Alleged Obama Cheating Scandal


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Obama Cheating Scandal

Here is the link to the Before Its News post:

Contributed by Free Press International (Editor)

April 30, 2010 11:52

This story has been viewed 1,305 times

(508 times in the past 24 hours, 35 times in the past hour)

PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

While Baker has insisted in the past that "nothing happened" between them, the ENQUIRER has learned that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous where the President was staying.

On the condition of anonymity, the limo driver said he took Baker "from a friend's home in the DC area to the Hotel George where I learned later that Obama would be spending the night."

The driver recalled that he "waited in the lobby while she went to change her outfit.

"But to the best of knowledge she did not have a room at the hotel and she was not staying there so I thought that it was a bit odd."

The driver said he then picked up Obama at the airport and drove both he and Baker to various locations while he was campaigning for funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 PM, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together!"

"My services for the evening were done - and there was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night."

Edited by galtgulch
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I'm shocked! Shocked!

Ba'al Chatzaf

Bob -

I'm not certain what you find most shocking, but what strikes me is that the report appears in the National Enquirer and the reported tryst is not with an extraterrestrial!

Bill P

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I'm shocked! Shocked!

Ba'al Chatzaf

Bob -

I'm not certain what you find most shocking, but what strikes me is that the report appears in the National Enquirer and the reported tryst is not with an extraterrestrial!

Bill P

Bill P; The National Enquirer's reputation has improved after their coverage of the John Edward's love child. The Enquirer was nominated for a Pulitzer.

I dismiss the story because Gulch put it on OL.

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Zap ahead to 8'30 for another bombshell about Obama's private life.

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My first response: So what? Even if it is true, the issue is between Obama and Michelle (er,or should I say,the "issue" is between Obama and his alleged lover?). Issues of private morality should stay that way. Europeans and most of the rest of the world know this. To the French, their response, as in past reported trysts of American politicians, will be ridicule. To the French, it would be unusual if one of their heads of state did not have a mistress! They're supposed to have affairs! Only Americans go into this puritanical bullshit (all the while a significant number are having affairs of their own).

Anyway, I am more concerned with Obama "screwing" the whole nation, rather than what he might be doing with one or more "other women." In fact, if the whole Administration and its Democratic congress were having passionate affairs, maybe they would concentrate on their own lives, and leave the rest of us alone!

Second response: Those who lived through the nineteen sixties, prepare for deja vu. The sainted JFK was similarly accused, with considerable documentation, in a book entitled JFK: The Myth and the Man, by Victor Lasky, in about 1962. The MSM almost entirely ignored the book and its charges, but a few liberal outlets did comment because the book had become a "bestseller" despite the press trying to ignore it. They severely criticised the author for making such preposturous charges about such wonderful and beautiful people. Imagine, JFK and Marilyn Monroe,...don't be absurd! Only a nasty extreme rightwinger would come up with such blasphemous charges!.

And let's not forget the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal. A big fuss was raised about that, and Clinton lying on TV directly to the American public. A clear-cut case of perjury. And what became of it? Well, in the end, nothing. The Democrats defeated the impeachment vote. Now, of course, the Dems have an even larger majority than Clinton did in Congress.

The point? Expect the MSM to react in the same manner and with the same intent, only with much greater ferocity. They love Obama even more than they did Kennedy! So if this story has "legs," prepare for a deluge of denials and counter-accusations.

Third response: Well, its at least comforting to know that Objectivists have a higher moral standard and would not engage in such antics. :rolleyes::blush:

Edited by Jerry Biggers
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