is impossible for them to recover as a population. I do not hold that it is impossible for humans however it is a concern (on a scale from 1 least to 10 most its about a 2). Given snowflake babies it is quite possible to recover if the tech is developed.
  17. You really need to get your head examined. The population threshold concept only pertains to resource-limited environments. Given man's mind, the potential resources are unlimited. There is no such threshold for human beings, so long as they are free to create and produce. Edit: I would add that this is a favorite "fact" of Malthusians who jump up and down saying the world is coming to an end in order to scam you, stay away from anyone who's telling you such things. Shayne http://www.aarp.org/work/retirement-planning/news-07-2010/retirees_may_soon_outnumber_workers_contributing_to_state_pension.html As for the Malthusians. the question is will we do something about it? as you have noted the movement for "overpopulation" is seriously effective. I am not worried about over population (we are no where near that rate) I am more worried about dropping below the threshold and not having sufficient motivation to repopulate. This problem is still a long ways off but it is still a possible problem. the point is that the number of people working vs retired is reaching critical mass. as for inflation vs hyperinflation the principle still applies. if my money is loosing value the rate is unimportant its still loosing value.
  18. Side note: another thing which worries me is the population threshold. When an animal population drops X amount below its highest peak the species goes extinct. I dont remember what X is but maybe someone here may know.
  19. All things equal this also means your wages keep increasing and increasing. Again, if you're going to pit old vs. young, the worst possible scenario for old people who have savings and entitlements and who are not likely to get raises is inflation. The worst for the young who will have to pay for the entitlements and who have little savings is deflation. WHAT! Ok lets start at the end. Deflation- When the amount of money in circulation decreases. Fact: if you have little savings or a lot of savings deflation is a good thing. so long as you have some savings. Why. If I have $100 in the bank and tomorrow the half the US money supply disappears the Real value of that $100 increases. Deflation is a good thing Mr. Keynes. Second If I have a $100 in the bank and the money supply doubles I can now buy half as much. When you reach critical mass (Hyperinflation) the price of things goes up not by the year, month, week, or day, but by the minute. Weimar Think bad very bad. If I make $10,000 a day and I go to bed at 11 o'clock at night and then when I wake up at 5 that $10,000 buys half of what it bought when i went to bed.... well if you think thats good for anyone I suggest you have your head examined. We outnumber the seniors. Even given the baby boomers. They can't get what they want merely by wanting it, substantial portions of all demographics are going to have to be for it too. You're fixated on non-essentials. Shayne check your numbers. the voting population (those who can vote) are majority baby boomers. This is not a non-essential. the birth rate http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005067.htmltry again please.
  20. Going to be? There's a lot of truth in what you're saying, and I certainly don't object to getting food storage and such as a kind of insurance policy against short-term issues, but in the long run none of what you are talking about is useful. One fundamental tenet you seem to be assuming here is that you are a debtor just because your government took out a loan. You say in the topic "Grandpa and Grandma the murderer." Guess what. When somebody can't pay then they don't. It's that simple. Who loses? The schmuck who handed the borrower money. Guess who gets hurt worst by inflation? It's not the young, it's the old. The young can keep producing, their wages rise as inflation happens. Savers and retirees get screwed. Your best asset in the future you're painting is you, not your silver. Grandma and Grandpa are the ones who'd better have some silver. You can produce. Shayne I can produce, and the value of that dollar I earn keeps decreasing and decreasing and decreasing. Look I am not saying we cant help grandma and grandpa when the shit hits the fan. my mom is 53 she can only work for another 4 or 5 years tops (shes sick and getting sicker) its just as much her fault as it is grandma and grandpas. Will I not help take care of her? no. This thread is more or less a shout from the roof "Dont murder me!". do me a favor pick up a copy of what Americans really want really and read the part on seniors. Then come back here and tell me your not scared to death. Where I grew up there was a saying "You cant teach an old dog new tricks." The reason why I am so worried quite frankly is this: Grandma and Grandpa believe they are owed social security, the money is not there. many older people I have talked to want "their" money, they dont care that its not there they paid in and they want whats theirs. the majority of seniors I have talked to have not stopped to ask the question "at whos expense".
