Rich Engle

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Posts posted by Rich Engle

  1. Police react stiffly but professionally as gun rights advocate wears his piece into Manchester PD.

    Nice job, Ridley! OMG!

    You could practically see the constipation levels increase. I'm guessing that might have ruined their lunch--digestive problems? I like the one cop in the back (obviously someone who watched way too many Steven Segal movies)--you can just feel the boil going on. And in NH, of course, of all places.

    Those activists should get sent fruit and cheese baskets, at the bare minimum.


    Today's word is "wow."

  2. Dana,

    Welcome to Objectivist Living.

    I sympathize with you about the college problems. What are you studying?

    I'm an economist; BEcon and MBusEcon. I actually had a positive time overall; certainly my Objectivism wasn't popular amongst all but there were many that were partially or wholly sympathetic. My Master's Thesis advisor was inspired by my work on the commonalities between his Evolutionary Economics and Objectivism; he read Atlas Shrugged and absolutely loved it. At the moment we are both working on an article for the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies.

    OL has been a fantastic forum in my experience. There's no pressure for ideological conformity (in spite of Dennis' blustering about "libertarian nihilists" I have yet to encounter any actual nihilist on these forums) so you get a lot of Randian, Neo-Randian, and Rand-inspired perspectives here. I happen to enjoy that; exploring common ground between Objectivism and other schools of thought is far more productive than burning intellectual bridges at every opportunity. If I were to offer any advice about being an Objectivist in college, that's the advice I offer; try to find common ground between Objectivism and your Profs.

    For example, in one of my philosophy courses, I had a feminist Foucault-scholar (she wasn't necessarily a Foucualdian herself, though). So I did a piece heavily inspired by Objectivist approaches to feminism. If you have the misfortune of ending up with a devout Postmodernist as a teacher, you could try to introduce the Objectivist concept of "the Metaphysical vs. the Man-Made" (what Rand calls "the man-made," postmodernists call "the socially constructed"). In economics, there are plenty of scholars besides Mises to look at... you can find a lot of Objectivist-compatible value in both Hayek and Schumpeter.

    I will echo some of the warnings given by others... the reading of Atlas and Fountainhead can be an amazingly empowering and liberating experience (it certainly was for me), but it does run a risk of leaving one 'blinded by the light.' This can make one develop a harsh, dogmatic approach, which would be exacerbated by being in an environment that lacks much sympathy for Objectivism... being surrounded by an 'hostile, enemy world' can make one develop a seige mentality (speaking from extensive experience). This is not to discount the immense value of Objectivism; merely to provide some caution.

    As for relating to Rand characters, I too find it easy to relate to Dominique (although I lack the fetish for bodice-ripper ravishment sex). A sense of disgust at society in general can easily do that to one :) However I also relate to Roark in many respects.

    Either way, I look forward to talking with you more and I hope you find much value in these forums.


    Wow, did I like reading that, Andrew. And it wasn't even for me. Hey, that reminds me! I'm working on this giant story for my blog and I have a few days before I can put up anything of my own. Your last article was so good and well-received! Do you have anything sitting around that you'd like to put up over on my place? Even a shorty? I just got done working with Robert Binidotto and before that, Rachel Cron, both of which took a bit of doing. But I would love to have you do something else. Message me or whatever. You are really emerging well as a writer, from my eyes, and what that is worth--impressive.

    So Dana, I think you have a good person to read here. After all, this thread is your introduction and that is what is important. I didn't mean to barge, but Andrew is just so good lately I couldn't help myself.



  3. Hi, Dana.

    Hardin is a very good man, and probably an excellent therapist, at least for anyone but himself. Occasionally, he even has a sense of humor. He seems to be stuck on this football thing. But we all have our stuff. Perhaps he likes all the ass-patting, the roar of the crowd, whatever. Anyone that is willing to pay 12 bucks for a beer needs to do some serious introspection, at least in my book.

    As to your experience talking to others about AR, etc. . . .this is a constant. And by that I mean decades. Initial exposure to, say, Atlas, or Fountainhead is an amazing, liberating experience. It also has the unfortunate capability of making you into an intolerant prick, if you are not careful about things. I think one of the hardest parts for me was realizing that some of my friends were really not my friends. And if you think about it, reading Rand pretty much gives you the imperative to cast people out of your life. I urge you be careful on this. Because, if you are not, you will be no different than any other shiny, new believer in anything. In other words, being an evangelist is perfectly fine, if you really understand what that means. "Proclaiming," however, generally will get you in some bad straits--ones that might really burn things, people, that you later realize you still love.

