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Status Updates posted by william.scherk

  1. Russian television's top draw broadcasts a 'live' studio version of his daily radio/podcast show. In this unbelievable display, he berates refuseniks, 'screened' questions, mobiks, his staff, and emotes about death squads hunting down "retreatists." Tony, you may get a bang out of this, or an opportunity to share a more cheerful RT English article on the subjects of his anger. 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. william.scherk


      "True believers are not worth conversing with."

      That may be true, but it pushes a dispute off the table: how to identify such fixed, bigoted beliefs?

      What can one do with bigoted, "can't tell them anything" opinions and proclamations?

      What options are open ... ?

      What do we say to Margarita Simonyan's chilling declaration?

      Homework assignment ...


      In his world, it seems America can do nothing right and Vladimir Putin can do...


    3. anthony


      Excerpt: "In the months since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, maverick journalist Glenn Greenwald has emerged as one of the loudest anti-Ukraine voices in the American media, with all the usual themes: transparent gloating over Russia’s apparent war gains in Eastern Ukraine; alarmism over United States support for Ukraine leading to World War III; even the flogging of “American biolabs in Ukraine” conspiracies in his Substack newsletter and in videos. While Greenwald has made overwrought claims about the “neo-Nazi menace” of the Azov Regiment, his only response to reports of Russian atrocities in Bucha has been to warn about the dangers of falling for “war propaganda” and “social media’s manipulations.”"

      This article is itself a propaganda plug. 

      At a skim, looks like I'd agree with Greenwald. But I don't think he is anti-Ukraine as such, nor 'a Putin appeaser'.

      I see a lot of innuendoes and character assassination and shortage of argument by the author, one of the neo con/neo lib fraternity, no doubt. Possibly she's on the payroll of a propagandist organization.

      This entire war and all the proponents of Ukraine, and defeating/weakening/etc.,  Russia, relies on - our side can do and has done nothing wrong: all the evils rest with the other. AND - if you can't see that (by which is meant, instantly *feel* it) you are just as evil. But Ukraine's government/ military  does not hold the moral high ground, if one is prepared to educate oneself on past doings (and inactions) by all players.

      If you open up the "gloating" link to GG's tweet you read no gloating there about Russian advances, just some common sense and a mention of dialogue.

      Greenwald is likely of a mind that would have urgently averted the war - the prevention of which there were plenty of opportunities, but tellingly not taken up by the relevant major powers. They expected it, clearly. Above all, he likely believes that lives - without ethnic etc., discrimination - are and were too worthy to be lost for the list of stupidities, hubris and evasions that helped bring it about. Therefore, he is indeed pro-Ukraine and holds higher standards than many in the West; it is all others, the so-called 'pro- Ukrainians' in the West, who in truth demand personal "satisfaction" and retribution for Putin scaring them so, and would have those Ukr people go to any lengths but negotiate, and small matter that the country gets destroyed for that self-indulgent luxury.

      So long as Russians too, are massacred, and the movie ending of final victory is achieved. The callousness - and gloating - of altruists shows in the delight displayed in the media when a battle is won with huge losses. The deaths of even soldiers on either side is repulsive.

      Conserving lives v. sacrificing lives. Are you beginning to understand the evils of altruism? 

    4. william.scherk


      Tony, this is unwarranted. 


      William would have it that Ukrainian soldiers are incapable of committing atrocities.

      It comes down to Empire, or "Empire." There can only be one Evil Empire for the Blumenthal faction (exemplified by the Grayzone) to oppose.

      Or, there are two "camps" of opposition to Imperialism. All the best 'woken' people oppose Western Imperialism. If you don't stand with Grayzone dogma, you are a NATO stooge or worse.

      Do I exaggerate?

      Tony, please try be more of an objectivist in one area -- recommending opinions as truth. It concerns me that you will not discuss Al-Mayadeen. I want you to put your emotions and insulting mind-reading aside and explain why you grant that outlet status. Please answer the question put to you earlier. 


  2. NTD has a pro-Trump slant.  This live feed may have commercial breaks:

    🔴 LIVE: Joint session of Congress counts Electoral College votes (Jan. 6) | NTD - YouTube

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. william.scherk


      False flag? Guns are drawn in the chamber:



    3. william.scherk


      The NTD stream is now useless; they are playing recorded interviews from within the Capitol and from the earlier rally. Not one mention of the fucking shit show in Congress.


    4. william.scherk


      One of the NTD commentators suggested that the people who forced their way into the Capitold may be Antifa, "We just don't know at this moment."


  3. Life is worth living. I like posting at Objectivist Living. It's been great over the years. It looks like it is still good for me, again.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. william.scherk



    3. william.scherk



      Vind [die] vierkant. Vind die hoek Die bevinding van die eenheid Die 'holon'-vinder.

