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Posts posted by algernonsidney

  1. I booked my flight and will be flying from Austin to attend the evening at FEE on Saturday 23 August. This will be the last event ever held at the FEE mansion in Irvington. They appear to have finalized their move to Atlanta and are auctioning off many items from this beautiful landmark. The mansion was FEE's home from the late 1940's. I'm very sad to this wonderful place go, even though I understand why it's happening.

    I attended my first seminar there back in July 1994, and it was the best week of my life. The mansion was very much a part of the experience. A seminar at a hotel or a college just isn't the same as a seminar at what was something like a frat house. I could walk from the classroom to my bedroom in about two minutes. They let us take books back to our rooms and trusted us to pay for them on Friday. Sometimes we even left our doors wide open--they were no room keys.

    Even if you don't have all these happy memories of the FEE mansion like I do, come out and give the mansion the kind of sendoff it deserves. I hope some other VIP's will be there, realizing what a special event this is. Go here:

  2. I am asking becuase I am working on a novel of my own. Most word processors nowadays have word counters, and this is the only objective measure of how long or short a novel is. Different versions of Rand's novels have different page counts, so number of pages is not a good measure.

    Needless to say, I am sorry I posted this here. I didn't expect many people to know the answer to these four questions. However, I hoped that someone out there might know.

    Googling has actually yielded two different figures on Atlas Shrugged. I have also found nothing for the shorter novels.

    On Facebook, I also asked L Neil Smith and J Neil Schulman about their longest and shortest novels. At least, they were able to give me straight answers.

    Thank you, Michael Stewart Kelly. While you did not know the answer, you did provide a helpful answer.

    If I could delete this entire thread, I would.

  3. Glenn Beck admits to watching two episodes. I have watched 46. Who do you think knows more about the show?

    In fact, Glee does agree with my politics in at least one instance. It portarys public schools very negatively with regard to the issue of bullying gays. It portrays a private school positively.

  4. His comment that "everybody is sleeping with everybody else" is way off. There are two characters on the show that I would call promiscuous--Santana Lopez and Noah Puckerman. Several characters on the show haven't had sex at all. This includes the counselor Emma Pillsbury. The characters do go from relationship to relationship and do seem to cheat a lot. I can't say that they are perfect, but there is not much that sex on Glee. There aren't even very many makeout scenes. It's more talk than action.

    Naturally I wonder how he came to these conclusions after watching only TWO episodes. I'm willing to bet that his anti-Glee rants are based on other things he has read or has heard from people who are just like him. I would love to know what his "sources" are for all this. The song comes from the episode "Comeback," and there isn't any sex in that episode at all. The most "objectionable" thing in that episode is a fake suicide attempt.

    The show certainly does exploit sex appeal. I have called it the "best eye candy show I've watched." The cheerleaders are constantly in uniform when they are on the squad and even wear their uniforms in makeout scenes and sex scenes. And when Quinn is pregnant, it hardly shows.

    I don't care if you watch the show or not. I was looking for people who have actually watched it. The only Randist I know who watches it is Jim Peron. He even has posted on his Facebook about the show.

    Beck's criticisms of the show seem a lot like the socialist criticisms of Rand. They are uninformed and misinformed. They generally grab one piece of "evidence" and just run with it. I suspect there is more confirmation bias here than an actual attempt to watch the show and learn something about it.

    I know that Beck doesn't come out and say that he hates it because gays love it. Most conservatives do not do this. But when conservatives read about all these gay awards that the show has won, I suspect that most conservatives already go into watching the show with a negative attitude.

  5. It's actually gotten a whole lot better since I put this post up. Or, maybe I have just opened up to it. As of now, I have seen every episode. That's 46 episodes in about ten days.

    I suspect that Glenn Beck and the other usual suspects hate it because it has several gay characters and deals a lot with the gay-straight-bi issues. Bottom line, if gays like it, someone like Beck will hate it for that reason alone.

    Glee is often very hilarious. It features an interesting mix of outrageous characters and often caricatures their problems. There is the drama queen (Rachel Berry), the "bad ass" who sleeps with all the cheerleaders and everyone else (Noah Puckerman), the stereotypical dumb blonde (Brittany S Pierce), the girl who always says yes (Santana Lopez), the flaming homo (Kurt Hummel), the more reserved homo that girls actually hit on (Blaine Anderson), the pretty boy quarterback (Finn Hudson), the cheer captain (Quinn Fabrary), "pure evil" (Sue Sylvester), and the OCD person (Emma Pilsbury). They are all somewhat stereotypical, but the interactions between everyone works very well.

    Some things are very well done. There is the relationship between auto mechanic father (Burt Hummel) and his very gay son (Kurt). And Quinn is actually one of the most complicated characters I have watched in any series. There are moments that will make you laugh and cry.

    And some of the one-liners are legendary:

    "It's a Britney Spears sex riot."

    "When the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry."

    I would give it a shot. I am also happy now that I started from the beginning. It's on season three now.

  6. I decided to give this show a try based on the fact that I know so many other people who seem to like it a lot. This includes lots of people I know from the acting community. I respect their opinions.

    Since it debuted in 2009, I decided to go on the Net and find episodes from the beginning. I figured if I did decide to get into the show, I wanted to see it from the beginning. The show just debuted season three.

