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Posts posted by equality72521

  1. My sexuality in my younger years (pre-teens to late teens) was not chosen, that is to say that it was thrust upon me by events which happened early in my childhood. However throughout my pre-teens and teens I had sex with females as well as males.

    WTF!?!? You were having sex as a pre-teen? And you make it sound like you did it a lot. I didn’t even get this far:

    Between the ages of 6 and 10 I had sex with 9 boys and 4 girls only one of whom was significantly older than I, and it was not he who initiated it. from the age of 11 to 17 my sexual relationships exploded and quite frankly I am very lucky be be alive, and to not have a disease. When I was 21 I did an exercise with a friend to try and remember how many people I had sex with over the course of my life up to that time. As best I could remember it ended up being something like 15 girls and 48 guys with most of those being had between 11-17.

    Now most people would assume that I was simply a sex addict, and that would be an accurate description however the sex addiction was a symptom of a much bigger problem. before I was 12 it was all fun and games, it was kept within a very tight circle. However at age twelve I lost my mind (literally), I was a very alone, very scared little boy who could not figure out why the world had suddenly gone mad. I was an EXTREMELY altruistic person as a child, my family (which at the time consisted of 1 sister and 1 brother) always had very large holidays especially Christmas, I refused to ask for anything for Christmas because it cost too much. I was also extremely non violent, my little brother would beat me up constantly and I would always blame it on the fact that i knew he had ADHD and it was my fault for saying something to anger him, even if i didnt understand why something angered him(I was 12 the first time I hit him). Another more relevant example as to something which pushed me towards madness, my family was very poor, not the three TV's, 2 cars, a PlayStation and 50 video games normal American kind of poor, I mean really poor, can't afford to put food on the table, kind of poor. I felt extremely responsible for my family even as a kid, my dad being a dead beat it was my "Duty" to carry out the tasks of the man of the house. At the time it was my mom, my brother, and myself. I would go two and sometimes three days without eating to make sure my brother and mother could eat (my sister had moved out by this time). I would work under the table at a plastics shop and sneak the money into my mothers purse so she wouldnt feel bad or obligated to pay me back. None of that pushed me towards madness, what did push me towards madness was the fact that I was treated like a criminal, while my brother who is 18 months younger than I was out getting stoned and drunk, while he was out until 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning, I who was always home on time, who always did as I was told, who went days without eating, who worked under the table to feed his family, I was treated like a criminal. I was a well who had been sucked dry and people kept coming back for more. I had no one I could talk to, no one i could relate to. The more I lived up to the Altruistic moral code the more I got shit on, I was a good person, who did good things, so why was i treated like a criminal, why did everyone hate me, why did the world not work the way I was always told it worked.

    I cracked, I went insane, I suffered extreme paranoia (going so far as to unscrewing every light socket, and wall plug, and ceiling fan to to check for bugs before I pissed {no joke}). I had a series of therapists who got off on playing with my head. I was sent to a (Shutter) "treatment facility" where it was against the rules to touch anybody, no high fives, no handshakes, no hugs, NO contact. Was I sent off by my mom to the treatment facility for being insane? No, I was to paranoid and way to smart for my own good, so I kept my insanity secret. Picture it in your head, here you are, 14 already isolated, emotionally distraught, you cant understand why your treated like a criminal, you already have sever abandonment issues, then your dropped into a place which has COMPLETE control over everything, and a place in which you have NO human contact, think a less intense sensory deprivation. You cant even take a piss without permission, you own nothing, what you have is at "their" pleasure. Your "house mates" (6 to a house) are ruled by a tyrant who is given complete reign by the staff, this is someone who cataloged your every sin and does things way worse than you but tells you all the time "If I get terminated I am taking all of you with me.". Then (and this is real sweet) because your smart the therapist begins looking up new words before every session trying to catch you off guard and show you how much smarter than you she is, the only problem is you know the dictionary definition of every word she uses. She then authorizes the staff to start belittling your intelligence. If you say something, do they look it up to see if your right, nope your wrong, no 14/15 year old can be that smart. Oh and on top of this because your such a failure you KNOW your damned to hell forever, and you are extremely suicidal, but you cant commit suicide because that means "They" (still not sure who they are) win. Now the real icing on the cake is this: You know, for a fact, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are insane, out of your mind, off the wall, crazy. You know this. There is just one little tiny problem, "Just because your paranoid doesnt mean they arnt out to get you". You know your nuts, you also know that part (and only part) of that being nuts is paranoia, you also know that some people really are out to get you. Now distinguish reality, from the phantoms of your own mind.