  21. Shayne as I said before that was the hardest thing I ever did was decide to take advantage of the system. I am half Native so there are other things I could do but I cannot bring myself to apply for them, the one was hard enough. What finally pushed me over the edge as I said before was the FED's new quantitative easing policy. Inflation is at 10% (the M2) for this year alone. This is the Titanic and the ship is sinking fast, I will not be the Captain who orders the band to keep playing, I will not be the passenger who says "Panic" and is able to do nothing. I am positioning myself to survive this, and if things turn out right to be able to help rebuild America. This assult by the government is more than just taxing me to death, this is the deliberate destruction of my savings. The day I am kicked off and the program is ended I will jump for joy, but I will not stand by and have my throat slit because. Grandma and Grandpa paid in? This fundamentally is the problem. You do not pay into unemployment, you do not pay into Social security. You get taxed and then the government gives you money later which is not related to the amount you did or did not pay in taxes. There was a program before social security which was shut down as being unconstitutional because it was "insurance". The government then created a parallel system to tax and then distribute funds but they were not ever connected. As to Ayn Rands hero's. What I get paid in food stamps off-sets most of what I have paid in taxes over the past 10 years. depending on how much longer the system holds out will depend on if what i recover in FS will exceed what I pay in taxes (I doubt that will ever be a problem). As for blaming seniors, and blaming them collectively you should read the thread. I have said it before and will say it again. I do not blame every senior, however I do blame most of them. THEY Kept re-electing these jokers. they bought the Utopian pipe dream hook line and sinker when two minutes though should have shown them the reality. Fear because of the last great depression is no excuse. It has been being said since the 1990's that I know of there is something wrong with the system. and rather than demand that it be fixed what did they do? Am I pissed at the seniors? You bet, am I pissed at those who grew up in the 70's you bet. Do I blame all of then no. I do however blame the majority of seniors I have spoken too. I am pissed they didn't vote for Goldwater, I am pissed they slept through their watch, I am pissed they let these slimy politicians pass these welfare programs. I am pissed that they didn't think this through. I have a former college professor who teaches psychology, I love this man. He was in a rock band in the 1960's, hes a former member of the CPUSA. I will never forget a conversation we had one day after class. I was in his office talking to him about how prevalent Socialism is in the US, I told him to his face that his generation left my generation with a shitmess to clean up. Now keep in mind this man is a former communist party member, he teaches psychology and sociology. He slips in every chance he gets anti-commie propaganda. He looked me in the face after I said this and said very seriously "I know, and I am sorry for that." This man is a mentor to me, and as I said I love him like a father, but there are not enough of his type yet. What concerns me as I have said over and over here is that the Seniors are not going to be willing to pay the piper. Maybe they will, maybe some will and most wont, I will hold dear those that are willing to pay up. But by all the gods do you understand exactly what it means if they dont pay up? In his new book broke Glenn Beck speaks about the Solution to our woe's (paraphrasing): "I don't know what the solution to this problem is, but what I do know is that when we see it we will know what it is. We will know because it will be extremely painful, and it will hurt a lot of people." Do I want to be hurt? No i dont. but being hurt isnt what i am worried about, I know I am going to be hurt, and a lot. What worries me is that I am going to be sold into slavery.
