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Posts posted by william.scherk

  1. On 11/23/2022 at 5:45 PM, william.scherk said:

    Peltola and Palin formed a working friendship during their time in Juneau, Palin as Governor, Peltola as state representative. I expect Palin to call up her friend and congratulate her sincerely. 

    This is a gracious concession, wishing Peltola well and thanking her own supporters. Good show, Sarah Palin.



  2. A stab at insight from Cassandra Fairbanks at Tim Pool's site:


    Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, brought political powerhouse Karen Giorno and controversial commentator Nick Fuentes to dinner with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week. Ye and the...

    Milo Yiannopoulos, campaign advisor, Nick Fuentes, communication director? 

    Why not?  If you are going to shake things up, shake things up. And while Ye is lit with the fire of ambition and mania, take advantage of it, boys. Get it while it's good. Tell him what he wants to hear. Flatter him. Manipulate him. Suggest lines of action to him. Guide him.

    As with Elvis, Prince, Michael Jackson, George Michael -- when all of the closest people to you are somehow employees,  living off your dime or per your grace and favour, it can do things to relationships.  Doctor Feelgood is always available ...

    I feel for Ye's divorce wound, leaving the home where his kids live.

    Bipolar disorder can be a rocket ride -- just when you need calm, rational insight the most, you are least capable of it -- and you will tend to shut out anyone who tries to get you re-moored to prosaic reality.

    So, Ye might find himself being used for somebody else's Gunpowder Plot? It's a fairly old human story, so I'll not discount the possibility. If I had to pick a single predatory actor in that melodrama, it would be Milo.

  3. On 11/21/2022 at 5:26 PM, KorbenDallas said:

    Look out Trump, Kanye is running for President in 2024; noting he ran in 2020 as well.  Ye 4 Prez!

    It appears that the two declared candidates had an interesting encounter. Folks might want to see a couple of details of the story confirmed from President Trump. "Mar-a-Lago Debrief."

    Cue the TDS and TGS media to have a cow over the Nick Fuentes provocation. 

    • Like 1
  4. I wish on all the Americans of OL a happy family gathering, safe travels, good old comfort foods, warmth, amity and peace of mind.

    Since we haul in the cabbage and turnips a good month before America, it's not Turkey Day today up here. 

    • Like 1
  5. So that's that. 

    Peltola and Palin formed a working friendship during their time in Juneau, Palin as Governor, Peltola as state representative. I expect Palin to call up her friend and congratulate her sincerely. 

    On the other hand, I'd be fucking raging against the machine who slush-funded the Murkowski candicacy and against Begich for not dropping out. His voters did give their run-off choice to Palin, but ... 



  6. 7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    The real problem with showing tax deductions to hostile idiots on the way out of power is not that they will find dirt. Believe me, if there were dirt there, it would have been out by now.

    When asked during his 2015-16 campaign Trump repeatedly said he would release his tax returns (as Obama/Biden had done and Biden/Harris have done), with conditions, though his answers have varied over time.

    "Dirt" came out during Trump casino litigation and SEC investigations. Returns were included in discovery and showed years with zero income tax paid. Later on, the New York Times published two stories with details of varied schemes. Illegal, not necessarily. Canny, maybe. Transparent to the public, anything but.

    I don't know how to separate out hurt from hyperbole from misleading bullshit in this outraged-victim reaction on Truth.


    Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do!

    Trump v. United States is pending in the 11th Circuit after the oral hearing yesterday.

    They may decide in his favour, they may not. Opinion is running hot, but nobody really has perfect insight.

    If he wins in the circuit, DOJ will appeal and Special Master Dearie will continue to work under the authority of Judge Cannon's order -- until and unless the Supremes shut it down. Depending on how many dollars and lawyers pile on, Dearie's work may end in January/February. 

    If DOJ wins at the circuit, depending on the details (Remand for Dismissal or plain old vacate), that might be that. 

    If the 11th vacates, that will end Judge Cannon's oversight right there. 


    It is unprecedented to be handing over Tax Returns, & it creates terrible precedent for future Presidents.

    There is no law that mandates a candidate or elected president must reveal the tax records. But when somebody with a Deep State hat (the Executive branch 'Justice') or pompon (the Legislative branch committee of benghazi/wayzanmeens) demands records ...

    In any case, all six years of tax returns still are unlikely to be made public. Not only will new committees-of-benghazi be formed, but wayzanmeens is under no obligation to show their work.

    Wonder how much corruption was evident in previous/current President/Vice-President returns ... ?


    Tax History Project has compiled an archive of presidential tax returns, including those of recent candidates. Stay informed on all tax topics with Tax Notes!

    Skipping one bizarre non-question ... 


    The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price.

    He doesn't really mean that, does he? It's true that the standing of the Court has fallen in public opinion, but that doesn't mean he isn't proud of his three appointees. I wager ...


    They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!

    Shame it came to this.

    Bloomberg has a rather dry catch-up with Trump and the Supremes. If the Supremes are now on their way to becoming an Enemy of Trump, can't say I blame him or MAGA raging.  His appointees seem to have betrayed him. 