    Ten months I went without touching a soul. Zero human contact, in a hell I could not escape, always in trouble. My stereo which they let me borrow from myself when I first got there taken away, my cloths taken from my, socks, underwear, pictures, all you get is a pillow, sheets, and a blanket. Four months, with nothing to my name, they literally took everything from me, no TV, no Radio, I couldnt even watch other people play video games, no board games, oh but I was allowed to have a bible, if I sat at the table with it, but I couldnt have it in my own room. And this four months of loosing everything wasnt given in one lump, it was given for two or three weeks, then I got two or three days from getting my stuff back and get in trouble for... forgetting to take out the trash... for a piece of food left on a fork i said i cleaned... for... The games were very elaborate too. (not even mentioning the stuff the room mates did.) Also their programing is so complete that while it is true you go to a public school with "normal kids" you keep the rules completely, NO TOUCHING. Then something even worse happens. you think you know abandonment, you think you know what it is like to be alone, then they tell you that its not working out, so they are going to move you to another facility. You hate the staff, you hate your roommates, you hate everything about the place you are in, it is hell, but thats okay because you deserve hell, but now they tell you they are going to move you to another facility. you know what this means, the psychotic bitch therapist doesnt want to tarnish her record so she has you moved to the care of another related home so that you can be terminated their. And on the same day you hear this, within hours of finding this out, your mother who does come to see you every two or three weeks, tells you she is moving to another state and not taking you with her. Devastation. After ten months you break a second time. that night you have sex with the guy you share a room with, he has been trying to get you to have sex with him for a few months now, but you are too scared, but now he says three words and your resistance breaks. he says "I love you." You feel used, and like shit after. and worse you broke the rules.

    The next morning before you are moved, you sit at the kitchen table and you try to figure out what is real. You are told sometimes in explicit sometimes in implicit ways, morality is subjective, reality is not real, etc. You no longer care if they win, you write. the next three hours will determine the rest of your life, over the course of three hours and fifteen pages you write to determine weather or not you will commit suicide. What will determine if you will commit suicide? Is it a letter? no, is it a weighing of how shitty everything is against the good in your life? no. It is a thesis on the nature of truth, and on the nature of reality which will determine the rest of your life, no matter how long, or how short that life may continue to be. If reality, if truth is subjective, than you will kill yourself, because if reality is subjective than it doesnt matter anyways, if it is not, you will devote the rest of your life to truth. After three hours and 15 pages I discovered Reality was not subjective, that there was such a thing as truth, and Truth became the God I gave my life to.

    I still stumbled around blindly trying to find out exactly what it meant to have truth as my God. My life changed over night, but i did not. I began having lots and lots more sex after that mistake of a night, I kept trying to find love in sex, "The man who despises himself tries to gain self-esteem from sexual adventures—which can’t be done, because sex is not the cause, but an effect and an expression of a man’s sense of his own value . . .".

    Now one may ask why I have shared all of this. I tend to be a very private individual, and have related most of the above to only three people(there is much more which for now I will keep private). Part of what allowed me to share this is the anonymity of the internet, however that is not why i shared what i have. I have been mad, I have pulled myself out of the dark pit, nails torn and bleeding, my body broken, beaten, and bruised, and alone. My journey to reason long, and hard fought. And thus I am amazed when people who claim to be rational individuals, say that because someone "Feels" they should have been born a different gender, this is reason. I am amazed that people who claim to be rational refuse to make moral judgements and treat the world as a subjective place. While it is true that some values are subjective (the liking of steak for example), there are most certainly objective values (such as life, and reality). In the words of Ayn Rand "Judge and prepare to be judged."

