Happy birthday, Kat!

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Today is my beloved Kitten's birthday.

I just want to take a moment to say what a wonderful presence Kat has been--and is and will be--in my life.

She makes it all good.

To the OL community, Kat is the one who started this whole shebang and she is one of the major reasons it keeps going. For example, her name is on the hosting and license contracts. Kat stays in the background, but she is always present.

Happy birthday, sweetheart. May you have a gazilliom more birthdays--all with me in them.

With you, I am home.

You rock.

Much, much love,


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It is with some trepidation that I feel that I must deflate the rumor that "Kathy Wheeler" is actually a nom de plume of Barbara Branden.

While Kat shares with Barbara a vivacious beauty and impressive intellect (along with many other admirable qualities), I can reliably report that, since I have had the good fortune to meet both of them together, (at the same time!) at many conferences, that they are indeed separate people!

So, we are doubly "blessed" (if I may use that appellation in Objectivist circles!).


Happy Birthday, Kat!

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:D Thanks so much for the happy birthday wishes. Mike, you are just so smooth... I think I will go to the Straight No Chaser show with you tonight after all. Hopefully, Brant will join the singing group tonight and bring a ukulele and sing happy birthday. Wow, that would be a special birthday.

I love the Weird Al/Dr. Who video. It's very cool and thanks also for the kind words Jonathan and Jerry. It's been a fun day and my daughter took me to my favorite little restaurant for lunch, which was very nice.

Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me!



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A very happy birthday and thank you for supporting Michael in creating this site. Two more birthdays from now we can take another shot at your friends Congressional race.

Thank you once again for this intellectual oasis.






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Ah, the Divine Ms. Kat!

You are in good hands with that man (as far as we men go. . .).

I hope you have enjoyed your day, very much. There were a few sightings--they said he was skulking around the card isles in various stores, looking vaguely apprehensive. . .you never know what Men will buy under this kind of duress. I told him to get that one Zippo lighter with the picture of the Beatles on it, but he doesn't really listen to anyone except you.

Finest Kind,


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Happy Birthday, Kat!!

With all those cooking tips you've posted, I'm sure you can get Michael to cook you something "DA-licious!" Have a great day!

~ Shane

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