  7. On 11/8/2022 at 2:43 PM, william.scherk said:

    I've made a secret bet with myself about the winner of the Alaska House of Representatives free four all. In some interviews recently, Sarah Palin seemed a bit down on her own chances.

    The "instant run-off" will be run at 4PM Alaska time.  You can watch it live here:


    Gavel Alaska - November 23, 2022 4:00 pm - Special coverage of the 2022 Alaska Ranked...

    Vote results as of now:


  8. On 10/25/2022 at 3:20 PM, william.scherk said:

    Noting how often heart disease manifests in death statistics, and how often a sudden cardiac event may occur "in the background" statistics might also illustrate the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc, with which we are familiar at OL.

    Pending analytical flensing ...

    On 10/25/2022 at 3:20 PM, william.scherk said:

    Stew Peters has a new film offering out soon. It's all about "Died Suddenly."


    Depopulation was always the plan. From the directors of “Watch the Water” and “These Little Ones”, “Died Suddenly” will be released in November 2022, exclusively through the Stew Peters Network. Visit...


    Edited October 27 by william.scherk

    Watch the Water was the last shocker from Stew's production house. The one about snake venom spike protein with the chiropractor ...

    If you want to join me and millions who have visited this URL (or mirrors), click and play:


    Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions...




  9. 2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Is that a "conspiracy theory" or is that muh science?

    An observational study, far as I can tell ... quotes abound in this ScienceAlert story.

    Full text in The Lancet Public Health. 



    Increases in PM2·5 concentration were associated with an initial increased risk of OHCA and a subsequent reduced risk from 3–5 days after exposure, suggesting a short-term harvesting effect. A decrease...


  10. 1 hour ago, Peter said:

    I think they have punished rapists and pedaphiles in the past by doing that. "Off with their heads?" 

    Off-topic, but salient to women and their control by self-appointed Guardians. In Iran, the Majlis passed a law that provides for prompt execution of 15,000 detained anti-hijab protesters ... and has begun the work.


  11. 19 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

    Not sure what the Guardian means though, about the Dems controlling the house if there's still one more needed...

    [Misread this as pertaining to Senate, charged ahead ...]

    A 50-49 'win' doesn't grant the winner party all the levers of Senate power, according to Senate rules.

    In a nutshell, because the Senate is a "perpetual quorum" body, no changes are expected in its organization ... unless and until its composition changes the previous balance. 


    That is because the Senate, being a perpetual body that always has a quorum (only one-third are up for reelection every two years), does not automatically reorganize at the start of a new Congress, but only after it passes the organizing resolution to reflect the new reality imposed by the last election. [link]

    The old 'reality' was fifty-fifty. In December that reality might be ratified in a Georgia run-off.

    It might not. 

    Vice-presidents can only cast a vote as president of the Senate when there is a tie. And unless the Democrats install Warnock, the tie -- and its framework of balanced power will remain, thus giving no extra advantage ...

    Biden's main function then will be to send a stream of judicial appointments for confirmation.

  12. On 11/30/2021 at 5:53 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
    On 11/29/2021 at 4:42 PM, Ellen Stuttle said:

    I wasn't talking about apologizing to the establishment left or the Deep State.


    Oh, that's just great. Make him apologize to the MAGA people and put him in the time warp historical isolation chamber so the establishment left or the Deep State won't notice or realize it, right?

    Here's a somewhat curious Candace Owens video excerpt. She talks about Trump, vaccines and more, perhaps pertinent to Ellen and Michael's clash.



  13. Here's an item from President Trump, looking at the Senate to be seated in the new Congress January 3 2023. 


    -- each state has its own rules, procedures and steps that it takes before certification -- the official results have survived the process. For example, the state of Pennsylvania will certify its election after the official canvasses -- on November 28th.


  14. I got over-enthusiastic with the new beta version of Descript. Its biggest change is the Storyboard with new 'scenes,' and the coolest addition is its own trained 'real' AI voices. This is an outgrowth of the 'Overdub' ability, which lets you train the AI to fill in errors using your own voice. 

    The newest additions have 'moods' much better represented than the Blakify voices, which are pretty damn good.




  15. My wild guess is the GOP gains ~25 seats in the House in early projections, and that the totals will be within five seats once each seat is certified.

    I think the GOP will ultimately gain three seats in the Senate, but it might not be apparent until later. I'll know how wrong I am if Georgia does not go to a run-off.

    States in my top five Whither list are Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and New York.

    I guess a clean sweep of the statewide races in Arizona by GOP candidates, and have no "feel" for the others, though I will not be surprised at broad GOP gains or increased margins for incumbents.

    My hope is for a certain sobriety among commentators ... but I expect that is the Pollyanna part of my personality. 

    I'll attend to any question not foul by the Guidelines.

    -- fave commentary of the day is the Wall Street Journal quoting Trump's warning to the Florida Governor.