  2. I think the fact that the teachers in my high school go easy on us should NOT be included in the generalizing of public schools. I think the teachers in my public high school go easy on us because they are teaching under the board of education system of North Carolina--aka, the most ignorant state in the nation. x) Ever looked at how many scholarships are handed out to students every year in each state? North Carolina gives ten times more than any other state. A lot of kids around here don't even LIKE to exert energy, nor do they like to THINK to solve a problem, and it's because our teachers have always done it for them. :(

    I strongly suggest that you read the NEA manifesto. Also again I recommend the school sucks podcast. The role of the Public education system is NOT to educate, it is to create cogs in a machine.

  3. Objectivism can be used to justify anything. Simply provide a long, convoluted hash of a chain of reasoning.


    Now that quite a stupid statement. For example objectivism cannot justify murder. There is also a great deal of other things which is impossible to Objectivists because of the Objectivist Prime Directive.

  4. The fact is that it is nor your body therefore its mutilation. Just like you have no right to tattoo a child you have no RIGHT to cut off part of their body.

    I saved my three sons from the threat of cancer of the glans penis and the curse of smegma. I have a right and I had the means and I saw that it was done. What are you planning to do about it? When Antiochus outlawed the Sabbath and circumcision Way Back When he ended up with a revolt of thirty years duration which his people lost. That is how we got Chanukah.

    I am also grateful to my parents (peace be upon them) for doing that service for me. At 8 days it did not hurt a bit.

    A perfected dick is a happy dick.

    Ba'al Chatzaf

    You also have the right to have your kids tonsils removed to prevent Tonsilloliths, or perhaps we should remove their kidney or prostate because who knows they might get prostate cancer, or develope a sever kidney infection. You do not have a right to violate your child, they are not some piece of property. Removing a piece of a child for some VERY low level POSSIBLE future problem is unjustifiable. It is the act of extreme hubris and even more extreme arrogance. The very idea that someone could even think of laying claim to another persons body against their will. In what way can circumcision be considered even remotely moral by any rational individual? As for saving your sons from the threat of cancer, there is such a threat of cancer that NO medical institution recommends circumcision to prevent cancer. Every "scientific survey" I have seen comes out of some back water third world hell hole, these "scientific conclusions" are drawn without any consideration for the individuals behavior, it simply comes down to "you have foreskin, you do not." Those who do not have foreskin come from some fundie Christian church or Islamic sect, and are thus less prone to have multiple sexual partners and thus there is a lower risk of disease and infection. And the fact that you "did not feel pain" is such an obviously ignorant statement. The fact that you do not remember the pain is different than the fact that you did not feel pain.

    What I find most amazing is your last statement. "A perfected dick is a happy dick." assuming you believe in god what your statement amounts to is "God made my dick imperfect." a statement which I find ROTFL. Or did god make your dick perfect and foreskin comes from Satan?

    Or are you an "Ethnic jew" who does it because it allows you to keep hold of some racial distinction (I know "j{lower case}ews" who do it for this reason and find it absolutely disgusting.) If this is the reason than it is a barbaric racism.

  5. The abomination is someone trying to fake reality, a man trying to be a woman or a woman trying to be a man is on the same level as a human trying to be a dog.

    If these people have the genuine feeling that they were born into the wrong gender, this is not faking reality. For the reality they face is that they feel unhappy and burdended with their 'official' gender. Some opt for operations to change this.

    Feelings are not a means of cognition, if someone feels like they should have been born a German shepard we refer to the as deranged and emotionally disturbed. We do not coddle them and try to make them feel like it's okay going around acting like a dog. Tue reality is you are born male or you are born female, in some rare cases some are born to the third gender. It is not okay to fake reality and pretend your something your not.

  6. Imagine a world where every (or nearly every) woman has all of her egg's removed and stored, a world in which for one or two hundred dollars you could gestate a fetus outside of the human body.

    Keep in mind that many women enjoy pregnancy as a wonderful personal experience.

    This statement assumes that the technology will not exist to create a "sympathy" between the mother and child. "Honey the baby is kicking"

    Romantic love, in the full sense of the term, is an emotion possible only to the man (or woman) of unbreached self-esteem:

    it is his response to his own highest values in the person of another—an integrated response of mind and body, of love and sexual desire. Such a man (or woman) is incapable of experiencing a sexual desire divorced from spiritual values.

    The Voice of Reason “Of Living Death,”54

    But do these assertions about "romantic love" conform to reality?

    Most often people who experience the stage of romantic love behave quite irrationally, idealizing the the other person from a rose-colored glases perspective.