    4. william.scherk
  4. Russian forces have announced a withdrawal from Kherson.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. william.scherk



      "Losing men 6 to one." 

      My question about the casualties ratio was overlooked.

      Thank you for responding.

    3. william.scherk



      "Losing men 6 to one." 

      Some gruesome news related to casualties on the RF side. Intercepted calls are being turned into effective propaganda.



    4. william.scherk
  5. The wags at the Daily Show have culled some prime Jeanine Pirro bits for a 'Daily Affirmations' video. For fans of straight talk. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. william.scherk


      Jeanine Pirro has apparently ended the long run of "Justice with Judge Jeanine" and will transition to Fox's "The Five," according to a story at Bizpacreview, Jeanine Pirro says goodbye to her audience in final show.


    3. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly

      Trevor Noah?


      A few headlines gathered at random (filtering for last year on DuckDuckGo, since headlines for Trevor Noah ratings for last month were not related to ratings).

      ‘Daily Show’ Ratings Plummet to Shocking New Lows

      Nolte: Late-Night Talk Shows Suffer Major Ratings Losses Without Trump

      Nolte: Trevor Noah-Hosted Grammy Awards Ratings Worst Ever By a Mile

      'The Daily Show' With Trevor Noah Ratings Drop 40%

      Late-Night Talk Shows Suffering from Massive Rating Losses

      There are lots more where that came from.

      And here are some people who like watching The Office, South Park, etc., but they are bitching about the commercials for The Daily Show and Trevor Noah. The thread was started last July and continued until last December. I don't think these have any strong political leanings for comedy (maybe a bit rightish), instead mostly a wish to watch something funny.

      Does anyone actually watch the Daily Show with Trevor Noah?

      Read through the comments and I believe you will get a general view of what most people think of him and his show. 

      So now the question becomes, if a comedian tells a joke in the middle of the woods and nobody heard it, did he really tell it?

      Go to Comedy Central's The Daily Show and see if you can figure it out.


      Meanwhile, does anyone want to compare Trevor Noah's ratings against those of Jeanine Pirro?

      One may not like her in-your-face-nonstop-contempt for-bullies tone, but she does it well enough to get people to watch her (Justice with Jeanine regularly got well over one million views per show on Saturday nights and not that much in ads). Now she will become a permanent host on The Five, which gets well over three million.)

      Trevor Noah, despite lavish ad and publicity funding, tells jokes for a living and only manages to gather a cringe fringe group of bigots around him. Race-wise, his show is the reverse of a Minstrel show, but fundament-wise (i.e., mannerism humor for bigots), it's the same crap. 


      The good news is that his poor ratings are a great quality-signal for modern society and a sad indication of the state of bigotry of the upper echelons of the modern predator class. People in general (all types and colors) don't like bigoted mockery as their form of humor. They don't tune in. They might take a little as part of a larger context, but they don't like It as their main comedy. In that sense, the world is in a pretty good place.

      But that Noah dude still gets funding, so if only we could get the bigots out of the upper class of the predator state...

      Leftie predator class people generally call others racist to hide their own racism and bigotry. They are in power right now from cheating, but it's a good thing they are in the minority. They will soon not be in power so that part of the culture--their raw bigotry--will fade, and will do so to the relief of all.


    4. william.scherk


      "Leftie predator class people" ... 

  6. Our Pal in Alberta and the Puppy ...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. merjet


      [William posting as Merlin Jetton]



    3. william.scherk


      WSS ... posting a screen-shot of the bottom of page 17 of the Correspondence and Coherence topic, logged in as william.scherk:


      This was posted using the Brave browser ... you can clearly see the 'Quote' button and a place to click "Reply to this topic."

      I will next log in as merjet and post a reply here -- showing the screen-shot of the same bottom of the 17th page of comments under the Correspondence and Coherence topic.  

    4. merjet


      [WSS inside Merjet's glove]

      Waiting for moderation. This is what the exact same page looks like from within Merlin's account:


      No 'Quote' button, no area to  "Reply to this topic."

      We'll put up a video tomorrow that compares and contrasts the two accounts.

  7. A couple Tweets from the war on Ukraine.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter


      17 or 18 year olds. That isn't so young but why the heck? I thought Russia was winning with the guys they already had. Maybe Russia just "allowed" "The Hunt For Red October" to be shown.   

    3. william.scherk
    4. anthony


      "As Ukraine scrambles to defend itself from Russia's illegal invasion, men aged 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving the country. The declaration of martial law in Ukraine gives the government power to enact this ban, but it is not in keeping with human rights or humanitarian norms".

  8. Guess who has a book coming out?  


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. william.scherk


      From Yahoo News: 


      Former President Trump on Thursday responded to recent reports about his handling of White House records, claiming that the recent transfer of documents to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) from his resort in Florida was viewed as "no big deal."

