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Blog Entries posted by Kat

  1. Kat
    On Monday, July 7, 2008 I had the unique honor of attending Ringo's birthday happening at the Hard Rock hotel in Chicago. I wiggled myself in next to the CNN camera and got some great pictures. I have posted them up on www.myspace.com/katdaddy9
    Looking forward to seeing Ringo and the band again on Sunday!
    Peace & Love
  2. Kat
    April is Autism Awareness Month. On Friday, April 2, 2010 (Autism Awareness Day) I joined a group from Autism Speaks on the NBC morning news to do the Friday dance with weatherman Andy Avilos and friends. Although you I'm in back and you can’t see my face or my wonderful attempt at doing the limbo under the Autism Speaks banner, I’m on TV doing the Friday dance!
    Please support our family as we raise funds for a very worthy organization that is doing very important work helping families, promoting awareness and funding critical research. The walk takes place on Saturday, May 15 and is a fairly short 5K walk (~ 3 miles) around Soldier Field in Chicago. There will be lots of family friendly activities going on and Rashied Davis of the Chicago Bears will be there also.
    As you may know, my son Sean is affected by autism. He faces many challenges and is working hard to overcome them. We don’t know if he will ever be able to live independently. Hopefully, a cure will be found in his lifetime. With your support, he and others like him may be able to overcome this mysterious condition and lead normal lives. This walk is an opportunity for you to be part of this exciting quest to cure, or at least treat, those afflicted with autism.
    Please consider supporting our team with a donation! http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/chicago/katdaddy9
    Thanks so much!
    Source: Walk for Autism
  3. Kat
    Join me and the family in our efforts to support Walk Now for Autism!
    Once again, we are participating in Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for autism. As you may know, my son Sean has a form of autism called PDD-NOS. This stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Sean is a very sweet boy who enjoys Star Wars, Lego video games and Tae Kwon Do. He started high school this year and is involved with the Best Buddies program at his school. Thankfully, he is high functioning, although he still requires special ed and many services and therapies in school and out.
    Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States affecting one in every 150 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and a cure does not exist. Research is crucial. Every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. Not only must we find ways to improve the quality of life for children and adults with autism, but we also must find a cure, and soon.
    By participating in this event, our hope is that we will soon hear “Your child no longer has autism."
    Thanks so much for your support. Here is a big honking link to my page at Walk Now for Autism.
    Kat's walk page
    Good luck!
    (p.s. if you are in the Chicago area and would like to participate in the Bears ticket raffle, let me know.)
  4. Kat
    My family is participating in Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for autism. As you probably know, my son has an autistic spectrum disorder called PDD so autism is something that touches our family personally every day. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States affecting one in every 150 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and a cure does not exist. Research is crucial. Every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. Not only must we find ways to improve the quality of life for children and adults with autism, but we also must find a cure, and soon.
    Walk Now for Autism is our chance to make a difference in the fight against autism by raising money for autism research and heightening public awareness. Please join me in my fight as I raise money to help fund essential research. I will be walking on May 18 and would like you to support those affected by autism. You can sponsor us or donate to Walk Now for Autism and join my team online through my webpage at www.walknowforautism.org. Donations can also be mailed to Autism Speaks using the donation form located on my page or send a check made out to Autism Speaks and mail it to:
    Autism Speaks
    Walk Donations Department
    5455 Wilshire Blvd, #2250
    Los Angeles, CA 90036
    Please join me in my fight against autism. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the more than 1 million Americans living with autism today.

    Here is Sean's song... every kid needs a theme song...
    Beautiful Boy by John Lennon
    <object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_imwld_WzI&hl=en&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_imwld_WzI&hl=en&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_imwld_WzI&hl=en&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>
  5. Kat
    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpgataezz8M&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpgataezz8M&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpgataezz8M&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
    "If you had the luck of the Irish, you would wish you were English instead"
    Happy St. Patricks Day Everyone!