    Romantic love also makes no difference between people of high and low self-esteem; it can affect them all.

    This is not surprising - after all, it's nature's little trick to ensure procreation. ;)

    Most people who experience romantic love are irrational and intentionally self deluding. Emotions are not a means of perception but a response, they can either be True (a proper response) or False (an improper response). From personal experience emotions can be reprogrammed, thus i someone experiences a False emotional response (such as a phobia) they can change their response to a True response. In the same way if a person has a False Romantic feeling, say towards someone who is destructive towards them, they can change this to a True response if they so choose.

    What attracted Rand to the term romantic was obviously the exaltation connoted with it, the idealistic yearning for the noble and the sublime.

    I think it was Barbara Branden who wrote that Ayn Rand never stopped loving Cyrus, the romantic and brave hero of the stories she had read as a child.

    All her later fictional heroes were incarnations of Cyrus, and as for her own life, she projected Cyrus into Leo, her first love, and later into Nathaniel Branden.

    And this statement proves the above point.

    Hello Equality.

    An abomination against what? or, Whom?

    Is your conclusion a neo-conservative one, or based on Ayn Rand's thoughts on gender?

    If the first, it is contradictory to your early statements.

    If Rand, she did get this partially wrong I think; her knowledge at that time was limited.

    We now know a vast amount more about the brain and the nature of sexuality.

    The only 'abomination' I bother about is against oneself.


    My conclusion is my own (i have held this since my very late pre-teen years when I first realized I was gay though as i stated above I have repositioned myself) and is reinforced by Rand. It is true that we know more than Rand did in her time, however we know less than people pretend. Everything I have read about the genetic link with homosexuality reminds me of the State Sciences Institutes condemnation of rearden metal. Right now the current situation with the gay genetic crowd is a conclusion looking for a justification. This is not to say that there are not some men/women born with hormonal imbalances, however this is an imbalance and it does not encompass the majority which is a chosen behavior. These imbalances can be corrected with hormonal treatments. There is also the even rarer case of the third gender someone born with three chromosomes, I hold this in a completely different class however and it is not subsumed by this conversation.

    The abomination is someone trying to fake reality, a man trying to be a woman or a woman trying to be a man is on the same level as a human trying to be a dog.

    My sexuality in my younger years (pre-teens to late teens) was not chosen, that is to say that it was thrust upon me by events which happened early in my childhood. However throughout my pre-teens and teens I had sex with females as well as males. In my late pre-teens I was solely homosexual yet i was capable of and did have sex with females up until 18. This would lead some to conclude that I was really bisexual, however this is a superficial understanding of sexuality. I had NO romantic attachment to any female I had sexual relations with at that time, none. This next part is hard to say without going on for pages so try to understand what I mean. When "I" became "me" (when I discovered self if that helps) I came to the understanding that sexuality was a choice, but most people make it subconsciously. I did not choose to change my sexuality from homosexual to heterosexual because I had yet to meet a woman whom I could have a relationship who met my values, added to this i knew males who were close to my values. I have romantic feelings towards my best friend and he(Very heterosexual) has semi-romantic feeling towards me.

    Given my own long and hard path of Ego I have a first hand understanding of the development of a "personality" and of sexuality.

  7. The practice of Circumcision is America became wide spread when a mad man who developed a tasteless cereal decided that it was a good way to stop masturbation. further he said that the circumcision should be "as painful and traumatic as possible". Its only a shame that we here in the US outlawed female circumcision (which the same madman advocated) but not male. Its my penis let me decide, if a woman doesnt want to have sex with me because I didnt cut off part of my dick... well too bad for her. Not only is it mutilation however some of the botched jobs (done by professionals) end in partial castration and death, this admittedly is rare, however the point still stands you dont have the RIGHT to make that kind of decision about another persons body, only they do. and "I think it looks better" is not a reason neither is your OPINION that you THINK its healthier there are billions of men the world over and throughout history who have been very healthy and have a foreskin.

    GO CROW!

    You speak of Dr. Kellog, a Gentile or as I would say one of the Goyim. What did he know? The Jews have been doing it over 3000 years and when a mohel does it is painless. I have actually seen the male baby sleep through the circumcision. That is because it is done at age 8 days before the pain receptors in that part of the body have developed fully. The male child barely feels it at all. Do not let you view of the procedure be colored by the fact that a crazy Gentile advocated it and for the wrong reason too.

