"Trolling" for food in Venezuela



This is a headline that needed an entry -- it is embedded within a story about, er, "cyber warfare" -- or whatever laden term best describes the augmented reality of propaganda, misinformation, and its effects. It's in a Bloomberg special report called A Global Guide to State-Sponsored Trolling. I can't wait till I get to the Canadian section.

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I've read some people say that the US is to blame for the fact that socialism didn't work in Venezuela.

I can't figure out how that one works. I root for the day when they relearn how to produce oil from their massive oil fields and sell it to people willing to buy it.


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10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I've read some people say that the US is to blame for the fact that socialism didn't work in Venezuela.

I can't figure out how that one works. I root for the day when they relearn how to produce oil from their massive oil fields and sell it to people willing to buy it.


This is usually the point where the punishments begin. If it weren't for certain people with certain beliefs, our revolution, ideology and economic theories would have worked, and would have delivered paradise. If we kill them, we can still make it work. The enemies of the state must be eliminated for the good of mankind.

I hope that someone has the foresight to nip that in the bud this time around.



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