    I wish you the very best. You will find many amazing people here. Even ones that argue about sports!





    Best send McSporran over to interview these chaps (they may be the same person or a figment of each other's imaginations); no need to alert M16 as yet. We have enough on our plates here with that wanker who keeps managing to steal the Earl of Wessex's underwear from the laundry.

    Keep in touch,



    Our dearest Curly-Tail:

    First off, apologies in advance: as you may or may not know, it was Weasel Stomping Day over here in the Everglades, which of course puts a halt to whatever government functions are actually still functioning. If you are not familiar with the tradition, or perhaps need to refresh your understanding of this colorful ethnic event, I offer you a lovely reel--just ignore the upfront advertisement (though it is rather appropriate to the matter-at-hand)--I can't filter out what those bloody Nips over at Sony stick into almost anything the Film Ministry puts out. I mean, I guess if we paid down our debt a bit, they might stop this, as well as refrain from opening up any more of these damn buffets (they say they are Chinese but we all know who is really in back of it--and let me tell you, if that's sushi, it came out of the dumpster from that nasty Indian restaurant we ate at last year there in Toronto; you know, the one that required me to have my exhaust port teflon-coated).

    Anyway, I don't know much as to recent sightings, activities. This Adam fellow is an elusive little bugger; likely a bugger that engages in, well, buggery. I have heard stories, horrible, horrible rumors they are, involving donkeys, leather straps, and 55 gallon drums filled with lukewarm oatmeal. Even if part of this is true, well, you know how They say "most myths are based in fact." Disturbing, indeed.

    About the only, um, "hard" intelligence involves two fraternal twins who came running into the Indian gambling joint down south of me closer to the swamps. One of them (I know not whether it was brother or sister) was said to be garbed in the traditional plaid skirt/knickers/shiny strap shoes kind of outfit--you know, the private school thing--and the other one had some kind of ventriloquist dummy duck taped to them. I guess they really messed up the action on the blackjack tables and one was reported to scream, over and over in some ritualistic kind of loop (and this is a rough translation) "If that's what it is, I'm going back to Father Christopher--at least he had better candy and the whiskey was single malt."

    I mean, that puts a chill on a man, thinking of such.

    The best-case scenario here is that he will go back to his traditional stalking grounds, which is around the New York/New Jersey area. And that would be a good thing, if there is any goodness to be had in this. Even better, if he focuses on New Jersey, which always deserves any kind of plague put upon it.

    That's it. If you have lemons, make lemonade.

    Keep me in the loop, and I'll stay on the smegma trail, as rotten a business as it is--it is, after all, my Job.

    Finest Kind,

    Milk Moustache


    Richard D. Engle, Esq.


    Your interesting communication mentioning a Mr. Selene has been hacked intocome to the notice of the Duke's Office. We would be grateful for further information on the proclivities and activities of this individual, and a representative of the British Government will be contacting you shortly.

    We trust we will have your full cooperation.

    Yours faithfully,

    Col. the Hon. Swithin Frothington-Fforde, KBE

    Principal Assistant Secretary

    From: R. Engle, National Affairs Desk, Division of Horny Goatweed

    To: Hogswine Frothington (or as we used to know him back in school, "Old Stinky")

    Re: This whole Pervo Situation

    First off, I am not an esquire. I hate fucking lawyers. But I can understand your misunderstanding, given the way I behave.

    As to this person's "proclivities," as you put it, I only see certain ones, and trust me, they are disturbing enough to make one believe we are only dealing with the tip of the iceberg, here. My only hope (which I hang on threadbare) is that he isn't doing anything involving barnyard animals, or engaged in other deep things (shaving monkeys, say).

    Let's reel it back and look at the macro of all this. Our intelligence does know this, er, bare simple fact, that being that at any given moment, there are a number of people (well, men, mainly) scattered over the planet who are sitting in front of a computer screen, with their knickers down around their ankles, a large supply of tissue nearby, and (my) a product called "Lonely Man Hand Lotion."

    This is the general state of it. As to his particular habits, activities, preferences, I will leave it to your own imagination. I wish I could help you more, but this all has been so disturbing that the preponderance of my cycles have been spent attempting to eliminate the graphic, psychological effects (mental pictures) that this triggered in my mind.