    Ba'al Chatzaf

    your racial superiority is not flattering. And to answer your question who would know more about circumcision more than jews... Egyptians have been doing it longer than jews. However in actual experience there are christian and atheist doctors who do it every day several times a day.

    Complications of circ include bleeding, infection, and mutilation. Deaths

    related to circumcisions are extremely rare, but in late July a 5-year-old

    boy died after a routine circ. Jeremie Johnson went into a coma and died

    a week after his parents authorized the removal of life support. Jose

    Tovar, MD, an anesthesiologist at Doctors Airline Hosp. in Houston, where

    the circ was performed, has resigned in connection with the incident.


    The fact is that it is nor your body therefore its mutilation. Just like you have no right to tattoo a child you have no RIGHT to cut off part of their body.

  8. The practice of Circumcision is America became wide spread when a mad man who developed a tasteless cereal decided that it was a good way to stop masturbation. further he said that the circumcision should be "as painful and traumatic as possible". Its only a shame that we here in the US outlawed female circumcision (which the same madman advocated) but not male. Its my penis let me decide, if a woman doesnt want to have sex with me because I didnt cut off part of my dick... well too bad for her. Not only is it mutilation however some of the botched jobs (done by professionals) end in partial castration and death, this admittedly is rare, however the point still stands you dont have the RIGHT to make that kind of decision about another persons body, only they do. and "I think it looks better" is not a reason neither is your OPINION that you THINK its healthier there are billions of men the world over and throughout history who have been very healthy and have a foreskin.

    GO CROW!

  9. Michael E. Marotta

    In the world of BNW I will remind you that a Heterosexual boy was considered abnormal. I will have to read Rainbow Cadenza before I can comment.


    First I am going to start from the premise that there is a fundamental difference between male and female. there is a proven difference in the way the brain works ( http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-body/systems/nervous-system/men-women-different-brains.htm ) beyond this there are also hormonal differences which affect thinking and behavior. While he makes some stretches of the imagination Leonard Sax does make some good observations in "Why Gender Matters." about the differences in males and females.

    I should here upfront mention that I do not believe sexuality is driven by some deterministic demon coded into our DNA, and that there is very little evidence to prove this claim. I also do not believe that MOST people consciously choose their sexuality.

    When not if the uterine replicator (UR from here on) becomes common technology it will instantly do away with moral question of abortion, women will not need to take time off of work because they are pregnant, they will not need to worry about having retarded children, or children with genetic mutations. Further while it is currently true that a woman who wants a child can for the most part have one so long as she has a sperm donor, it will be true with the uterine replicator that men will only need an egg donor. It will (and this is my speculation) also mean a drop in the birth rate.

    While there will be outrage from the older community among the younger community this will completely divorce sex from procreation and it will make sex entirely recreational. The current society while it does have a high degree of recreational sex still connects having sex with the potential for children, this is purely psychological. Bisexuality especially among youth tend from a historic prospective to be the norm. Most sexual and gender boundaries are (I assume most here will agree) arbitrary, when considered from a global/historic perspective. I believe the addition of the of the UR will cause a fundamental questioning of the sexuality.

    Sex is a physical capacity, but its exercise is determined by man’s mind—by his choice of values, held consciously or subconsciously. To a rational man, sex is an expression of self-esteem—a celebration of himself and of existence. To the man who lacks self-esteem, sex is an attempt to fake it, to acquire its momentary illusion.

    Romantic love, in the full sense of the term, is an emotion possible only to the man (or woman) of unbreached self-esteem: it is his response to his own highest values in the person of another—an integrated response of mind and body, of love and sexual desire. Such a man (or woman) is incapable of experiencing a sexual desire divorced from spiritual values.

    The Voice of Reason “Of Living Death,”54

    To prevent this thread from being too long draw your own conclusions from the perspective above.

    With some of the reading I have done over the last few months it is my conclusion that "Bisexuality" tending towards Heterosexuality will be the norm (women are still genetically the other half). I say this while I myself am now Bisexual tending towards Homosexual (But that's a different story.)

    For those who have read my previous posts I still hold that Men who act like women and women who act like men are an abomination.

