F L Light

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Everything posted by F L Light

  1. Chris, I wish you would let a sleeping dog lie regarding the Ron Paul campaign. At least he did ignite a movement among many who might otherwise have been disheartened by the outrageous choices we had to choose from. It is unfortunate that this great country has been so misled for generations. Better ideas have been thought of as we know but remain in the minority although their numbers are growing. It is almost hard to tell which would be worse among the two major parties, one leading to medieval theocracy, the other to fascist totalitarianism. Regarding the natural borne citizenship thing. If the gentleman had nothing to hide why would he spend a fortune hiring three law firms to keep others from finding out the truth? It actually had nothing to do with his birth certificate although I do not know where he was born and it might have been in Kenya. The issue is one of definition of what the founders meant by "natural born citizen." If they meant that both parents should be American citizens in order for the future president to NOT have divided loyalty which he would have if one parent were citizen of another country, say Britain, as his father was undoubtedly Kenyan hence a British citizen and subject. I do not think it is either silly or stupid to want the Constitution to be respected and object to what amounts to ad hominem arguments of yours, which is at least unbecoming of one who should honor legitimate debate. OT www.campaignforliberty.com membership now, 29 Dec 08 6PM 97725 galt On the birth certificate his religion would have been revealed.
  2. Michael, Antiphonal couplets is what I call this style of repetition. Tibetan Buddhists use something like this form: Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief by Robert Goss There are shadows of this style in the stichomuthia sections of Greek tragedy. There is hardly a line in Greek tragedy without inversion or transposition, I do not believe in the deconstruction of poetry, which would allow nothing poetically unusual or unprosaic. Deconstruction is the ultimate pedestrian end of art. Let transposition set the potency Of neurons to revise philosophy. I have already composed a number of manuscripts of antiphonal couplets. How is it that I have yet to receive an intelligent reply, like yours, at Solop? F L The Eleutherian Laureate
  3. It has been more than a year since I last posted at OL. These couplets might reconcile youth with experience. The Young Outsiders a The young outsiders hate the old inside, Profaning their proprietary guide. b The old insiders are Misesian, Not needing from the state an outer plan. a The young outsiders hate the old inside, With outer arrogance unqualified. b The old insiders are Misesian, Who need no centralizing guardian. a The young outsiders hate the old inside And recompensive concord cannot bide. b The old insiders libertarian are, Unlike the youth who need a commissar. a The young outsiders hate the old inside, Having external ignorance unbeautified. b The old insiders libertarian are And with despotic adolescence jar. a The young outsiders hate the old inside, Not learning how good will is ratified. b The old insiders are Objectivists, Exactly to encounter what exists.
  4. I think these couplets are in spirit of Marsha Enriight's letter. 1 Of socialismus disillusioned, strive In self-promotion socially to thrive. 2 The chiefest efforts of my choice have brought Welfare in works meticulously wrought. 3 Of socialismus disillusioned, see Your self from social immolation free. 4 The chiefest efforts of my choice in great Events continue consonant with fate. 5 Of socialismus disillusioned, find Your self to sacrifices not confined. 6 Efforts of virile livelihood provide For welfare, having profit magnified. 7 Of socialismus disillusioned, go With independent purpose in no flow. 8 Efforts of virile livelihood reveal A Frank Lloyd Wright who wrought his private weal. 9 Of socialismus disillusioned, be Resolved on luminescence Clinton-free.
  5. I was not content with # 8 and here enclose two variations on that couplet. En masse bemused, enmeshed amiss, mankind To central subjugation is confined Concentered much, in meshes shaped, the folk May not divergent pulchritude evoke.
  6. 1 They’d make the fifty states one database For Washington who’d local votes displace. 2 They’d make the local publics of all states A centralized domain in D.C straits. 3 A barren interference Washington Provides, not leaving life to number one. 4 In centralized presumption socialists Displace your destiny to fill their lists. 5 A barren interference Washington Obtrudes, as laissez-faire is left undone. 6 In centralized presumption socialists Leave private life to public analysts. 7 A barren interference evermore Is overbearing overmuch like war. 8 A populace, enmeshed amiss, permits The government to meddle with their wits. 9 A barren interference in effect Is overbearing, overmuch unchecked. 10 In Washington, to the inflated height Of fatuous highness, fulsome laws seem right. 11 A barren interference they enforce, Believing life a centralized resource. 12 The centralizers comprehensively Too central grow, contracting liberty. 13 The centralizers would comprise our scope And with expansive independence cope. 14 The centralizers harder closures make, Not letting us a broader compass take. 15 Coercive errors centralize the state Amid committees in constraint of fate. 16 Centripetally crushed by centralized Departments, freedom is unauthorized.
  7. Aaron, Reisman and his friend, Ralph Raico, both attended Bronx Science, the high school from which I graduated many years after them. His online textbook and his audio files at Mises.org are excellent. If you thought the couplets were "bizarre." then other contributors to this board may have deemed heroic couplets strange. The couplets on FDR are one page from a hundred. Another post has been added to that site. I am something of an acquired taste. Most readers need instruction to enjoy Milton and Shakespeare. F L
  8. 1 Professionally teaching freedom, Rand In Atlas Shrugged would bureaucrats disband. 2 Professionally teaching freedom, all Von Mises said of Russia would befall. 3 Professionally teaching freedom, does Not DiLorenzo question Lincoln’s cause? 4 Triumphantly professing liberty, Ayn Rand elucidated slavery. 5 Triumphantly professing liberty, Ayn Rand made fictive reason fiery. 6 Productively professing liberty, Men propagate their mindful property. 7 Rand, crushingly professing liberty, Proved largeness a superfluous tyranny. 8 Rand crushingly professed, “Decrease the state, Which for expenses is extortionate.“ 9 Rand crushingly professed how crazed men are Who would audacious enterprise debar. 10 Rand crushingly made clear how socialists Would crack us down however life resists. 11 Rand, crushingly particular in all Disproofs of intervention, does not pall. 12 Rand, fruitfully profuse in instances Of liberal impetus, enlightened is. 13 A thoroughfare celeritously clear In thought I follow, finding Rand sincere. 13 A thoroughfare, peculiar to my thought, Is parallel to Rand’s, in poetry wrought. 14 Reisman, regardfully professing right From governmental wrong, has won his fight. 15 Reisman, humiliating hubris, means That insalubrious Brussels overweens. 16 Rand lucidly humiliates the class Of authorizers who would shape one mass. 17 Rand lucidly humiliates the great Egalitarian hubris of the state. 18 Rand’s strongest clarity distinguishes At work unobviated geniuses. 19 Rand’s strongest clarity distinguishes How motive innovation flourishes. 20 Rand’s forward clarity distinguishes What private savoir-faire accomplishes. 21 Rand humbled the omniscient measurers Who’d blank distinctions with concerted blurs. 22 Rand humbled the omniscient measurers Who guard equations where no good occurs. 23 Rand humbled the harageous orderers Of futile offices, where each one errs. 24 Rand humbled governmental hubris, not Astounded by its overweening thought. 25 Rand humbled governmental hubris, not In marvelment astounded by their plot. 26 Rand, not bewildered by the ropery Dissemblers offer, disillusioned me.