We Are Doomed (Retaking Conservative Pessimism)

Max Eichelberger

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The best book I have ever read in quite sometime. Certainly, not a literary classic but filled with wit, charm and countless memorable phrases.

It was a joyous ride of intellectual pleasuring. My girlfriend bought it for me knowing I would agree wholeheartedly with him.

I love her, and her amazing choice of books. And I recommend everyone else to pick up a copy if they can.

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The best book I have ever read in quite sometime. Certainly, not a literary classic but filled with wit, charm and countless memorable phrases.

It was a joyous ride of intellectual pleasuring. My girlfriend bought it for me knowing I would agree wholeheartedly with him.

I love her, and her amazing choice of books. And I recommend everyone else to pick up a copy if they can.


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