    Here's my favorite St. Patrick's Day Song. I also love Paul's Give Ireland back to the Irish!
    I'm such a Beatles geek
  6. Kat
    <embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=4776181634656145640&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>
    I ran across this video online and thought it was pretty cool.
  7. Kat
    Wooooooo Hooooooo!!!! I DID IT!
    I maintained my goal weight through my birthday, the holidays, some pizzas and one of those all the meat you can possibly eat Brazilian steakhouses. And I actually went down a pound. I was actually getting a little nervous there for awhile with all that food and not being able to weigh in for several weeks because of the Weight Watchers meetings being cancelled for three sessions due to the holidays. When week number six rolled around, I had to miss the meeting to take my kid to a doctor's appointment.
    Anyhoo.... I made it. I rock and I have a brand new sized small black t-shirt and a golden key for becoming a lifetime member. The t-shirt reads in small print, "*Results not typical." That is the usual disclaimer in ads for weight loss products and we adopted that little slogan for the t-shirts for lifetime members of our group. I think its pretty cool.
    I feel great. I reached my goal and lost 35 pounds since summer 2006.
    Kat's NOT fat!
    (crossposted to my my weight loss blog)
  8. Kat
    <object width="450" height="400
    "><param name="movie" value="http:!
    ncompassmovie.com/goldenCompass_blog.swf?id=792721"></param><embed src="http://goldencompassmovie.com/goldenCompass_blog.swf?id=792721" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" menu="false" width="450" height="400"></embed></object><br><br>
    I went to the official Golden Compass site and was matched up with a snow leopard daemon. Do you agree or should my daemon change forms? Go to http://www.goldencompassmovie.com/?792721 and let them know if my daemon is a good match for me. <br><br>
  9. Kat
    We're taking off to London and Liverpool for a rockin' good time. Inky's coming too. It's our first time out of the USA and I'm so excited!
  10. Kat
    When I weighed in at my weekly Weight Watchers meeting yesterday, I found that I had lost 4.4 pounds. Woooooohoooooo!!! That was a huge amount for me to lose in one week. I felt I was down for the week, but didn't think it added up to that much. After all, I had eaten at Chili's Saturday. (BTW - I just found out their chicken cobb salad has 28 points!! That's twice as much as my naughty little margarita chicken. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.)
    Generally, I have been taking of less than a pound a week and they say tht most people lose one to two pounds per week. It just seems that it is coming off slower for me.
    I am now within ten pounds of reaching my goal weight and if I maintain that for six weeks, I will become a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. Lifetime members get to go to meetings for free. That would be so great.
    .... Must deflate spare tire....
  11. Kat
    Dayaamm! I took a little vacation over the 4th of July holiday and gained 1.4 pounds over the last two weeks. I went to Hollywood and ate at the world famous Mel's Diner and some other places that were not so good for my diet. Where is an Applebee's Weight Watchers menu when you need one? Traveling is such a challenge because you are eating out every meal. I slipped this time but I just have to get back with the program.
  12. Kat
    <a href="http://technorati.com/claim/nxypqpk7sx" rel="me">Technorati Profile</a>
    shameless self-promotion - release the spiders and get pinged
  13. Kat
    Michael and I are off vacationing in LA for a few days. It is really nice out here and the weather is great. We've been visiting with my brother and Barbara, and it has been quite enjoyable. My brother took me on a very scenic ride to the ocean, Venice, Santa Monica and through Topanga canyon, which is absolutely gorgeous. We also went over to Hollywood and checked out the sights.
    We had a rough start coming out here. We had a stopover in Las Vegas where I won sixty big ones on video poker before hopping on another plane. We made the connection; our luggage did not. United lost our luggage. This is the first time I've experienced lost luggage. What a royal pain. It is absolutely impossible to get through to United lost luggage line and they make you talk to one of those annoyingly fake friendly voice systems that make you talk to it before trying to connect you to a busy line. I was livid and wanted to throw the phone out the window. I hate those annoying systems. It is definitely on my top ten pet peeve list. From now on I will pay the extra for a direct flight. My last couple experiences with stopovers have not been good. Last year going to Summer Seminar they changed the stopover from Salt Lake City to Atlanta and this year my luggage was lost. It just isn't worth the aggravation anymore.
