Hello from New York


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Hi, Everybody --

I've been lurking here for months, planning to join "someday", and the discussion of the Mahler symphonies finally tipped the balance and got me moving. I hail from the upstate New York area.

I met some of you (including Michael and Kat!) at the TOC seminar this summer; I attended this year's and last year's, and plan to keep on attending them in future years -- they're wonderful! Maybe some of you will remember me.

I've been an Objectivist since 1982, when I picked up Atlas Shrugged and couldn't put it down, despite the fact that I was supposed to be studying for my Ph.D written prelim in chemistry instead. (Yes, I passed the exam, but not by nearly as comfortable a margin as I should have!)

My other interests include classical music, choral singing, dog showing, horseback riding (dressage), travel, and shotgun sports.


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Hi Judith,

I have just arrived in this forum and also reside in Upstate New York....Rochester. Maybe I'll paint a great picture of you in action on the horse or sporting a shotgun. How about 6' high and with me, the painter staring right down the shotgun barrel. Un-loaded please.

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Wow. Sounds great! Down the barrel it is! (Shotgun videos are shot [ouch -- pardon the inadvertent pun!] that way all the time! The shooters just go through great pains to show the audience that the gun is unloaded first. I guess we won't be able to do that in a painting, so the world will have to believe that I WASN'T about to shoot you from horseback while you painted me. It WASN'T a shotgun painting!) :lol:



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Find a picture or two and I'll compose an illustration. Let's see if we can imagine a dynamic depiction of you that all true individuals will admire and will be a welcome challege to paint. Thanks for the welcome and the humor.

Edited by Michael Stuart Kelly
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