      In a statement, Trump said he arranged for boxes containing "letters, records, newspapers, magazines, and various articles" to be transported to the National Archives after "collaborative and respectful discussions."

      "The media's characterization of my relationship with NARA is Fake News. It was exactly the opposite! It was a great honor to work with NARA to help formally preserve the Trump Legacy," he said.

      Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that the National Archives had recovered 15 boxes of White House records from Mar-a-Lago. The New York Times later reported that possibly classified materials had been discovered among the recovered documents.

      "The papers were given easily and without conflict and on a very friendly basis, which is different from the accounts being drawn up by the Fake News Media," Trump said on Thursday. "In fact, it was viewed as routine and 'no big deal.' In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years."

      Trump also pushed back against reports that documents were regularly found flushed down the toilet in the presidential residence during his time in office, calling the claim "categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book."



      Over the past four years, Donald J. Trump's administration delivered for Americans of all backgrounds like never before. Save America is about building on those accomplishments!
    3. william.scherk
    4. Peter


      Apparently, it is BS and not Tsh.. He says it never happened and the person who said it is just trying to sell a book. 

  9. Measurement Omission round one

    Graphic plotting of location data

    Plats, cadastral maps, land survey systems


    Consider addresses on a mile grid.

    Avenues run east-west

    Streets run north-south.

    Start a address numbering system

    The corner of 0 Avenue and 0 Street

    On 0 Avenue, addresses increase by increments

    The first block of Zero Avenue addresses runs from 1 up to 100. 

    "You are here" on the 0-100 block of Zero Avenue.

    Now go ten miles north and twenty miles east

    Now select a good corner property.

    Record the address

    Record the intersection of X Street and X Avenue.

    Record a precise latitude and longitude of the corner.

    Spell it out:

    5998 264 St

    49.110817, -122.492586


    1. Peter


      I had to look Lulu Island up on Wikipedia. I am still trying to figure out the rest. Peter

      Lulu Island is the name of the largest island in the estuary of the Fraser River, located south of VancouverBritish Columbia, and the second-most populous island in British Columbia, after Vancouver Island. The city of Richmond occupies most of the island, while a small section at the eastern tip, known as Queensborough, is part of the city of New Westminster.

      Lulu Island is situated between the two principal arms of the Fraser River estuary across and downstream from the City of New Westminster. The Middle Arm of the Fraser River separates it on the northwest from Sea Island, the site of Vancouver International Airport, which, despite its name, is also part of the City of Richmond. At the western edge of the island lies Sturgeon Bank, a large sandbank which falls off into the Strait of Georgia on its western edge.

    2. william.scherk


      Peter wrote:


      I had to look Lulu Island up on Wikipedia. I am still trying to figure out the rest. Peter

      I missed this earlier (which is the nice part of OL 'Status' posts, they just just drip down the main page unnoticed for the most part). 

      I was having a bit of a brainstorm, Peter, so I don't expect anyone to follow the suggested steps -- I am still puzzling over how to present a useful argument using Grid Coordinates. I am trying to use mapping and address conventions as a way to think about how earthquake swarms can appear to be all going off at the exact same points (in two dimensional/left-right+top-bottom) as the grid pattern that set off the thread.

      There are many conventions of mapping that use a kind of grid coordinate system. Most of these are familiar to Americans of the Great Plains, and to Canadians of the Prairie provinces.  They are known as Homestead Survey Systems or Township sytems.  A brief bit from a history of Surrey BC says it better than I can:


      The basis of this was the township; a block six miles by six miles containing 36 sections. Each section was one mile by one mile and contained 640 acres. Each section in turn was divided into quarter sections each containing 160 acres. It was the quarter section parcels that were available for Surrey Homesteaders to preempt. The land could be held as a homestead as long as it was improved. The lines dividing the sections became the grid pattern for Surrey's arterial road system.

      Zooming ahead, the homestead grid in Surrey had no numbers until after 1957.  Before that all roads had names, no numbers, and with post-war suburban growth, the lack of a rational address system was getting in the way of mail, fire, and other emergency services. ("We got a fire out here on Jonston's Farm off Hjorth Road in Happy Valley").

      Here's a very simplified depiction of what resulted:


      So, starting out west in Delta is a mythical Zero Street. At the USA/Canadian border another street, actually called Zero Avenue.  This pattern extends all the way to the last of the flatlands on the south of the Fraser River -- almost all the way to Hope, BC.

      So, it is possible to have two adjoining properties with long addresses, something like this:

      • 8090-8121 210 Street         [lat/long:  49.149526, -122.639881]
      • 21098-21000 80B Avenue  [lat/long:  49.149248, -122.639483]

      Link to such a corner (Google Maps).

      Anyway, this is not a finished thought. It will continue to drip down the All Activities page until I get to the central point!


    3. william.scherk


      Bonfire symbols as markers on a township-scale map -- a way to record and display individual "happenings" to the limits of precision!

