just a other name for poltical exisinsalim`?


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are not objecvismt a rugged version of french pilosphers a more poltical version ? becuse they was never very political more personel and ontolocgi(?)that objectvists are more on how to orgeniaze things the how a system should be ruled(you did need to bother abut that things you could choose to do everything or at least choose way to avoid how to get stucked in sosical tradisons )then sarte and bob black and other lifestyle anarchists?

that in reality its no big difrence between the left (?)post left(?)post right wing (?)

movments and objectvists and are foculte and survlists in reality exisntealists (and just a other name for objectvism ) ?both fokz think you can do your owen thing if you just try and go outiside social norms if you just(a other exampel are the libertairn book how to live free in a unfreee world (harry browen ??) have guts just like kant and hobbes and platon dont hink you can

are the moments not just handbook on how to not end up as notes from the underground (dokvstoyesik was a exsintelsints writer) becuse objectvism are justa amarican homesteading and loner induvalists version of exisntsalism true ?

(did try to spellcheck here but the spellcheck software did not work on this public computer so sorry agin form bad syntax and dyslectic)

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Rand did not espouse a variant of Existentialism. The philosophy of Objectivism is not a variant of Anarchism.

There are some small ell “libertarian” ties if the tie-in includes Laissez-Faire Capitalism and the political system needed to have Capitalism.

If you do not wish to read her books, you can simply type in Ayn Rand Lexicon, and read excerpts such as the following.


From the Ayn Rand Lexicon:

Zero, Reification of

A vulgar variant of concept stealing, prevalent among avowed mystics and irrationalists, is a fallacy I call the Reification of the Zero. It consists of regarding “nothing” as a thing, as a special, different kind of existent. (For example, see Existentialism.) This fallacy breeds such symptoms as the notion that presence and absence, or being and non-being, are metaphysical forces of equal power, and that being is the absence of non-being. E.g., “Nothingness is prior to being.” (Sartre)—“Human finitude is the presence of the not in the being of man.” (William Barrett)—“Nothing is more real than nothing.” (Samuel Beckett)—”Das Nichts nichtet” or “Nothing noughts.” (Heidegger).

“Consciousness, then, is not a stuff, but a negation. The subject is not a thing, but a non-thing. The subject carves its own world out of Being by means of negative determinations. Sartre describes consciousness as a ‘noughting nought’ (néant néantisant). It is a form of being other than its own: a mode ‘which has yet to be what it is, that is to say, which is what it is, that is to say, which is what it is not and which is not what it is.’” (Hector Hawton, The Feast of Unreason, London: Watts & Co., 1952, p. 162.)

(The motive? “Genuine utterances about the nothing must always remain unusual. It cannot be made common. It dissolves when it is placed in the cheap acid of mere logical acumen.” Heidegger.)

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hmmm i did read atlas shrugged and did think i can get influnce of existenslaism survalsist what i guss you will call libertansim(i think its bit hard to say if a book are influnced by a idelodgiy or type of the way humans think like allways work hard and save mony and you will live a happy life or be a hedonisit and use aslle you mony on what makes you feel flow) and facisim (like the persons way of thinking are exisitsalsitic narcsisitc and induvlsitic and rorak book forgot the name are hedonisitc/stotic/ eh forget what it was the guy in six feet under tv serie are that )

are not all books influced by many ideas at the same time ?

like spoke zaresura by that german thinker are existenlisitc hednonistic nhilhistic facisstic and postmodern at the same time ?

murray rothblat(?) are social darwenisitc faccisic homesteding and induvlaist anarachist (like thuro that guy that wrote walden book ) ?

eh dont think the anarchist will call lifestyle anarchists for anarchism.....

Edited by dustt
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