    I wish I could be of more service, and perhaps I will, but at this point I am in triage.


    Lord Engleton

    (a.k.a. Lance Thrustworthy, a.k.a. Dirk Digler, etc.)

  6. Fracking

    A lib lawmaker claims workers at natural gas drilling well sites are "spreading sexually transmitted disease amongst the womenfolk." Sturla.jpg

    Lib Dem idiot of the day Rep. Michael Sturla

    A liberal democratic politician in Pennsylvania claimed in an email that fracking causes venereal disease in women.

    Penn Live reported:

    A state lawmaker is explaining his remark that suggests
    the impact of Pennsylvania's booming natural gas industry includes the spread of sexually transmitted disease "amongst the womenfolk."

    Rep. Michael Sturla
    of Lancaster County was expected to discuss the remark at a previously scheduled hearing Wednesday on gas drilling.

    His remark was made in comments e-mailed to a reporter in which he accused a Corbett administration official of downplaying the seriousness of community impacts created by drilling.

    The state Republican Party on Tuesday evening called the remark offensive and incredibly stupid.

    Then he defended his remarks, which to me appear to be a ding-dong problem involving mistaken causality. I mean, I guess I could be wrong on that but for fuck's sake.


    "I got it from the toilet seat." --Frank Zappa

  7. Oh, and if time allow y'all:

    Could you please comment on the interview? I think Robert is interested in feedback--he had some very interesting answers. Comment on the blog if you do, so we can see it. It seemed to me that he came up with some good new ways of looking at things. I mean, even if you already read it, it would be great if you could go back and comment.

    Hunter Interview

  8. This is starting to grow on me. And then I looked back on it and found yet more evidence as to what a total Sex Pervert Selene is. He seems to have an endless appetite for naked chicks, and other forms of the Finer Sport.

    It is nice to know that you aren't the only filthy hound out there.


    I like to watch. <---yes, it's just a quote from "Being There," for fuck's sake.

  9. Utopian colonies have a terrible track record. Crap, for that matter the Pilgrims thought they were creating one, and they ended up with the Salem Witch Trials.

    If only, if only. I think you create your Utopia in small, hand-made family type groups--family you choose. This is the only thing that has ever worked for me, anyway. I have a really nice one going on right now--very diverse, very together. We do communal activities but we do not function all together in a communal environment.

  10. This was a chat session that Bob and I did today and trust me, he answered a lot of questions. I was very honored to do this work and plus it was a real hoot to work with him. Right here:

    Rich Engle Interviews Robert Bidinotto

    Best Wishes To All,


    Which martial art, Sensei?

    P.S., nice interview.

    Martial art? Oh, when I refer to martial art, it is in my own context, coming from 1969. I started out in TKD under 4 Korean masters (native teaching), which included judo, and in the end, Hapkido. In between that, I studied Okinawan karate, and was started to get into weapons. Then, back to the Koreans. After that, I freelanced and taught MA. I went back into training in the early 90's, but was looking for a "soft" style (tired of bone crushing injuries), so I did a brief gig at the Cleveland Aikikai (Aikido), and that included bokken (wooden sword)--I busted myself down to a white belt and started over again, again. I always preferred Bruce Lee's approach and had studied that and related eastern thinking very heavily; but I could never find a real good kung fu teacher (even Wing Chun). I got close by studying Kali/Escrima (with Tony Marcial), and got my knife and stick fighting together while I was there. Then, to an instructor of Jeet Kune Do who had studied with Danny Inosanto (Bruce Lee's main working partner, again, a Filipino) as well as taking his black belt from Master Ed Parker (the founder of modern Kenpo). That turned into hard combat/bodyguard type training. Now I am done and only occasionally teach. I don't like to fight anymore, at all.

    But this isn't about me. If you have read the article about Robert, re-read it, as he sent me some pertinent updates and changes. Little editing things, and he is about to do a new blog.

    It was absolutely fabulous talking with him (chatting, as it was mostly). He has a wonderful, precise, creative mind.



  11. J: in poker, this is called a "tell".

    Avid followers of my posting on this site will note that I have been alluding to just such tells for months now... :D

    Yeah, but it's still fun to call a bluffer's bluffs.


    Yeah, ND. I got that too. You gotta try a little better than that to slide one by. :)


    Remember: This Is A Tough Room

  12. Here's a surprising and reasonable clip from this week's podcast. But one can't help sniggering at this admission that his writing has at times been "enabled by chemical means". Now, which chemical was at work when he wrote his denunciations of McCaskey? Inquiring minds want to know.


