Heller and Burns on Book TV

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9 AM EST Nov 8th.

Thanks! This panel discussion, featuring Dr.Jennifer Burns and Anne Heller at the CATO Institute, is also repeated today (Sunday, Nov. 8) at 6:45 PM, EST on CSPAN2. Check listings at www.booktv.org

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9 AM EST Nov 8th.

Thanks! This panel discussion, featuring Dr.Jennifer Burns and Anne Heller at the CATO Institute, is also repeated today (Sunday, Nov. 8) at 6:45 PM, EST on CSPAN2. Check listings at www.booktv.org

Thanks Jerry! I'm sorry I reported earlier that C-Span was not at the event. Apparently they used Cato's TV cameras.

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9 AM EST Nov 8th.

Thanks! This panel discussion, featuring Dr.Jennifer Burns and Anne Heller at the CATO Institute, is also repeated today (Sunday, Nov. 8) at 6:45 PM, EST on CSPAN2. Check listings at www.booktv.org

Thanks Jerry! I'm sorry I reported earlier that C-Span was not at the event. Apparently they used Cato's TV cameras.


I guess I should add that prospective viewers of this event do not even need to watch it on their TV at 6:45 PM, because the complete event may also be viewed from your PC by simply going to www.booktv.org and entering Jennifer Burns, Anne Heller, or perhaps Cato into their serach engine. Apparently most (maybe all) prior events recorded or available to CSPAN can be viewed directly from their site.

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I guess I should add that prospective viewers of this event do not even need to watch it on their TV at 6:45 PM, because the complete event may also be viewed from your PC by simply going to www.booktv.org [...] Apparently most (maybe all) prior events recorded or available to CSPAN can be viewed directly from their site.

Not this event, unfortunately, at least not yet. Their Webpage for it, though, would merit a bookmark to keep track of when this may change.

I saw this last night and was pleased at how sprightly it was. Host and introducer David Boaz did a brisk job that gave both women their due. (Though he initially misstated Burns' book title.) They avoided getting wrapped up in duplicating the biographical ground covered by both authors. Most of this detail was left to Burns — probably at the suggestion of Heller, who said she preferred answering questions and thus had shorter opening remarks.

As to backstage mechanics: Heller averred (and Burns agreed) that if Burns had not been a graduate student when she began her project, before it was a full-blown book, she might not have gotten permission to use and quote from the Rand estate archives. Heller said that her only disappointments in obtaining interviews were with a perpetually busy Alan Greenspan and a refusing Leonard Peikoff.

All the questions were intelligent and worthwhile. Among those asking were Ed Hudgins, Will Wilkinson, and (if you'll pardon me) John Swallow, my college roommate of 30 years ago.

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