  10. First addressing schools.

    I will try to find the article as it has been a few months since I read it but home school students turn out the best scores when rated against Public and Private school students. There are of course exceptions to this rule as I have a close friend of mine who when I met him (he was 17 at the time) could not read a childs book. He has sense corrected this and up until a little while ago was a functional illiterate.

    I personally am a product of the public education system of which I can personally say that the best thing the pubic education system ever did for me was not educate me. I learned absolutely nothing I know from pubic schools, not how to read, how to write, or how to do math. I was written off at an early age because of my dyslexia and played hell in second and third grade being placed in "Learning Disabled" classes, or as me and some of the smarter students jokingly called it in 3rd grade the "retard classes". In truth I accredit my intelligence and knowledge to a man who was my "regular classes" teacher, he told me point blank one day that I would "never(emphasis) be as smart as everyone else." Though adults thought I was a placid child who spoke well for a child (I later found out this meant please and thank you.) I was quite rebellious. If I was told I could not do something and I thought the reason behind me not being able to do something was stupid I would do it anyway and usually in such a way as I was never caught. That statement however boiled my blood like no other had. Because of "Mr. C" I made it my personal mission in life to be smarter than everyone else. While I do not consider myself the smarts person in the world (nor would I want to be) that challenge drove me to heights of intelligence I am not sure I would have been motivated to reach.

    The public education system failed me so miserably that I nearly failed High School, I absolutely refused to do homework because I was far ahead of the class. I would not read books which were assigned because I had read them two or three years in advance. I got A's on all my tests despite my dyslexia. But in one prime example as to how outrageous the public education system is, I failed biology because homework was 70% of the grade. I got A's on all my tests including the final and I still failed because I did not do the homework. So even though I proved that I knew the material I still failed because I did not do busy work. The only reason why I did not fail High School was because my Senior year I took 22 classes, it was the best year of school for me and I remember it quite fondly. I took regular classes in whatever subject I wanted, and then I did the rest as Independent study classes. It was great, I did only what I wanted to do. Rather than spending hours listening to teachers drone on about stuff I learned already, I was able to walk into the independent study's room, take a few tests, and I was done. I spent most of that year fixing teachers computers, networking new computers, reading whatever i wanted to read while my fellow classmates got stuck reading crap.

    www.schoolsucks.com I am a huge advocate of this podcast, I don't always agree with his approach to the way children should learn, however he gets all of his facts about the "Modern" education system right.


    As to is it moral to become a pirate.

    That depends.

    Instead of becoming a pirate lets say you wanted to become a warlord in some third world country like... oh I dont know lets say mexico. And lets say that you were to be an objectivist war lord, according to principles of objectivism this would be perfectly acceptable granted certain things. One of these certain things would be the end goal of your new private kingdom would be liberty. This does not mean that from the moment you take over it would be moral to say "So long as you do not initiate force against another it is legal." the main reason for this is that you would create a state of total anarchy and achieve exactly the opposite of liberty. Instead it would be legitimate to say "Alright I am going to higher public officials to carry out certain tasks, however if they accept bribes or are generally corrupt then I will kill them.". it would also be legitimate to say "My army will exterminate all drug cartel's who violate the non-aggression principle." Because Mexico is a slave state these things are legitimate, i dont think they are practical but they are legitimate.

    As to piracy it is legitimate to pirate good's or money which is sent by one government to another government as "charity". I am however reminded of an old saying "Just because you can jump off a bridge doesn't mean you should."

    I will also remind you that though he denounces Robin Hood Ragnar is operating off of the true Robin Hood principle, namely that of stealing form the thief to return the property to its rightful owner.

  11. Wisdom

    Chapter 1 Verse 1

    1) A human life is less than a thousand months long. The wise are those who multiply their months by endeavor, living many lives in the fullness many lives in the fullness of one life.

    There are lots of things in the book so far that I have found good, but there are also things which I dislike. There is certainly an explicit Socratic thread, but it is the beginning of something I have been an advocate of for a long time. Objectivism/Atheism needs a "Bible". There are many advantages that canonical religious texts have especially on a social impact scale. It is also important as an educational tool, holding in a single volume the core principles of a belief. Note that I said principles. Those who have read The Good Book will I think understand what I mean better.

