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Everything posted by Danneskjold

  1. If the unborn baby isn't alive then it is a part of the woman's body. If the unborn baby is alive then it's connected but not a part of what would be considered the woman's body. Therefore the woman would have no right to end the life of the unborn baby.
  2. Got one for being about to break up? Yup, so I guess I'm in stale relationship soon to be in fix me up. I can't get a relationship with a girl my age to last over a month though. It's getting pretty bad.
  3. The way I see it either an unborn baby is alive, in which case abortion should be illegal, or not alive, in which case the woman should have the right to do what they want with their body. I personally say that it should have to be aborted before week five which is when its heart starts beating, or week nine which is when brain activity starts. Past either point I consider the unborn baby alive. What are the thoughts here?
  4. People seem to forget that last sentence there. Government isn't there to protect us, it is there to protect our rights. Protecting our rights is the easiest way to protect us. So let's have all the big macs we want. Obesity is still healthier than fascism.
  5. No to Elisha Cuthbert. I'd have a hard time seeing her as anything but someone's rebellious daughter. Jodie Foster and Angelina Jolie are both good. v.
  6. Don't let those turn it off to you if that's the only reason you're not going. Almost every minor character in it was filmed not knowing that this guy isn't actually from Kazakhstan. Some people make complete idiots out of themselves and got pissed. Then there were some guys who were told to be rowdy and they said a whole bunch of stuff they wished they hadn't so they're suing. The lawsuits are bull.
  7. :getlost: This blows. Gizoogle is blocked by my parental controls. I'm going to kill my ISP :devil: We got a million smilies and is the only one that expresses severe anger? I think we need a smiley with someone getting angry and then exploding or something.
  8. Borat was decent. Filmed with Sacha Baron Cohen and a bunch of people who didn't know they were in it. It's ok, there are some parts that are just horrible as in disgusting in a morbidly-obese-naked-guy-wrestling-naked-other-guy-for-seven-minutes type of way. It did definitely have its funny parts though.
  9. www.simaqianstudio.com Nice place really. Going through some minor turbulence right now. I'm sure you guys can figure out who I am if you look.
  10. Danneskjold