      Within a six mile by six mile grid, plot a hundred or so "bonfires" in a random pattern.

      Record the individual events with Google Maps "My Maps" or Acme Mapper session markers. Keep a list of each event as a latitude/longitute position.


  10. A story with a few twists and turns, from an Estonian perspective, in Quillette.


    An Estonian’s changing relationship with Russia.


    'On another occasion, Lydia demanded to know why was I so into Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Didn’t I know there was something fundamentally unsavoury, something just wrong, about Russian culture however “great” it supposedly was? Her hatred was bracingly honest, but it was still hatred, and as someone with Russian friends I found it hard to take. She called me naïve—a “blue eyed Westerner”—and I responded that her blanket prejudice was just as unsophisticated.' 


    I recall Estonian PM Kaja Kallas’s words: “Everything is black and white in war,” and I quote a Ukrainian friend to Lydia: “Right now we need the binary. We need our anger and our hatred to survive.” Doesn’t Estonia—a country we’re frequently told is on Putin’s to-invade list—need it too? In case of an actual conflict, she agrees. “If you don’t draw a clear line, how do you fight? How do you avoid spies? Or keep secrets? It’s the hatred, the common enemy that best unifies a group of people.” This didn’t mean your previous understanding of the complexities would disappear. “You’d just have to deliberately put them aside. … The nuances are for peace time. When you have the luxury to observe a culture holistically rather than dig a trench to survive.”

    “Are you with or against us?” Lydia concludes. “That’s the only real question in a war.”

    1. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly


      There is a passage in the article that is indicative of a mindset. It's like when someone asks you, which do you choose, A or B? And the person scratches his head. It's neither to him. Or, maybe both.

      The person asking the question has no mental conception that this is available in reality except in the very young, the mentally impaired and the ignorant (but, of course, the ignorant will come around once they know the score).

      Here is the passage:


      A Vlad, she elaborates, “is not kept in the dark. A Vlad is confident that the darkness is the truth. And a Vlad aggressively goes on to assert his ‘truth’: ‘Ukrainians are our brothers, they love us! They ARE us! We’re one big family. There must be someone deceiving them, either Americans or Nazis! So: Remove the Nazis! De-nazify Ukraine! And they’ll be good brothers again…’”

      That felt familiar when I read it, so I did a little experiment.

      I rewrote it.

      A MAGA person is not kept in the dark. A MAGA person is confident that the darkness is the truth. And a MAGA person aggressively goes on to assert his ‘truth’: "Americans are our brothers, they love us! They ARE us! We’re one big family. There must be someone deceiving them, either Marxists or socialists! So: Remove the Marxists! De-Marxify America! And they’ll be good brothers again…"


      There are people in the world who do not think like this. They do not look down on another group from such an attitude of epistemological arrogance. Look at them. They think XXXX because they can't help themselves, poor things...

      That worldview is only present in those who think of themselves as innately superior to others as a class.

      For those who prioritize individuals, their worldview is that we are all equal in terms of our ability to choose how we use our brain. But to the "one class is superior to another" view, they have no notion that this even exists. When they hear it, they think it is rhetoric to gain power, not a metaphysical statement.

      And it is true that MAGA people do not like Marx. But the "one class is superior to another" people think the MAGA people are against a Marxist class (probably because they are stupid and even evil). The "one class is superior to another" people do not conceive that they are against Marxist ideas as they relate to individuals and to reason.

      I base this on constantly reading and listening to them, just like the quote above.

      That is what allows them to mischaracterize whole swaths of people and feel superior to those people about it, and feel superior to all other classes the world over for their ability to see this. Man, it's not easy being so awesome. :) 

      If I thought as such a collectivist (in the superior class, of course) and worried about hierarchy as my main inner concern with life, I would be wondering what we can do about this. That we have to fix this problem and find a way to make people see the light.

      But as one who believes each individual has the same power of choice over his brain, I hold that those who believe in such false collective dichotomies will come around to a reality-based way of thinking--individual by individual--if they so choose.

      And if they prefer their false dichotomy to reality, it's because they choose this--and they choose it as individuals.

      Why would anyone choose that? To me, it's obvious. They like feeling superior. They are addicted to the neurochemical high this worldview provides.



    2. william.scherk


      These are interesting discussion topics, Michael. I made a short clip from the ARFC video where you zero in on some of the same themes.


    3. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly


      The main point I want to make with this innately superior business is that this is a narrative. It is not reflected in reality. Every single person has free will.

      Granted, we need narratives mainly because that's how humans think, but when something needs to be checked to make sure identification is correct, observable reality must trump narrative for eliminating contradictions and making correct identifications.

      "Who what when where and how" we can observe in reality. And we do narrative with them. So when narrative and reality conflict on those things, we have to go with observable reality.

      "Why" we mostly infer through narrative.