    Our luggage did eventually show up at our hotel late the second day, but it really put a damper on the vacation as did the whole Pross episode. We are on vacation and he still is trying to get Michael to respond to him on another forum. We didn't post to him when we knew he was on vacation. He needs to clean up his own fricken mess and leave us the hell alone. We didn't plagiarize; he did. He doesn't need our permission to state where the bodies are buried or to make amends to those he has wronged. He is not a victim and should stop this crap. To blame Michael and OL for his pathological behavior is pathetic. He is the only one to blame for what he did. He was an intellectual kleptomaniac when he came here and we let him stay on the condition that he would not plagiarize. Now he says he did it because he was mad at Michael. Bullshit. Get a grip, loser!
    Kitten has growled.
  14. Kat
    OK... time to lose some weight. I am tired of getting old and fat and achy. I joined Weight Watchers and got myself a Tony Little Gazelle Sprintmaster. I'm just starting out and I am motivated and ready to work towards a goal of losing around 30-35 pounds. I will occasionally write about my progress as it is supposed to help keep me on track and motivated.

  15. Kat
    The Community Blog module allows you to create a personal BLOG (also known as weblog).
    Creating a Blog
    In your User Control Panel (My Controls), you will see a Community Blog menu group. To create a Blog click on Blog Settings. When authorized you can create your Blog by agreeing to the Blog Terms and Rules. You will be asked to provide a name for your Blog and a description (optional). You are able to choose between a local and external Blog.
    Local Blog: A Blog hosted on the board which includes all features to create entries, comments, content blocks, etc.
    Link to external Blog: A link to a Blog which is hosted elsewhere.
    When you click 'Finish' your Blog will be created.
    Blog settings
    When you have an active Blog, there will be more settings available in the User Control Panel.
    Your Blog Settings: Here you can setup your Blog, Customize the look of your Blog and create entry categories.
    Content Block Settings: From this screen you can manage your content blocks (the little blocks of information that are displayed on the left or right side of your Blog page).
    About Me Settings: From this screen you can enter information which will be displayed on your Blog's About Me screen.
    Community Blog List
    When clicking on the 'Blogs' link on the links bar you will be taken to the Community Blog list page. This page displays all available Blogs with some information about them. Both external and internal Blogs are shown. The screen also includes some search and filter options. Clicking on a Blog's name will take you to that Blog.
    Adding entries to your Blog (local Blogs only)
    When you go to your Blog you have a special content block called 'Your Blog Options'. This contains links to manage your Blog. Click on Add Entry to add an entry to your Blog. You will be provided with a post form, including all the options you are used to when posting a topic in Invision Power Board. You can post the entry as Draft (not yet viewable by other members/guests) or Published (viewable by all who are allowed to view your Blog).
    Adding comments to Entries
    When clicking on a Blog entry name or the comments link of an entry, you will be taken to the entry view page. This page contains a quick reply form, or you can click on the Add Comment button to be able to add a comment to the Blog entry.
    Happy bloggin'
  16. Kat
    Now I've got a blog..... and writer's block.
    hmmm... what did I accomplish today?
    Today I finally installed a new sound card in my computer. My computer has been without sound for awhile because the sound card was busticated. It was the first time I have ever opened up a PC. I know that sounds odd, but I was a Mac person for several years and only came over to the dark side about two years ago. PC people tend to tinker under the hood a lot more. It really wasn't that difficult at all. I should have just replaced the sound card long ago. The worst part was getting the darned case open. Now I've got my Soundblaster and new Bose speakers and its all good!