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From: A Necronomicon for Emotion, Or, The Emotonomicon



Over on the main OL forum, under Psychology, I started this poll or quiz or whatchamacallit. I think I might only issue instructions to the pupils prisoners respondents on the main forum as the Lesson Plan unfolds. Here is perhaps where I will react. Ha! And patrol the comments like a mongoose.


This comes with rolling quiz questions, and also clues and hints and helping information. My Name is Mrs Grundy. This is my classroom. Please fasten your harnesses and we will begin.

The subject is emotion. The question is, "If we could illustrate our emotions by way of a 'colour wheel,' what would it say?"

1. Here is one image which contains clues, hints, ideas for cheating, and helping information. There are no 'correct' answers (until I unveil them and begin with the Corrective Ruler). Look at the Orange slice of the pie and figure out what is written there. Also please note that the examining magistrate has already seeded the results with two correct answers (and one incorrect one). Good luck. Prizes and Punishments will be announced later.


2. Here is another image. It contains a very good hint and helping information (if you know the purpose to which this image was used in psychological study -- and, better yet, know to what purpose it is used as evidence of the very thing it was used to look for. You do not need to steep in Foucault or Rand to get this helping information. It contains the key to the rest of the exam, and the Central Point of my Joycean Rant. In other words, I give you every opportunity to Cheat Wildly) but also a bit of unhelpful information in these notes. I might be drunk. I might want to entice you into the Torture Classroom.This is Open Book.

Beware, this picture contains False Friends, like a page of mugshots that misses suspects entirely.


Source: A Necronomicon for Emotion, Or, The Emotonomicon



Recommended Comments

Wrong, Adam, Anticipation is one of the eight possibly correct answers to the question. See the clue above.

Daunce, Love is, unfortunately, not basic. I can give you a fresh hint after dinner.

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I (and I guess Carol) just go the the main post page at the top where the poll results show and click 'Delete My Vote' and do it again.

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Ba'al attempted to answer the correct number of answers (8/8)

Answered 5 correctly, 3 incorrectly

Phil attempted to answer the incorrect number of answers (6/8)

Answered 5 correctly, 1 incorrectly

Carol attempted to answer the incorrect number of answers (5/8)

Answered 4 correctly, 1 incorrectly

Jonathan attempted to answer the incorrect number of answers (0/8)

Answered 0 correctly, 0 incorrectly

Adam attempted to answer the incorrect number of answers (9/8)

Answered 5 correctly, 4 incorrectly.

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