    Inky's Art

    I think Inky should post some more art. Seriously, let's give us something to talk about.
  11. Haha, well I certainly didn't mind. Place needs some life. I do not, however, consider myself a teenie bopper...I prefer...teenie killer. Bopping the dumb****s just doesn't hurt 'em enough. has anyone else noticed that : lol: and : laugh: are the same smley?
  12. Programs I'll watch on MTV: .... .... .... .... .... Pimp My Ride? The rest of it is pretty dumb.
  13. He was being serious. If I was going to give you a good representation of this kid's intelligence level I would say... :puppeh:
  14. Ha! Man, I dread the day I say something like that. *assumes 90 year old man imitation* "When I was your age I used to have to walk fifteen miles to school, uphill both ways, in the freezing snow, barefoot, with no sidewalks because all we had was dirt roads that you'd slip on unless you were careful. More careful than you youngins these days." Ha! I'm just playing.
  15. Ya, I have the Bigger, Longer, and Uncut movie permanently saved on my TiVo.
  16. Well, every week my football team holds a talent show before practice. If you want the basic idea of this talent show, well...as far as music goes, we're about as good at playing instruments as our band would be at playing football. Our jokes, however, are pretty good. Here is where I'm going to post the funnier of the jokes. (Important characters: Rory- Funny, senior kid, horrible at football, a little bit of a ***hole. Steve- Sort of awkward kid, never really had a girlfriend, nice guy though. Amacher- Village idiot. My team also has a no tolerance drugs and alcohol policy.) Rory is sitting on the set of stairs looking down on the football field after practice. He's sitting with a bunch of guys including Steve and Amacher. The guys decide to try to set Steve up with one of the cheerleaders/dance team members walking around before practice. When Steve refuses Rory asks "What are you gay?" Amacher goes "Steve is gay? Seriously?" Rory replies, "No you idiot, I was joking." Amacher says, "Ok, good. Cause I thought we had a no tolerance policy."
  17. Ya, state quarterfinals this week. Don't get there by taking days off. You wanna talk old school? You should play my NES some time. (gimme a minute while I look for a nerdy smiley) :geek: Haha, sweet. This place has one. My other forum has like...8 smileys and those are just the basics. :ike: That one reminds me of Ike from South Park. Holy crap the html is : ike : no wonder. Ya, I get a tad scatterbrained at night.
  18. You want an entertaining group to have some fun with? Try this group. www.stormfront.org Those guys are fierce, and not necessarily logically either. You want a good forum that is slightly polarized at the current moment, but overall is very fun to hang around and has a great and hilarious community? Try www.simaqianstudio.com. I'm registered there as Atlas. Kori, sounds like PS2 judging by the games. I'm more of an xbox guy myself because they have better games overall. Gears of War is incredible. (if you care) Anyways I better be getting off to bed. TDay football practice at 10 tomorrow.
  19. Thanks for the advice everybody. I understand what you are saying and am sure it will help. A large part of my goals are baseball oriented. I just find that my goals are increasingly hard to achieve and that I feel like a failure when I don't achieve these goals that no one expects me to achieve in the first place. Things like not making varsity in baseball as a freshman at the beginning of the year. Then feeling like a failure again when I wasn't hitting at the varsity level once I was there. This all seems extremely illogical as I try to explain it, but it just seems like not working as hard as I am would just end up taking away whatever edge I have.
  20. I guess I'll start. I read, do homework, play video games, and talk to friends when I'm not at school or sports practice. I'm currently reading Free to Choose By Milton Friedman (R.I.P.). As far as video games go, I'm currently enraptured by Gears of War. But seeing as the rest of the teenage population of this forum is female I highly doubt you guys care about my shooter game. As far as friends go, well let's just say that I have a hard time fitting in with the jocks due to the fact that epistomology and such aren't their favorite subjects. As for the nerds at my school...well they don't really like football and baseball. Oh well, I'll live. I also frequent another forum. It's a history forum but I'm not particularly big on history. However, they tolerate me in the intellectual discussion, world affairs, and off-topic cafe. Anyone else?
  21. Any thoughts of suicide have been quickly dismissed. It's just that sometimes after a near car crash or something I'll imagine what would have happened if we had actually crashed. And when I think about possible results, I don't necessarily see those ones with me coming out in a wheelchair as bad. The idea of a break from the pressure is nice. However, I've been injured before and I ended up sitting there waiting to get back on the field so I also know that it's not a long term solution. Just one of those passing thoughts. I don't mean to sound like some wacko being driven to the edge. I'm just wondering how to balance my life while not risking my drive that will push me to the next and higher levels of achievement. Essentially just a sustainable intensity as opposed to a psychotic pace.
  22. Boy, that was a waste of time. Lol. I just watched both those videos and read that whole timeline. MSK was right about having to be in a weird mood to enjoy that.
  23. Ok, so heres the scenario. Let's say a person is an extremely motivated person. This person is an objectivist and holds closely to the majority of standards especially concerning ego. I set standards for myself that I want to live up to, and whether I consider myself a success or failure is solely based upon myself, not what everyone else thinks. However, the goals are set so high that most people would consider it a tremendous success to come anywhere close. However, this person isn't happy unless he passes them in all areas of the goal. He sets goal after goal pushing himself farther and farther. Then after a while he starts to feel the pressure he puts on himself. He can't stop setting goals for himself because it's what he's done for as long as he can remember, but the goals won't let him rest. If he doesn't achieve his goals he feels like a failure, but he doesn't feel like he can sustain himself this way. He can't commit suicide, he would consider it failure, and it's gotten to the point where he would see a wheelchair as a nice way to escape his goals. Is the state of mind I've just described too far?
  24. I play noseguard on defense and fullback on offense. For those of you who don't know: ________________x ________________X ________________x x____________xxxxxx ___________x o____________o_ O_ o___________o ____________o_______o _____________o__o__o ________________o I play the positions represented by the capitol letters. (x=offense o=defense) on offense I block and on defense I create big piles and tackle. I guess I'm supposed to be the dumb meat. I'm a catcher in baseball, that's my best sport. Edit: Aww man that messed with my diagram. O well.
  25. I see this really hasn't gotten much off the ground since I took my break. Dissapointing. I've been quite busy lately due to several things amongst which are football practice, girlfriend, and an obscene amount of homework. So, here's what I was thinking. For one, you're never going to get a lot of traffic in this place. Let's face it, average teenager cares about as much about epistemology, metaphysics, etc. as a chimp. If teenagers were a species they could single-handedly disprove evolution because the vast majority are slightly lower than apes in cognitive abilities anyways and since things can't regress as they evolve it would throw off the theory. The second thing is that we need to make this place worth coming to for the rest of the teenagers. Start topics about common interests, for that matter, just start topics. Supply creates its own demand. Right now there's not much of either.