    Hmmm. Now that thar is sumthin' boy.

    Like he's being all Bad Boy saying that. Jesus, read Hemingway, read Henry Miller, read me. Like this is a big deal? Fuck's sake. What was it? Ether? Viagra? Warm glass of gin with a human hair in it? Over the counter sinus pills? Mouthwash? Sterno?

    You write through sobriety, you write through insobriety, you write, write write (or in his case, jabber audio, I guess).

    At this point it would probably be better if he got back on the stem. Shit, I start having flashbacks just listening to his audio. It puts you right in bat country. It is so godamn creepy I can barely take it. I cranked it through my main playback system (about 300w rms) and let me tell you--if I had had any downers around, I would have taken them. Or at least a pair of shooting headphones.

    How can you tell the difference? What, did he smoke a half a joint like twenty years ago?

    If there was still good acid around, and he scuba dived, we could coat it a la Castro. But the thing is, you wouldn't necessarily know the damn difference.

    And what's up with this Dear Abby hockey, anyway? Going to LP for ADVICE ON PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS? <---for instance. WTF?

    I take care of almost all things by going straight to my lovely, smart wife. If there is something outside of her field (rare) I have like 3 main dudes I go to. The last #^%& walking dick I would ever, and I mean ever go to is a decrepit, conceited bastard like this guy. WTF? I would rather fix my problems by sliding down a razor blade into a pool of iodine. You know what he reminds me of? Ever see this? L. Ron Bumquist, or whatever:



    Gravitas, for fuck's sake.

  13. Joel M. is the ONLY person that has visited the Phil Shrine lately. You dirty pigfuckers better get over there and do some cleaning up, tribute, whatever.

    The Phil Shrine

    I'm interested in His answers, as far as apologies and such go, but I am getting The Fear.

    Believe me, once he gets this math problem out of his exhaust port, we're all going to pay.


    Phil, hitting a thread at only approx 65% energy.

    I don't care if you are atheist or even completely un-spiritual: It's Gonna Be Like That.

    I've been through several of these campaigns, and the one thing you better know is that we are all in this together--He (Phil, that is) will make Hamburger Hill look like a cucumber sandwich party.


    Be Afraid<tm>

  14. Laugh now, heretics. He (Phil, that is) will come upon you with a mighty vengeance.

    I am scrambling to give It (Phil, I mean) Meager Offerings<tm> to fend off the inevitable. Behold my latest postage-stamp size rendering, where I have ported Him into the world of sixties pop art:


    But this is a mere morsel.


    I have pictures of Phil for all of you to edit, just message me.

  15. Phil is saying he ate a whole fucking bunch of Taco Bell<tm> and is getting ready to clog the entire Florida sewage system. Mad Ninja power! Phil:

    "What I'm saying is that 23,000 lbs (of tension or compression) to support 2000 lbs makes no sense and is not what happens in the real world. "

    That is why being in the Longshoremens' Union is critically important. To your well-being, I mean. Did you ever meet guys like Unibrow Dante? If you haven't, be joyous about it. The Big P continues:

    "And I could make the numbers much worse:"

    That, I never doubted.


    Build it and she will come????


    You know, it has only been in recent months that I started to realize what a sick, horny bastard you are. It only makes me respect you more.


    Now give her a proper paddling.

  16. And who says philosophy has to be defined by academics?

    Well, if you made a little list . . . rolleyes.gif Actually, that's a great idea! That way, if you adhere to it, you are almost assured of not inviting assholes to your cocktail parties.

    I'm starting to really like this idea--that would've avoided me a lot of trouble this year.


    OK, Peikoff, fork over the ball cream.

  17. Well, I tried again with the sound off. When he put up "Esthetics" as the fifth branch of philosophy, I killed the video. Why not also chemistry, physics, psychology and sociology, among others from your college catalog?


    Why not a branch called human nature?

    After all, philosophy is supposed to be for humans...


    Academically everybody is fighting for their own turf and will not tolerate a rejiggering of their own spaces. There is much too much specialization in the liberal arts and not enough integrated thinking across these disciplines. "Human nature" is the right idea, but the term itself doesn't have enough oomph or gravitas. It can't compete with sociology, psychology, philosophy, language arts (or what-have-you), anthropology, etc. The best term is still the old term: liberal arts, which even encompasses some science.