      So is one class of humans superior to another just because that class is innately more awesome?

      So long as this question is relegated to non-observable innate things, but ones that can be compared (through story), it's narrative only. It's not reality, although a person may believe it is.

      In fact, if you control that narrative, the one the "superior" person agrees with and believes in, you control that superior man and woman. You control them 100% of the time.

      Hell, we are all controlled up to a point through narratives. Social media alone proves that.

      But free will is not really part of the controlled "superior" person I am talking about. Free will is part of the members of humanity who question things and check them against reality. Notice that all of us can question things and check them against reality if we want. We are all equal in that respect. There is no class of humans that is so superior, it is the only class that can question things.

      What's more, there's this. Tell a hayseed that a cow is a bird and no matter how intelligent you are and how stupid he is, no matter what tribes you belong to, you will not get him to agree (unless it is to get rid of you :) ). Why? Because he can observe reality, and what he observes from reality is contrary to your narrative.

      I'm talking in general terms. I'm not talking about specific psychological experiments held under abnormal controlled conditions. And I'm not talking about changing a person's perception of reality on a basic level through drugs.


  11. I've followed Russia hand Julia Ioffe for a long time. Here she sat for almost an hour's interview with the PBS crew putting together their "Putin's Road to War."

    She is a thorough-going Trump cynic, but discusses Trump's policy stances and relationship with Putin without rancour --  and is able to give the penetrating analysis that broad scope, deep knowledge and long-term research allow. If you just want a sample, start at 30 minutes. This is about what Putin sees in America, in what measure was what he saw in American division/paralysis a factor in risking the Ukraine operation now.

    Although Kremlinology surely has its odd aspects -- eg, spiritualism or mind-reading, wishcasting, partyism or institute-itis -- Ioffe's 'Inside the Mind' readings seem to rest on firmer footings. "What do you think is going on in that guy's mentality that explains this decision-tree?"

    If Ioffe is on the money, among the take-home truths are that Putin got shitty intelligence about what awaited the special operation forces, in terms of Ukrainian resolve and readiness, and in terms of actual Russian strength and weakness. 

    "The bad news somehow didn't make it to the top." 
    "Putin is the moderating voice in that camp." I paraphrase.


    -- for a more speculative 'The Psy-Op that Failed' observation, analysis and argument this one stood out for me, in a Twitter thread by Kamil Galeev as far back as February 28:


    1. william.scherk


      Three two-minute chunks of Julia Ioffe's interview ...


    2. william.scherk


      The video excerpt got 44,000 "impressions" and 25,000 video plays in under 24 hours.  Julia Ioffe has a lot of fans.

    3. william.scherk


      Deep dive into attitudes within Russia.  Julia Ioffe's article in Puck.news interviews one of the founders of "The People of Baikal":


      Vladimir Putin’s misbegotten war is a blatant attempt to restore his vision of the Russky mir—a pan-Slavic neo-Soviet nation state built on Russian dominance. And yet his war is being waged by the very young...

       Text-to-speech to come ...

  12. "I Yam Winning the Propaganda [War] 'Special Military Operation'" ...


    1. anthony


      "Looks like".

      That is how far the once thinking civilized people have devolved. The sensory-perceptual-associational level.

      Look at his face! Listen to his tone!

      Tells you everything!


    2. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly

      A very odd thing is happening on the Internet. It's kinda clickbaity.

      Somebody says, "You won't believe how XXX melted down and stormed off." 

      Who doesn't like gossip? So off you go to watch the video? Then you see a person make a firm comment that he feels at an impasse and his time is up anyway. He gets up and leaves, saying, "Goodbye" politely to everyone.

      And you wonder, where was the storm? Where was the meltdown?

      I don't know how many of these I have seen.


      The video of Putin above is another. I didn't see angry paranoia. I didn't see a person too small to blame himself, so he blames everyone else--at least not anything that resembles the people I have seen who do that. I didn't see anyone channeling Stalin and Mao.

      (Oddly enough, I agree with him when he bashes people who believe they belong to a higher caste. I want to be  careful, though, that he and I are referring to the same thing when I bash these people. I think we are. And if we are, I look on in wonder. How does a guy like him see this? :) )

      I did see a person saying thoughts that align with his strongman posture. But I didn't see any raving or foaming at the mouth. His speaking tone was normal. He did use some hyperbole. But on a scale of 1 to 10, the hyperbole was about a 3 at most.

      Doesn't anyone remember Hitler sounding like a dog barking? I didn't see anything like that.

      I wonder what value people get in selling emotional hysteria and delivering normal shit.

      One can (and should) bash Putin. One doesn't need to lie or trick the audience to do that.

      So why do it?

      Lack of talent to do it right?


    3. william.scherk


      The full speech cited above, subtitled.