    I began working on something like The Good Book off and on some years ago, I have recently picked the project back up because of this book. It has given me some ideas in how to handle somethings which I wasn't sure how to incorporate. I am considering calling it "The Book of Man" or something like that. I hope to have the first "book" out in a few months, but we will see.

    still I am interested in others perception of the good book.

  12. Alright its been a long time but I have been thinking about this and talking about it with a friend, so I thought I would post a little now and then post more on it when I get off work. I am a great lover of Science Fiction and Fantasy, in science fiction books there tends to crop up what I will term the uterine replicator, of the books which I have read which mention this device only John Ringo in his "There will be Dragons" seems to understand the true possible impact of such a device. Yet even he only go so far.

    Imagine a world where every (or nearly every) woman has all of her egg's removed and stored, a world in which for one or two hundred dollars you could gestate a fetus outside of the human body. On a societal level over night sex would become divorced from procreation (which in many peoples minds it's still connected). My friend who is an objectivist was blown away when I pointed this out to him, he then asked me "I can see how ethically Heterosexuality is better than Homosexuality on some levels, because heterosexuality is required for the continuation of Humanity. This though... What becomes the difference?"

    There is in fact a difference which I will address when I get off work tonight, but something this revolutionary would change the meaning of sex universally.

    Think about it.

  13. Goodkinds early work is not objectivist at all.

    As to fantasy it is my preferred genre, I love fantasy. However I hate most fantasy books, the vast majority of fiction is trash I have many books which I wish I had never bought but every so often you find a gem. The Inheritance Cycle by christopher paolini is a great example of logical fantasy. The magic in it is restricted by logical rules, it cant be used to do just anything, and its use is limited to strength, its not endless.

    For the Painted Man (also known as the Warded Man) is done well. There are it is true flaws in its character but they are minor and the author is just getting started in his career so he has much time to grow.

  14. Come, O Veritas joy, come,

    with heart, and lips we praise you.

    She who's name is Truth be joy,

    Stand, O Stand, and praise Her.

    In Comfort she cradles us,

    This goddess whom we adore;

    O' Well of Life, O fire of Love,

    Our souls forever praise you.

    Veritas does appears in glory

    to free men from the dark of night;

    Your name engraved on our hearts,

    blessed are those who know you.

    Blessed is He who brought us She,

    in truth we stand forever free;

    with strength forever fortify ,

    Our minds, Our souls, Our hearts for thee.

    Our wicked foes you cast aside,

    in peace we dwell in your embrace;

    and so to us, with you for guide,

    our path is firm, our steps be true.

    Let none ever turn from thee,

    lest darkness take us to that cave,

    in light I walk forever yours,

    Mother of knowledge my soul is yours.


    rough and unfinished I thought I would post this to get some reactions and help refine it. It is a piece of a wedding ceremony for a friend.

    I do not like the part in red

  15. No, you do not understand the property rights issue here. In the case of the store, you have a group of people acting with the owner's permission to give a performance which in no way affects anyone outside the store nor damages the property or value thereof of any person involved.

    M-kay, thanks for explaining property to me, Frisco.

    In the case of the eyesore, it most certainly can harm the resale value of its neighbors properties.

    Oh, so now you're advocating the idea that people should not have the right to choose whatever colors they wish for their own property, or take any other action with their property if it can be shown that their doing so will harm the resale value of their neighbor's property?

    The problem is your rather bizarre Objectionist insistence on making what is a perfectly cromulent personal opinion, "I don't find the performance particularly valuable" into a categorical truth...

    You're apparently still missing the point. My point is not that "I don't find the performance particularly valuable." You should try to follow along more closely if you're going to post on a thread.

    "...this sort of thing amounts to forcing culture on people, and is evil."

    I didn't say it was evil. I said it was pompous, presumptuous and uncultured.

    Like an ARIan defending Peikoff's latest pontification, rather than qualify yourself, you resort to ever more silly analogies.

    Do you have a reading disorder, Ted? I've explained myself quite clearly, and you still don't get it? Wow. I even offered some background context in post #16 that I had originally mistakenly assumed that others would have been aware of. How are you still not getting it?

    The only actual aesthetic authoritarianism here is yours.