  22. There are two 1)the principle of subsidiary, 2) The age of tech. first tech. BO may not know it yet but he sowed the seeds of his own destruction, the internet never played a major role in politics before the last election cycle. BO changed that bringing things like twitter, facebook, and other web 2.0 and media 3.0 into the equation. The Information generation has the ability to amass and distribute MASSIVE amounts of information in a short amount of time. I have been following elections since Bush v Clinton, then after the second Bush took office I began studying election history (I am an information junky). The internet, cellphones, Ipods, Ipads, and gods know what else is coming down the pipe provides for coordinated communications delivery system. This means greater accountability. Subsidiary. by going this route it provides for much greater local control. because of the way in which things are becoming more and more personalized I do not view fusion voting as the end all be all, it is instead a stepping stone to the next thing. The pattern of the world and especially America is decentralized control. People want to customize everything for their myspace page to their cars, to their Nike shoes. Look at how customized the web is now. in 1998 you had bland generic websites which had a standard layout. Now YOU are in control of what you want your website experience to feel like. Corporations are decentralizing to allow for greater productivity among its works and enhanced customer interactions. consume news? decide how you get it, where you get it, how much you want to get, and what kind. Radio? TV? things of the past, provide me with your content online in a timely manner so I can get it how when and where I want or I will go somewhere else to get it. Information is God This IS going to be the same pattern of US politics. Why are so many of these politicians in trouble? Because they have yet to realize the mics don't turn off just because the reporter is gone, the camera doesn't stop rolling because the press left the building. Every word you say every action you take someone is probably recording you. Politicians can't just say "I promise X" anymore and than 2, 4, or 6 years later their constituents have forgotten. There is now a digital record and it can be played over, and over, and over, and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over, and over,and over again. And it will be. No longer are we reliant on the three major networks, no longer are we even reliant on the 24/7 cable news. Newspapers? whats that? Fusion as the stepping stone. I said Fusion voting is not the final end but lets make some observations about what exactly Fusion voting will mean before we talk about the final end goal. Fusion voting will probably mean an end to the LP. visit the LP website and then visit the GOP or Dem website then tell me which you prefer visiting(not which you agree with). The same is true for the Constitution Party and others. Why? Because the Dems and the GOP have figured out they need a 21 year old running their website. The LP is quite frankly run by a bunch of old party hacks who have grown complacent. They talk about supporting the free-market about its greatness, and then they ignore the demands of the market. The LP is still living in the 1990's and its 2010. With the abolishion of the LP the CP and others these new parties which arise will be created by the 2020 generation. they will have heavy traction at first during their boom phase. Each state will have at least a dozen such parties to begin with. You will then begin to see political schools pop up catering to different political philosophies and the candidates will be expected to have some kind of degree from one of these schools if they expect to run in this or that party. these dozen such parties will then begin to consolidate into four or five parties with different philosophical ideology. about this time someone gets the brilliant idea to provide one website for voters to go to and be able to inform themselves not just about the different parties but also about the different candidates. But there is a city council member to vote for, a city mayor, a county commissioner a State representative, a State Senator, a federal Senator, a federal representative, a Governor, and a president. How do I know who I should vote for out of all these people? The answer simple. This new site is Match.com meets, facebook, meets media 3.0, meets politics 2.0. here is a 30 question survey that will personally match you with your candidate. Oh and here is the honesty meter, has X candidate held office before. well they have a Y% record of meeting their promises oh and by the way here is the list of promises they kept and didn't keep. Have a special interest? well here is a group on this same site that has the same interest and they will send you "action" alerts when something important comes up on this topic. before I move on to the final game plan. Why do I say these things will happen? competition. In a free market you always need an edge and what I have laid out is the logical evolution of events. Now on to the final game plan. After the bubble bursts from the party boom you will be left with millions and millions of independent voters, they will yet again be the largest voting block in the country and will in fact be a larger force than any two parties combined. Why? Simple why get tethered down to a single party especially when I can find my candidate so easy. Will parties be irrelevant than? Yes and no. The party will be more important than ever before because they will be the main source of candidates (excluding the occasional outsider). They will be less relevant and less powerful however because the machine which allowed for a two party monopoly cannot be maintained anymore. Remember BO is the greatest blessing the gods could have bestowed upon this nation. We were being led silently into the night, nudged forward in our sleep. The country is now wide awake, thanks to BO. See he made a fundamental flaw, he thought he was going to come to power and then "What the hell we have led the so close to the socialist edge one good shove ought to push them right over." He only made one mistake, one fundamental miscalculation. When you push an American... They push back and much harder. We Americans unlike our political leaders do not believe in equal force, and when we push back we push back with more force than necessary. This Country has always been a center right country, and thanks to heir commrad leader it is now an even more center right country. Left**************************************AMERICA****************************************Right Statist----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anarchy ****|****|******************************|******|*********|****************************| ****|***Dems***************************GOP*****|*******Average*********************Founding Commie***************************************Center****American********************Fathers The 2020 Generation The 2020 Generation is without a Compass right now. We reject the Altruist code but flock to Nietzsche, not because we want to but because that is what we see as the only alternative. However if we manage to get some Objectivist Politicians out there who are well articulated and you could see a boom in objectivism. Provide a Rational alternative and we are in serious business. Consider these things.