      Thanks for the conversation-starter, Tony. I missed the responses to this "Status" post. Which is what happens when one has divided attention ...

  13. Major flooding in our area of the world ...


    1. william.scherk
    2. Peter


      Those pictures tell a story. I saw some from Washington State today and they have similar flooding there. I don't consider global warming and sea water rises to be "man made" but global warming is happening. I have mentioned before how different areas here on Delmarva have different sea levels and now one daughter who lives in Ocean City, MD has a house with the lowest elevation in the family. For me it is a constant fear that she will be flooded out by a "nor'easter" but other non storm related flooding is also occurring here.    

    3. william.scherk


      We are getting news of a massive rescue effort for livestock. Abbotsford and our agricultural city are hugely important for the BC dairy and egg industries.  Devastated.

  14. Are you a Tut-Tutter or a Hater?

    1. Brant Gaede
    2. Brant Gaede

      Brant Gaede

      Why am I seeing this?

    3. Robert Campbell

      Robert Campbell


      I don't know why you're seeing this.




  15. parlerWood_2.jpg



    1. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly


      With all the censorship by big tech and all the craziness by Dem politicians and all the calls for eliminating Trump supporters from society, are you enjoying the coming of the socialist utopia in the USA.

      Use your eyes. And try to take the core-story glasses off.

      If you can manage that, even for as moment, that's what the start of socialist and communist utopias look like.

      However, this is America. They did their surprise attack. Now lets see if they can sustain it. btw - Did I mention it? This is America. They probably forgot what that means.

      Enjoy this show.


    2. william.scherk




      With all the censorship by big tech and all the craziness by Dem politicians and all the calls for eliminating Trump supporters from society, are you enjoying the coming of the socialist utopia in the USA.

      In the industry, that is known as a "Loaded Question."


      Use your eyes. And try to take the core-story glasses off.

      I detect a 'core-story' side track.  "Trump can do no wrong" is a helluva drug.


      If you can manage that, even for as moment, that's what the start of socialist and communist utopias look like.

      I live in British Columbia.  The "start of the socialist and communist utopia" began here in 1972.  A few hiccups along the way.


      However, this is America. They did their surprise attack. Now lets see if they can sustain it. btw - Did I mention it? This is America. They probably forgot what that means.

      "They" did their surprise attack. Trump can do no wrong. Ever. He is Dear Leader. Dissent is punished.


      Enjoy this show.


      It's a horrifying "show" ... all the folks I know here are shocked and saddened by what happened on January 6 2021.

      Defend the President to the end. It gives life meaning.

    3. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly

      Quoting William: "Trump can do no wrong. Ever. He is Dear Leader. Dissent is punished."


      That's what I thought--with sadness. You can't take the bias glasses off and just look. The judgment (or prejudice) is set in stone (the core story) along with the presumption that thinking like this is all others do.

      From your response, you don't understand what I am talking about.

      So no biggie.

      Forget I asked.

      I had to ask, though.


  16. Science magazine:




    How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes

    By Meredith Wadman, Jennifer Couzin-Frankel, Jocelyn Kaiser, Catherine MatacicApr. 17, 2020 , 6:45 PM


    What follows is a snapshot of the fast-evolving understanding of how the virus attacks cells around the body, especially in the roughly 5% of patients who become critically ill. Despite the more than 1000 papers now spilling into journals and onto preprint servers every week, a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen. Without larger, prospective controlled studies that are only now being launched, scientists must pull information from small studies and case reports, often published at warp speed and not yet peer reviewed. “We need to keep a very open mind as this phenomenon goes forward,” says Nancy Reau, a liver transplant physician who has been treating COVID-19 patients at Rush University Medical Center. “We are still learning.”




    How the virus attacks the heart and blood vessels is a mystery, but dozens of preprints and papers attest that such damage is common. A 25 March paper in JAMA Cardiology documented heart damage in nearly 20% of patients out of 416 hospitalized for COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. In another Wuhan study, 44% of 36 patients admitted to the ICU had arrhythmias.

    The disruption seems to extend to the blood itself. Among 184 COVID-19 patients in a Dutch ICU, 38% had blood that clotted abnormally, and almost one-third already had clots, according to a 10 April paper in Thrombosis Research. Blood clots can break apart and land in the lungs, blocking vital arteries—a condition known as pulmonary embolism, which has reportedly killed COVID-19 patients. Clots from arteries can also lodge in the brain, causing stroke. Many patients have “dramatically” high levels of D-dimer, a byproduct of blood clots, says Behnood Bikdeli, a cardiovascular medicine fellow at Columbia University Medical Center.

    “The more we look, the more likely it becomes that blood clots are a major player in the disease severity and mortality from COVID-19,” Bikdeli says.

    Infection may also lead to blood vessel constriction. Reports are emerging of ischemia in the fingers and toes—a reduction in blood flow that can lead to swollen, painful digits and tissue death.