    Uh-huh. The subtitle of this thread is "Hope for the future," as if the world is doomed if people prefer to listen to music that Alan (equality72521) has rated "in reality" to be "trash" and to be "disqualified as music," and I'm the aesthetic authoritarian! People need to be ambushed with the type of art that Alan prefers, for their own good, and for the good of mankind's future, and I'm the authoritarian for suggesting that such busy-bodies should mind their own business. Heh.




    Wide receever weezy

    Throw da p-ssy at me

    Ya p-ssy lips smilin

    I make da p-ssy happy

    Take your panties off

    The p-ssy lookin at me

    I'm the p-ssy monster

    Now get the p-ssy ready

    I like to kiss, she like to kiss

    I deep stroke and make her bite her fist

    More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/l/lil_wayne/#share

    Thank you Lil Wayne


    Piss Christ is NOT art. Portraying Jesus giving a blow job is not art. I am no Christian, I think its a farce, but I will condemn anyone who pulls a stunt like that and calls it art.

    There are style of music which I do not like, it is still music. There are some (very few) rap songs which are artistic. We are loosing our our culture, the internet has provided for the first time an alternative to the music industry who acts as a cultural dictator, the same with the movie studios.

  16. Jonathan,

    something you will notice in that video is the participation of the people. There were only 800 members there and they instigated it but the shoppers took it up. The people went from spectators to participants. The concept of the random act of culture is to inspire people.

  17. As if these performers broke into people's homes or drove repeatedly around the block blasting Wu Tang Clan on their subwoofers at midnight.

    Do you view a person whistling as he works as a form of assault?

    No, I think that a person whistling while he works would be a truly spontaneous and genuine "random act of culture." I'm all for people finding ways of bringing art into their own lives and creating it, no matter how untrained and insignificant the creation might be, as opposed to attempting to force art, which was created by someone else, into others' lives. I think it misses the point, and, frankly, that it's downright idiotic, for people to think that they're bringing "culture" to others by removing choice and simply altering the environment in which they are still mere spectators.

    I would suggest you might benefit from a professional prostate massage if I knew you wouldn't resent that too as an unwanted intrusion.

    Here's an idea that you non-creative, busy-body, culture-nazi, community-organizers might like: How about we take scenes from The Fountainhead and print them on rolls of toilet paper? That way when the unwashed masses are taking a dump at the mall, they can read the excerpts and be "exposed to culture!" Do you think Rand would have liked that? Do you think she would have been pleased with the idea of uncultured, busy-body mediocrities trying to force "culture" on others by tampering with her art or with how it was presented?


    Your first mistake is in the presumption that someone is removing choice. If I choose to go to a mall and get permission form the owner of the mall to put on a mini-concert without advertising it first I have not removed choice. In fact mall's play music all the time, therefore is the mall shoving their culture down someones throat? much of what passes as music in todays world is in reality trash. by its very nature it is disqualified as music (take for example Rap or modern R&B). Doing something like random acts of culture as a way to promote a specific form of art is not shoving something down someones throat. You are on private property when you are at a mall or an airport. if you dont like it leave. No one forces you to go to a mall or an air port, you dont own that mall or air port, go somewhere else. See this is the beauty of Capitalism, the owners of those places get to decide what can and cannot happen on their property.

    In the clip provided here Macy's sanctioned the Philadelphia opera doing this, if it offends you shop somewhere else. This group get permission from the owners of the property they preform on, they don't need YOUR permission if you dont like it go somewhere else.


    You need to understand the principle of creativity. Because one is not the originator of a peace does not mean that a performer is not a creator. Your toilet paper example is an attempt of reductio ad absurdum, and it falls flat. I myself have printed copies of Francisco's speech from capitalist mag. and given it to people. I have also bought copies of rands books and given them to random people. Do I create these things? no. I am however advertising art which I find pleasurable. I dont force people to take them, I dont force people to keep them. they have a choice. I have never had someone come to me later and say "why did you force your trash on me." I have had people come to me and say "thank you that was a wonderful book.". Let me put it in terms you can understand. My niece is an artist and she is damn good at it. I go to restraunts and other places and ask if I can hang a piece of her art on the wall, sometimes the owner says yes sometimes no. Am I forcing her art down the throat of the patrons? No, I am offering people a chance to view pleasing art.