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Everything posted by Cookiemonsterette

  1. Hi, I'm a stay at home mom living in the California Bay Area. The cookies are 4 1/2 years (b ), 2 1/2 years (b ) and 5 months old (g). If you're wondering why I go by Cookiemonsterette...My husband and I went to a pig-roast get together organized by members of an online forum that my husband likes to post on. I went on under his username to post some pictures of the event and was christened Cookiemonsterette. I liked it so much I've used it ever since. I got my BS in Chemical Engineering in 2000, speak Spanish fluently (although my husband says I don't practice it enough), and enjoy filming and editing. Six months ago I didn't know who Ayn Rand was. One month ago I finished Atlas Shrugged. I'll never see the world the same way again! WOW!!!! Based on a recommendation from a new friend I've made on another Objectivist site I'm going to tackle Leonard Peikoff's Objectivism:The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone here and discussing Ayn Rand's works, Capitalism and Objectivity.
  2. Thanks for the welcome! And I'm so glad I could create some value for you!!! I actually got the $200 for being the first from California!
  3. There is a radio host that calls himself the Free Capitalist who is giving $100 to every person that calls him on Friday June 16th to share some snippet (we’re talking 30 seconds here) of intelligence. Specifically he wants a “Brain on comment”. If you’re the first one from your state to call you’ll get $200. The show is two hours long and goes from 5 to 7pm MST so you’ll have a big window. The radio show is a LOCAL show in Utah. The vast majority of his listeners are in Utah with a handful of people listening over the Internet in other states. To listen online and for the phone number to call in go to Here’s the catch: you HAVE to be listening over the Internet in order to qualify for the $100. I have called in on different occasions with comments and to date have received three 1 ounce silver coins. You can check it out for yourself here. Tell him Cookiemonsterette sent you. p.s. He also hosts competitions and gives gold coins to the winner. About Free Capitalist Radio: "FreeCapitalist Radio offers a unique perspective on politics, business, and investing not found on any other talk show. It educates listeners on what really constitutes prosperity and helps audience members realize the power of the individual to improve one’s life. Listeners are encouraged to make decisions and base actions on principles and actual data rather than jumping on the bandwagon of sensationalism. With subjects ranging from Cicero to Adam Smith, current events to the U.S. Constitution, FreeCapitalist Radio is talk radio at its best. Launched in October of 2005, The Rick Koerber Show has already amassed an audience in 25 states who tune in each weekday via radio or nationwide webcast to hear Rick and renowned guests—including U.S. senators, international professors, and prominent businessmen—talk about the principles of prosperity in a lively and engaging way. "