    First of all, can Hollywood please stop promoting these idiotic stereotypes of high school kids? I went to high school myself. I don't remember it being like this at all. I don't remember seeing people through drinks or slushies in people's faces. I don't remember seeing a group of students throwing a kid into a dumpster. I didn't think people in high school were that bad to each other. But on this show, everybody just treats everyone else like dirt.

    This brings me to my other problem. There are too many villains who are glorified and come out winning. And too many heroes who end up getting the short end.

    Let's take a look at the character of Will Schuester, the teacher who leads the glee club. He is a passionate and dedicated teacher who cares deeply about everyone else. In spite of this, he has a wife who fakes a pregnancy on him. He has a principal who is a total dunce and non-supportive of anything he does. He has no respect whatsoever from any other employee in the school, except for the guidance counselor who wants to jump his bones. He is a good guy who is constantly punished for being one.

    Contrast this to Sue Sylvester, who is the enemy of the glee club. She gets what she wants most of the time. She trips someone so they fall down the steps. She gets pissed when someone is using "her" copier. She puts down everything and is just a misanthrope all-around. She is also a successful cheer coach. She's an even bigger shrew than Will's wife.

    Then there is the young shrew, Quinn Fabray. She is the cheer captain who gets pregnant. She also lies about the identity of the father. When she is introduced, she is supposed to be Christian and celebate. She gets pregnant in a drunken one-nighter and then tells her boy friend that he's the father. Even though he buys her story completely and is committed to raising the child (hasn't come yet), Quinn won't even go past kissing him.

    Is this uplifting? Is this inspiring? Is this fun? Am I getting old? Maybe I just don't like a show that has so many shrewish women who get their way all the time.

    To be honest, the main thing that has kept me interested in this show is the magnificent eye candy.

  7. I naturally wonder what will take its place. I know I rarely use it.

    I also know that the attitude has not changed, in spite of all this. I was in the PO about ten days ago to mail my mother a birthday card. I noticed that there were no zip code books available. I also asked the clerk for help and did not get any.

    The first thing they need to do is start delivering on alternate days. Split up all the mail. Deliver half of it on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Deliver the other half on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

    The attitude has not changed. When you deal with the USPS, you are a captive. You are not a customer.

  8. George Washington claimed responsibility for the earthquake today. The First President was proud to say that he ordered all soldiers from the War of 1812 and Revolutionary War to roll over in their graves at the same time. Andrew Jackson admitted that it was one of the few times that he ever agreed with George Washington on anything.

    Similar earthquakes were reported in Europe. In France, the Marquis de La Fayette claimed responsibility. In Poland, Kazimierz Pułaski accepted responsibility. In Germany, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben took responsibility.

    A fourth earthquake took place in Belarus with Tadeusz Kościuszko taking responsibility. However, Lithuanian and Polish seismologists insist that the epicenter of the quake was actually in their home countries.

  9. I have no idea who will win. However, the best candidate is clearly Gary Johnson (

    Ron Paul's Paleocon streak scares me (he doesn't believe in the incorporation doctrine even!), even if he's good on foreign and monetary policy.

    Romney is a hypocrite. Palin (even if she's not technically running) and Bachmann's rural-Christian-soccer-mom-ness could make me go gay. Pawlenty is abominable on social issues. Texans like Rick Perry cannot be trusted in the White House (Dubya and LBJ, anyone?). Rudy Guiliani was a fame-seeking prosecutor that perp-walked those accused of Insider Trading and whored himself out to the media, got elected to Mayor of NYC, and is also a foreign policy hawk that wants to throw yet more American lives and money into overseas adventurism which won't actually improve American security.

    Johnson is the only one with reasonable policies, he's socially to the left of Obama which gives him bipartisan appeal, he has fantastic economics advice from Jeffrey Miron (from Harvard), and he has actual executive experience.

    But he probably won't win the nomination.

    In a governor's race, I would vote for Johnson. Since it's a Presidential race, I am supporting Paul.

    Bachmann spent a lot of her life working for the IRS. That alone is reason to throw her out.

  10. This Florida child support case, here, is extremely interesting on a number of fronts.

    But the notion that a woman cannot rape a man has been around for quite a while and still persists. In the late '70s it was argued in the book "Sex, Crime and the Law" that "for obvious biological reasons, a woman cannot be guilty of raping a man ... certainly a woman cannot bring about sexual intercourse with a male against his will." What's certain is actually the opposite, that it's physiologically possible for a woman to impregnate herself by raping a man. (Also, note that rape doesn't have to include penis-in-vagina penetration.) Researchers have studied this very thing, in fact.
    A study
    in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that "the belief that it is impossible for males to respond sexually when subjected to sexual molestation by women is contradicted" and it also corroborated "previous research indicating that male sex response can occur in a variety of emotional states, including anger and terror." Much as woman can experience lubrication and even achieve orgasm during rape, men's physiological response can act independent of consent or desire -- and in neither case does it make it any less rape-y.

    So, in keeping with OL's recent threads on rape, I posted this.


    I never got that lucky when I was a horny teen age boy. I could only dream about it.

    Ba'al Chatzaf

    And now we have just seen why men don't report rape.

    I will even grant that this boy might have been willing to have protected sex with this girl. But now there is a child involved, and he didn't want to be a father. This is called slavery.