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Everything posted by merjet

  1. A case for socialism The Knowledge Illusion #1
  2. Paying higher taxes ProPublica is finally helpful
  3. NY Times climate change editorial News about free filing income taxes
  4. Health insurance administrative cost Bernie's Medicare for All Megamillionaires
  5. The Truth About Income Inequality
  6. 12/19/2019 Biden vs Sanders re M4A
  7. ITEP and income taxes for 3 banks
  8. Three more questions nobody asks Bernie Sanders about M4A (Medicare for All)
  9. ITEP and J. P. Morgan's employee stock options
  11. ITEP and three tax topics ITEP and depreciation
  12. Netflix income taxes 2018 AOC's "free stuff" ITEP makes a myth
  13. Free market healthcare Amazon income taxes addenda
  14. Employer-sponsored health insurance #1 Employer-sponsored health insurance #2
  15. Medicare for All: Pushback against Warren
  16. Medicare for All: Profligate Sanders Medicare for All: Warren's Chicanery
  17. Medicare for All Myths Medicare for All: Chicanery from The Guardian
  18. Medicare for All and Insurance for None?
  19. Attention intruders Nobody asks Bernie Sanders these questions
  20. Crystal Fire #1 Crystal Fire #2 Crystal Fire #3