"Shock Jock" Hal Turner NJ Sentenced to 33 months For "threatening to kill" Federal Judges??


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Harold "Hal" Turner also contended that he never intended to harm anyone, reports the Record.

He got a 33-month federal prison sentence from Judge Donald Walter of the Western District of Louisiana, who was assigned to hear the case. It was transferred to Brooklyn, not far from Turner's base in New Jersey, although the government's case was handled by prosecutors from Chicago.

As Turner wrote in one post, initially quoting Thomas Jefferson, " 'The tree of liberty must be replenished from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots,' " reports the New York Law Journal.

Then Turner went on to add: "It is time to replenish the tree! Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed. Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty. A small price to pay to assure freedom for millions."

The controversial case resulted in two hung juries before prosecutors finally obtained a conviction in August under a law that prohibits threats to attack judges "with the intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with" their work.



This is extremely disturbing and I have seen absolutely no coverage of it.


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This is extremely disturbing and I have seen absolutely no coverage of it.

What do you find most disturbing about the case, Adam? If you had been following the case and history of the man, what do you think should have been the proper outcome of his incitements to murder?

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The guy's mom thinks it's all a terrible violation of the First Amendment too. From the story:

"Turner had criticized the panel from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for a June 2009 ruling upholding a handgun ban in Chicago. 'Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges must die,' he wrote. 'Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty.' " He also posted the judges’ work addresses and photos."

Just febrile polemics to post the addresses and photos in conjunction with such an injunction?

Edited by Starbuckle
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Then Turner went on to add: "It is time to replenish the tree! Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed. Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty. A small price to pay to assure freedom for millions."

Who does he think he is, Lindsay "Jabba" Perigo? Who chides us for not stringing up Obama by his toes ala Mussolini?

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Did he name or indicate specific people on the air? If so, tough shit.

Apparently names, photos, addresses . . .

He had a lovely disclaimer on his former blog, according to a report from 2006: "The remarks above are protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court … as they are uttered in a context which does not lend itself to imminent lawlessness, AND; do not constitute a 'true threat' as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court."

There are many highlights from his wonderful career as blogger and radio personality. At one point he called for a day of violent rage against blacks . . . "complete with lynchings, church burnings, drive-by shootings and bombings to put these subhuman animals back in their place."

Yes to complete fucking nutcase whackjob freakazoid, but maybe 'constitutionally protected speech' and so No to incarceration, but I would like to see the strong argument for that No.

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Sorry to post this and then vanish, but we had company and watched Red, the Bruce Willis movie with a nice roaring fire in the fireplace.

Excellent movie. Hilarious. Looks like they set it up nicely for a sequel.

The defendant does not seem to be exceptionally bright. Additionally, I see that William found out some rather less than exceptional polemics uttered by the man.

I am just astounded that I had absolutely no knowledge of these trials or his histrionic utterances. The article says that he is based in NJ and I have never heard of him.

I am going to look tonight for the federal indictments and any testimony. I also want to see what specific aspect of Federal Law he was charged with and whether he crossed the free speech line.

William points out his disclaimer which shows both positive and negative intent. Also, putting the names and addresses and linking them to even a fantasy death threat pretty much crosses the line as far as I can perceive.

However, thirty three months seems pretty severe. I wonder if his counsel raised any mental health issues as a defense?

To be continued...


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Here is the probable cause criminal complaint in United States of America V. Hal Turner, it is ten (10) pages long:


This is one stupid person. I have, on occasion, wanted to use passionate polemics which would have some of the language used by Mr. Turner. However, knowing how speech is interpreted in today's climate, I have refrained from putting that language on line.

I look at this citizen's polemics and I see it as speech and do not see him as a threat to act, however, it is clear to me that the authorities would not share my point of view.

I wonder who directed the authorities to view the website?


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Now here is what makes this so interesting, he was working for the Feds as an informant:

"For the record Hal Turner is now sitting and rotting in jail, but for years he worked for them faithfully, pushing the edges of what he could get away with. He had watch dog organization on his tale, which may or may not have been a part of the subterfuge, and many people really disliked him for the views he sprouted, he also caused a great deal of controversy, got a lot of media play, and the whole time he was working for them. So it's all very highly possible.

But the center of the court battle will likely be the story of Hal Turner and his FBI connections, which began in 2003 with the Newark-based Joint Terrorism Task Force, and continued on and off until this year.

Rumors of Turner's FBI work surfaced two years ago after unknown Internet hackers electronically broke into his Web site and found e-mails between Turner and an FBI agent. Turner never acknowledged his FBI role until after his arrest in June — and then with a mix of anger and chagrin.

'Imagine my surprise,' he wrote in one of several letters from jail to The Record, 'when agents from the very FBI that trained and paid me came to my house to arrest me.'"



Apparently, he was front page news in Brazil because he went there for the Feds.

"Friday, December 11, 2009

Brazilian Newspaper Cries "Foul" Over FBI Operative Hal Turner

Sao Paolo, Brazil -- This Sunday, the largest newspaper in Brazil will be running a major front-page story about the continuing U.S. criminal case involving radio host Hal Turner. According to sources with knowledge of the pending story, the Brazilian version of the New York Times will report this week that the United States sent '. . . . an American spy, Hal Turner . . . . to spy on Brazilians.'"

Read this link:


Alex Jones commented:

"Turner was not a garden variety operative working for the FBI. He was a National Security Intelligence asset and worked for the FBI on “National Security, terrorism, foreign counterintelligence. There are people that are giving information that affects the national security of the United States, terrorism, matters that are going to affect the population or people overall, something that’s really going to hinder and hurt a large group of people or the national security of the United States,” Assistant Special Agent in Charge Amy Pickett, the third highest ranking FBI Official in New York City, said in December, 2009. His code name was “Valhalla” and “he received thousands of dollars from the FBI to report on such groups as the Aryan Nations and the white supremacist National Alliance, and even a member of the Blue Eyed Devils skinhead punk band,” according to The Record. Turner’s service was apparently so valuable to the government he was sent to Brazil where he reported a scheme to send non-military supplies to Iraqi resistance fighters."


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I have, on occasion, wanted to use passionate polemics which would have some of the language used by Mr. Turner. However, knowing how speech is interpreted in today's climate, I have refrained from putting that language on line.

Why am I not surprised...


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This reminds me of a case I read about a few years ago when I was reading J. Orlin Grabbe's site regularly.

There was a guy who invented an Internet game using near-unbreakable encryption for betting on outcomes.

The rules went like this. He posted the real names, addresses, and other personal information of IRS agents for all to see. Interested players would bet on when a particular IRS agent would pass away. The funds would be held in some kind of escrow until one of the listed agents died. The player who bet on the date closest to the actual death date of the newly deceased agent won the kitty.

The way this dude set it up, it was almost impossible (with the technology back then) to detect who placed bets and who got paid.

Needless to say, the IRS was not amused. If I remember correctly, the government went after this dude big time

I might look his name and stuff up one day to see what else he's been up to. The dark side of me kinda likes how he thinks.



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he'd better be using disguises, fake id, untracable home, and vehicle, moving a lot, and telling nobody who he really is or what he is doing. Look at the Unabomber. "Only" his brother knew, but a li'l ol' cash reward was all it took to get Ted his life in prison.

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