Don't be stupid--vote McCain/Palin


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To all who would be stupid: Do not split the vote against Obama by voting for anyone but McCain. I didn’t think this explanation would be necessary.

Obama is in all probability not even eligible to be a Senator, and it is even more likely he is not eligible to be President. (The FBI does not vet elected officials, believe it or not—it is viewed as the responsibility of the politicians involved.)

He got the Democratic nomination by fraud and intimidation.

It appears he has broken the Logan Act multiple times.

He just does what he wants, and everyone assumes that someone is watching over things. Everyone assumes that he would not have gotten this far unless he was checked out. So he never gets checked out.

“You have to pinch yourself—a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.”—Melanie Phillips

See also:

Odinga Made A Deal with Kenyan Muslims to Institute Islamic Law; Obama Campaigned for Him

“We ask again: Why did Obama actively support a candidate for Kenyan President when that person had a stated agenda that was contrary to US interests?”

“Obama Goes to Kenya on Official US Senate Business, Taxpayer Funded. Obama Campaigns for Odinga, Speaks to Kenyan Crowds as if HE is Running for President of Kenya. Odinga Promises to Institute Sharia Law and Protect Anti-American Terrorists. Odinga Later Leads Widespread Ethnic Cleansing When He Loses.”

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I have never been a political person. Practically everything I post about is epistemology- or art- or music-related. This is my great exception. I've said my piece here.

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It's too bad when Obama was in Kenya he don't provide a little money or food for his starving half bothers and sisters.

What is your basis for saying Obama is not qualified to be a Senator?

Edited by Chris Grieb
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Ashley. I plan to vote against Obama, which means casting my ballot for McCain. But McCain is making it very difficult to do. His performance in last night's debate was horrible. If anyone could convince me not to vote for him, it would be McCain.

This morning I came across something just a bit more encouraging than McCain's discussions of "Wall Street greed." On October 9, in Wisconsin, in a question period following McCain's talk, this exchange took place:

Audience Member: "I'm a realtor witnessing firsthand the effect the mortgage crisis has had on many peoples' lives. Will you assure us that as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute and name the names of the people actually responsible?"

McCain: "I will. And it is already a matter of record that Democrat members of Congress fought against reform. And it's a matter of record in hearings that they said everything was fine. Senator Obama a year ago said these kinds of subprime loans are, quote, 'fine with him'. And the fact is, that the same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue, are the same ones that were willing co-conspirators in causing this problem that it is. And you know their names, and you will know more of their names. Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd are two of them."

Let's hope he means it. Today, Chris Dodd, head of the Senate Banking Committee, opened hearings to discover who is to blame for the mortgage crisis. The sub-prime morgage market is "one of the great success stories of all time, " said Dodd in 20004, while many Republicans were warning of the risks involved. Now, in a NYTimes Oped, he wrote: "millions of homeowners were told they could afford sub-prime loans — loans that brokers, lenders and investors knew, or should have known, they could not repay.... More than 2 million Americans have been brought to the brink of foreclosure, and beyond." Dodd should know; he was a major player among those who told millions of homeowners that they could afford sub-prime loans. To have him investigating his own crimes is farce; the prisoner in the dock is also the judge in the case,.


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Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran.


That's your alternative, eh?

Don't elect the war-supporting socialist cretins, instead elect the actively warmongering fascist cretins?

Join me — since the genuine individualist and anti-statist couldn't get onto a national ballot — in None of the Above instead.

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I have been saying and thinking for some time that Obama will be another Jimmy Carter. There will be one huge difference. Obama's actions will not lead to an American embassy held hostage but a mushroom cloud over an American city.

I suspect the folks at will be happy about that.

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I have been saying and thinking for some time that Obama will be another Jimmy Carter. There will be one huge difference. Obama's actions will not lead to an American embassy held hostage but a mushroom cloud over an American city.

I suspect the folks at will be happy about that.

A brilliant observation on your part! The folks on would be absolutely thrilled about a US city being nuked. Why, they're just giddy with anticipation at the prospect!

While, on the surface, it appears that some of the writers whose work has appeared on, such as Doug Bandow, Alan Bock, Ivan Eland, Jacob Hornberger, James Bovard, Sheldon Richman, Robert Higgs, and Arthur Silber are among the most brilliant libertarian thinkers alive today, it's all really just a ruse. Deep down, they're really islamofascist agents working with Al Qaeda to bring down America. Thanks to your brilliant detective work in exposing them, perhaps America can be saved after all. Perhaps the US government will want to offer you a job as head of the CIA, where you can discover WMDs hidden in Somalia.


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I still think there will be a mushroom cloud over an American city in an Obama administration. I also think some Libertarians will be pleased if there is one.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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I have been saying and thinking for some time that Obama will be another Jimmy Carter. There will be one huge difference. Obama's actions will not lead to an American embassy held hostage but a mushroom cloud over an American city.

