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Everything posted by SSerravillo

  1. * Some Obnoxious Lowlife Onanistic Wankers I actualy had to look that up. That rarely happens. :---)
  2. LOL!! Cute joke! I would have added, "Happy Hylidae!" ;o)
  3. Hey, that's really neat, man... ;o)
  4. "btw - Maybe if you stopped using urinals... That might help some... " Hmm... I have a funny story about that as well.... ;o) SmS
  5. Coincidentally, I do believe that I was recently accused of being a tease, even if the accusation was veiled and indirect. It's so odd (to me) that if a woman engages her sense of humor when conversing with a man, it's often seen as flirting (whether it is or not). And when a woman does flirt, either intentionally or not, she's tagged a tease if she then declines any advances the man might make. When did harmless flirting become an anathema? Discussion for a different forum/thread, I guess... Summer
  6. Must be some kind of male bonding thing. There are times when I'm really glad I'm a woman. This is definitely one of those times. Edit: Although, I suppose it's not completely unheard of for women to compare secondary sex characteristics. Not gonna elaborate... ;o)