  23. I completely agree we should not evaluate these on pragmatic grounds (at least at the base). What I am advocating is opening up the field however to ideas. The problem with fusion up to this point is that the "Right" has not utilized it where it is available. Lets say the Tea Party in VT decides that it wants to form a political party. Now lets say that they support X Republican for the national Senate, but they support Y Democrat for the national congress. The members of this philosophically similar organization are then able to more effectively exercise their vote. Let us then say that the TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY Party begins as 15% of the vote (a gross underestimation) in 2011 off year elections. That 15% will then be an organized motivated block of voters who are interested in the State County and City elections. Now lets say that the R's and D's continue business as usual on both state and National level. The TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY Party then explodes to a 35% block (now including disgruntled Republicans, and Democrats and has picked up Independent voters). 2012 The Democrats and Republicans who have run politics with very little difference would either have to get their act together or risk being greatly diminished. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY Party in the year 2012 now elects Mayors, city council members, county commissioners, and State House and Senate members. The new blood transfusion now allows new ideas to be brought to the floor.
  24. From wikipedia: - "Over the last century starting overall government spending in the United States has increased substantially from about seven percent of GDP in 1902 to about 35 percent of GDP in 2010. Major spikes in spending occurred in World War I and World War II. When broken down by major function, the history of government spending as a percent of GDP shows a slow and consistent increase in education spending; it shows the spikes in defense spending during World War I and World War II, and the sustained high level maintained during the Cold War. Spending on welfare shows a clear takeoff during the Great Depression and a modest decline following reform in 1996. Spending on pensions (primarily Social Security) begins to show up in the 1950s. Health care spending takes off after the birth of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s and shows sustained growth ever since." Seems like every US president spends more than his predecessor. Reagan spend $170 billion more in his 1st term alone than Carter did. Then in his 2nd term spend $100 billion more than he did in his 1st term. With two exceptions blaming a president for spending is like blaming your brother for you bouncing a check. The congress is the one who has the purse strings. BO and GW are the two exceptions, in the words of Beck 'they kept kicking the spending ball down the road, GW and BO picked it up and ran with it, right off a cliff.' What worries me though is IF they are going to stop spending, will the seniors let them? The seniors could own up, they could pay the piper. My fear and what I see as more likely is that they will deliver the 2020 generation and those after into the hands of the reds.
  25. There is a practice in the Catholic Church called ad experimentum. I am in favor of expanding this into the secular legal realm. Imagine if ALL laws had a five year and ten year ad experimentum phase in which at the end of the five years and the ten years a review had to be presented publicly to the legislative bodies and they had to either reaffirm the vote or it would die. As far as factionalism goes. As I see it we currently have four factions in this country. 1) The Republicans faction 2) The Democrats faction 3) The "To hell with you both I choose neither" ("independent") faction 4) The "Screw this I just wont vote" faction. The great problem as I see it is that there is no free-market in politics. There are to "companies" in the political world today the Republicans and the Democrats and they control what can and cannot be talked about. Now imagine a place like Vermont were to start a new political party the "Tea Party" and that this party had a specific platform. The Party itself could run for state office and get elected, however the chances it could ever get elected on a national level would remain small. The Tea Party however is a massive voting block and could throw its support behind the better candidate (either the republican or democratic candidate). but lets say that neither candidate is a good choice, the Tea Party could then team up with the Libertarian Party, The Constitution Party and the "Joe the Plumber party", and together these four parties have enough influence to be able to elect a candidate. The other problem with todays political world is that it is stagnant and stale. Fusion voting existed in every state until the early 1900's (the beginning of the progressive era and centralization). Why is it so difficult for a new political party to be formed and compete with the D and R camps? because the system has been rigged they have been more or less given a legal monopoly. They have been allowed to stagnate and push big state agenda's because no one has been able to come along and challenge them. Can the beast which is called the Republican party or the beast called the Democratic Party really be taken over by "the little guy?". Fusion voting as I see it will open the battlefield of ideas. Your objection. Factions- Factions already exist as I pointed out and they are growing each day. by decentralizing their control you can curtail the damage and keep things more civilized. (see multiple party systems around the world.) Statist- Statists want to push fusion voting the WFP is a great example, however these people are idiots. They fail to understand that it was the Statist which did away with fusion voting and for a very good reason, because Statists loose. When you have fusion voting have a greater informed electorate because of the decentralized effect.