    1. Jon Letendre

      Jon Letendre

      Too bad that you couldn't explain one sentence of this fear porn in your own words, Billy. Not one sentence, not if your life depended on it.

    2. william.scherk


      Re-upping and bolding a line from the intro of the article I linked to at Science:


      What follows is a snapshot of the fast-evolving understanding of how the virus attacks cells around the body, especially in the roughly 5% of patients who become critically ill.

      I think everyone struggles at least a bit to comprehend the novel coronavirus and its impacts on the human body. The article at Science is a brief reading for OL readers who want to know how close medical sciences are to answers for the questions posed in the article. The questions are almost all ''How?"

      Understanding the way the virus works is key to disrupting its work, I think. I thought this article would serve as a reasonably a-political piece to share with OLers. We all seek understanding. The more knowledge, the less fear. I am hopeful that the humans will beat this thing into the ground, if not tomorrow.

      I found the most interesting questions were posed on the subject of cytokine storm versus blood system as cause for certain symptoms. Enormous resources are being put in play by the humans to get safe and effective treatments out the door ...


      Some clinicians suspect the driving force in many gravely ill patients’ downhill trajectories is a disastrous overreaction of the immune system known as a “cytokine storm,” which other viral infections are known to trigger. Cytokines are chemical signaling molecules that guide a healthy immune response; but in a cytokine storm, levels of certain cytokines soar far beyond what’s needed, and immune cells start to attack healthy tissues. Blood vessels leak, blood pressure drops, clots form, and catastrophic organ failure can ensue.

      Some studies have shown elevated levels of these inflammation-inducing cytokines in the blood of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. “The real morbidity and mortality of this disease is probably driven by this out of proportion inflammatory response to the virus,” says Jamie Garfield, a pulmonologist who cares for COVID-19 patients at Temple University Hospital.

      But others aren’t convinced. “There seems to have been a quick move to associate COVID-19 with these hyperinflammatory states. I haven’t really seen convincing data that that is the case,” says Joseph Levitt, a pulmonary critical care physician at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

      He’s also worried that efforts to dampen a cytokine response could backfire. Several drugs targeting specific cytokines are in clinical trials in COVID-19 patients. But Levitt fears those drugs may suppress the immune response that the body needs to fight off the virus. “There’s a real risk that we allow more viral replication,” Levitt says.

      Meanwhile, other scientists are zeroing in on an entirely different organ system that they say is driving some patients’ rapid deterioration: the heart and blood vessels.

      One part Science magazine to nine-parts Infowars is a reasonable trade for me ... it's a mean 'flu' that is still in its top killing phase in many of our states and provinces. "Excess deaths" as the actuaries might plot it.

      I hope everyone is financially secure and staying safe. Our household has two essential service workers who head out every day and one eighty-year old who is the focus of our 'do not bring it home' efforts. Our governments up here, like yours, are feeding empty wallets with future billions. Canadians are in general much more pacified-by-authority than Americans, and so are doing what public health authorities tell them to do without significant protest.

      We have our own gruesome gallows humour on the subject of nursing homes, of course, and the debate on how, where, when and under what criteria we relax the strictures on commerce and recreation.  On the other hand, we don't have the ordeal of a presidential election year to get through at the same time.

      The biggest losers are the high-cost energy producers. The "demand shock" to the global energy markets is going to be felt for a good while in the Oil Patch, by my estimation.

      I will head back to the shallows until I find something as neutrally interesting to share.

    3. ThatGuy


      "Listen to your doctor. Trust The Science."

      The Science: "We OWN the science:" (and hence, we own YOU...)

      NEW - UN Secretary for Global Comms says they "own the science" on "climate change," and opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google.

      (Anyone who still urges others to unquestioningly trust their doctors/science on anything at this point is simply NOT being objective.)


    1. william.scherk


      The lady is Uriel aka Ruth Norman. There is a great story about her here:  

      Uriel, the Universe’s Best-Dressed Spiritual Leader
      In the 1970s, Ruth Norman became an author, UFO expert, and archangel

      See also her weird 1970s video:  



    2. Peter


      Kooky scam artist. A little funny. Would you trust her to watch your pet when you were on vacation? 

    3. william.scherk


      She daid, Ruth Norman.  I will get to her tonight by way of a woman called Unicole Unicron -- a latter-day Ruth Norman -- a "Starseed."  She also offers Cult Porn, whatever the heck that is. She was featured in an awful, fawning VICE video ...



  18. This comes as a surprise to almost no one, I expect.


    1. william.scherk


      From NPR ... a report that President Trump's Twitter account has been suspended.



    2. william.scherk


      I got a final snapshot of President Trump's account. 



      I wonder if the several existing Trump Twitter archives will have been able to copy the three tweets before they were flagged, before the plug was pulled. 