    I've made a secret bet with myself about the winner of the Alaska House of Representatives free four all. In some interviews recently, Sarah Palin seemed a bit down on her own chances.

    If Peltola wins, one of us loses, but I consider Alaska to be a singular case, not an example one can generalize from.

    Confidence in my own rough expectations being borne out? 9/10.

    I'm thinking of Adam Selene ...

  16. "Massive Pandemic Data Fraud Exposed: 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fabricated" ?

    2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:
    10 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

    Forty Percent. That's not nothing.

    TG, I don’t have time for reading the article now.  

    The item posted above did not offer a link to the Finnish media story. Here's the item from Finnish media that I presume was the source, as its quotations line up ...


    Very few patients under 60 have died solely from the virus since last spring, a top specialist at the health agency says.


    Last week's article is not revelatory, but perhaps worth reading for context ... from the first paragraphs


    Covid-19 has not been the actual cause of death in up to 40 percent of fatalities attributed to the illness in Finland, according to Sirkka Goebeler, a chief specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). As a result, they do not end up in Statistics Finland's official data as coronavirus deaths.

    Goebeler's unit examines all Finnish death certificates before they are forwarded to the state statistics bureau. The unit focuses on coronavirus-related death certificates where the attending physician has listed Covid as either the primary or a contributing cause of death.

    The THL tally of Covid-related deaths stood at 6,407 on Tuesday – but that figure includes all deaths that have occurred within 30 days of a positive coronavirus test.



  17. On 10/25/2022 at 10:16 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Another "sudden cardiac event."

    The leading causes of death in the United States and Canada are in similar proportions. The death rate by total population is also similar -- in recent decades roughly one in a thousand people died in any given year.

    Starting in 2020, that proportion changed, and a new cause of death was listed in the top three. 

    Statistics from the CDC that rank heart disease, cancer and COVID-19 deaths in 2020 can give additional, useful context for judging an event common, rare, expected or unexpected/mysterious.

    Noting how often heart disease manifests in death statistics, and how often a sudden cardiac event may occur "in the background" statistics might also illustrate the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc, with which we are familiar at OL.



    In 2020, a total of 3,383,729 resident deaths were registered in the United States—528,891 more deaths than in 2019. The number of deaths for which COVID-19 was the underlying cause of death was 350,831 (10.4% of the total number of deaths in 2020). From 2019 to 2020, the age-adjusted death rate for the total population increased 16.8%. This single-year increase is the largest since the first year that annual mortality data for the entire United States became available (2). The decrease in life expectancy for the total population of 1.8 years from 2019 to 2020 is the largest single-year decrease in more than 75 years (3). Age-specific death rates from 2019 to 2020 increased for each age group 15 years and over. Age-adjusted death rates increased in 2020 from 2019 for each race and ethnicity group for both males and females.

    Of the 10 leading causes of death in 2020, 9 remained the same as in 2019, although 5 causes exchanged ranks. Heart disease was the leading cause followed by cancer. COVID-19, a new cause of death in 2020, was the third leading cause. Age-adjusted death rates increased for 6 leading causes and decreased for 2. Life expectancy at birth decreased 1.8 years from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77.0 in 2020, largely because of increases in mortality due to COVID-19, unintentional injuries, heart disease, homicide, and diabetes.

    In 2020, a total of 19,582 deaths occurred in children under age 1 year, which was 1,339 fewer infant deaths than in 2019. The IMR decreased 2.9% from 558.3 infant deaths per 100,000 live births in 2019 to 541.9 in 2020. Among the 10 leading causes of infant death, the IMR increased for 1 cause (sudden infant death syndrome) and decreased for 1 (low birth weight).

    Data and findings in this report are based on final mortality data and may differ from provisional data and findings previously published.

    If I dropped dead of a sudden cardiac event next month, and it was announced here by my survivor with power-of-attorney, in the after-life I will be saying "that was surprising but not shocking. Not entirely unexpected," and who would there be to argue with? 

    Only me, who celebrates some extra time on Earth due to a coronary artery stent and heart-healthy lifestyle changes.  Yes, my most recent blood-test revealed three normal ranges where earlier tests revealed those awful Red Exclamation Marks.

    On the other hand, since the pandemic hit BC, I avoided infection ... and later I accepted a total of four COVID-19 vaccinations -- initially the back-to-back Modernas AstraZeneca, next one the booster from Pfizer and last month the bi-valent booster Cominarty. Tomorrow I will be jabbed with this year's flu vaccine. 

    I'm a leaner, healthier, fitter 64-year old than I was at 62. If I catch a case of COVID-19, I expect a mild-to-awful achey cold-like experience, judging from the cases I am familiar with from within our circle. 

    My favourite part of COVID-19 discussions is when somebody says "Bring out your dead."


    Stew Peters has a new film offering out soon. It's all about "Died Suddenly."


    Depopulation was always the plan. From the directors of “Watch the Water” and “These Little Ones”, “Died Suddenly” will be released in November 2022, exclusively through the Stew Peters Network. Visit...