      I have a niggle of a doubt that public records will have been retained of each Trump account tweet at the White House (one can download one's own Twitter existence, albeit in a huge database file).

      In any case, the President can use the "official" account of the Presidency until the iffy day comes when he can't.

      He is in charge.

  19. I was curious about what happened during the 2017 Joint Session of Congress Electoral Vote counting process, which formulaic phrases were used. I cut a CSPAN excerpt to highlight the disposition of an objection. This is but one objection made. Others came -- four times from another California representative, from Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington state and from Arizona. And again from California.

    (2) WSS Memorial Gardens on Twitter: "January 6, 2017. During the counting of Electoral College votes, an objection from a Representative. See Biden deal with it ... https://t.co/0QWDu8F1bM" / Twitter

    1. william.scherk


      More moves.

      Links at DonaldJTrump.com

      [added, from the page link above:]


      “Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., President Trump’s campaign committee, today filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases which illegally changed Pennsylvania’s mail balloting law immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election in violation of Article II of the United States Constitution and Bush v. Gore


      “The petition seeks all appropriate remedies, including vacating the appointment of electors committed to Joseph Biden and allowing the Pennsylvania General Assembly to select their replacements. The Campaign also moved for expedited consideration, asking the Supreme Court to order responses by December 23 and a reply by December 24 to allow the U.S. Supreme Court to rule before Congress meets on January 6 to consider the votes of the electoral college.”

      - Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump

      Click here to read the Campaign's Petition.
      Click here to read the Campaign's Motion.


    2. william.scherk


      I cannot vouch for any of the part that screams in yellow. Caveat lector.

      switch gravity GIF by HANDYMARTIAN

  20. Dexamethasone's invention and uses over the last sixty years, via noted vote-suppressing communists 538.

    Its use in women experiencing preterm labour is now "indicated," as they say. It's also first-line treatment for altitude sickness, or so say the extremists in the video ...

    Experimenting with a writing-enhancer called Grammarly. Let's see if it catches the loaded language in this item. This item will then miraculously disappear, the Holy Spirit willing.

    Biden "town hall" snoozefest coming up. I hope they give him some of that dexa meth, enough to liven him up at least.

    On the other hand, never show weakness; give no quarter:


    1. william.scherk


      The Biden Town Hall snoozefest is subject to a searing critique via FoxNews:


    2. william.scherk


      This is Joe Biden on drugs.  


    1. Peter


      No shit.

    2. tmj


      Peter , did you read the article? It is basically saying it is better to be Red and dead.

  21. From Mike Adams the Health Ranger's latest podcast: "As the Queen dies, so does Luciferian-dominated Western Civilization"

    - The death of the Queen is a cosmic indicator of the death of Western Civilization - Western civilization is now almost entirely run by satanists and luciferians - First the British Empire, and later the American Empire, PILLAGE the world - Every institution of luciferian western nations is anti-human, anti-truth, anti-liberty - The fall of luciferian Western Civilization is a necessary step for humanity to achieve freedom - BILLIONS will die in the next phase of the engineered global collapse - Prepping is necessary to survive the global war on humanity and help REBUILD civilization - The future for humanity is bright as we rebuild civilization based on morals, reason, family values and honest money.

    1. Peter


      I am sorry to see her go, but now the world has King Charles, and Prince William next in line for the British throne. I guess Harry renounced "it all" but what if something incapacitates King Charles and then Prince William? King Harry and Meghan . . . consort? That consort title sounds a bit Frenchy to me. 

    2. william.scherk


      Modern English is shot through with words derived from or borrowed from French or Norman French. Consort looks like it entered the English lexicon from Old French by the 1500s.

      From the Royal Court of Arms:  Honi soit qui mal y pense.




  22. Death in the family. Shocked to discover today that our drummer in Los Popularos died -- at age fifty-seven.  A wonderful personality through and through, dearly missed by hundreds of friends, colleague and thousands of fans.  William Chobotar, RIP.


    Story via John Mackie of the Vancouver Sun: Vancouver punk legend Zippy Pinhead dies at 57

    One of the last songs we recorded together: http://wsscherk.hostingmyself.com/VIDEOCASTS/A15KF/04 Out On the Frontier - los Popularos.mp3

    1. Jonathan


      Sorry for your loss, Billy. It's especially hard losing an old bandmate.


    2. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly

      Belated condolences, William.


  23. The consensus is I was poisoned by Agnes Polonium or her cousin Alotlyke Polonium.

    1. KorbenDallas
    2. william.scherk


      It's okay. It was the non-deadly, non hair-falling-outy, non-kidney/gonad-injury type of poisoning. I coughed twice and it was over.  In fact, one might argue that I wasn't poisoned at all.  

  24. Donald Trump will be the next President.

    1. william.scherk


      Donald Trump will not be the next President.  

    2. william.scherk


      Make up your mind!