I suspect the folks at will be happy about that.

A brilliant observation on your part! The folks on would be absolutely thrilled about a US city being nuked. Why, they're just giddy with anticipation at the prospect!

While, on the surface, it appears that some of the writers whose work has appeared on, such as Doug Bandow, Alan Bock, Ivan Eland, Jacob Hornberger, James Bovard, Sheldon Richman, Robert Higgs, and Arthur Silber are among the most brilliant libertarian thinkers alive today, it's all really just a ruse. Deep down, they're really islamofascist agents working with Al Qaeda to bring down America. Thanks to your brilliant detective work in exposing them, perhaps America can be saved after all. Perhaps the US government will want to offer you a job as head of the CIA, where you can discover WMDs hidden in Somalia.


Read the Feb 2002 issue of Liberty magazine where the unanimous response to 9-11 was not how do we respond to this attack on our liberty, but "I told you so" and "America deserved this" due to "our long history of" (XYZ)...Immediately the warnings about our coming loss of liberty began. And those warnings were right. Who could have imagined how the patriot act would have led to the mass arrests of gays, m^slims, environmentalists, atheists and Red Sox fans and the summary executions of Michael Moore, Janine Garofalo, Susan Sarandon, and Bob Denver? I am glad the we don't have to put up with an presidential election this year, what with Bush declaring himself president for life, and the Republicans taking both houses by committing voter fraud in Ohio and accross the nation.

I don't visit With a name like that, why bother? But I assume that there will be some overlap between Liberty and them. Such people are children who fantasize about the big rock candy mountain and resent "daddy" even as he keeps them safe.

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Don't elect the war-supporting socialist cretins, instead elect the actively warmongering fascist cretins?

The genocidal maniacs have nothing to worry about. The wars will continue.

The biggest question is the financial health of the nation. How will the war lovers keep their war going? How will they pay for it? As Rand would say, blank out.

Either Obama or McCain will only serve one term, for this reason alone.

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A brilliant observation on your part! The folks on would be absolutely thrilled about a US city being nuked. Why, they're just giddy with anticipation at the prospect!

While, on the surface, it appears that some of the writers whose work has appeared on, such as Doug Bandow, Alan Bock, Ivan Eland, Jacob Hornberger, James Bovard, Sheldon Richman, Robert Higgs, and Arthur Silber are among the most brilliant libertarian thinkers alive today, it's all really just a ruse. Deep down, they're really islamofascist agents working with Al Qaeda to bring down America. Thanks to your brilliant detective work in exposing them, perhaps America can be saved after all. Perhaps the US government will want to offer you a job as head of the CIA, where you can discover WMDs hidden in Somalia.

Weapons of mass destruction are everywhere. Don't you know that? And everybody is evil.

Charles Lindbergh, Wendell Wilkie, and Smedley Butler were paid agents of the Nazis.

Many foreign nations were paying off the Senators who rejected the League of Nations. They also paid off Harding.

William Jennings Bryan and Bob LaFollette were paid agents of the Kaiser.

Grover Cleveland was taking bribes from the Spanish and the Hawaiian queen. He refused war with Spain over Cuba. He refused to annex Hawaii.

Abraham Lincoln, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson were taking money from Santa Anna when they opposed the Mexican War.

James Polk took money from the British when he refused to fight for the Oregon Country.

Hitler's assassination attempts were all funded by Churchill and the British. The Italian king was also taking money from them when he opposed Mussolini.

Jefferson was actually taking money from England. The embargo was just a distraction. They were paying Jefferson not to go to war against them.

John Adams was taking bribes from the French during his Presidency.

Opposition to war is always the result of a conspiracy. It always has been. Everyone who opposes war is actually a paid agent of the other side.

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Baker; You're forgetting to take your meds. I hope your keepers are keeping the sharp pointed objects away from you.


When you do this kind of mocking, you open the gate for identical mocking from the other end.

I humbly request that we raise the bar.

Chris B,

A bit of documentation would go a long way.


EDIT: I moved this from the Objectivist philosophy section (Politics) but left a link behind.

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I don't know about others, but that kind of post is precisely why I, Michael, would never join you.

You've said that you don't think they're the cretins they manifestly are, and as they prove themselves to be every hour. What, then, would be the point in trying to persuade you?

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. — H. L. Mencken

Oh, and the original poster is in Toronto, so unless he's a voting ex-pat, I feel compelled to say what I rarely say about anything: It's really none of your goddamned business. It's my goddamned business.

Emphasis on the modifier. No "God" that actually existed would think up tortures that equal enduring a modern U.S. presidential campaign season.


Warning! Especially to MSK and Chris Grieb! The last two posts of mine contain elements of hyperbole. You'd be well advised to be careful around such exotic concepts. {rueful smile}

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Actually, there is no point in trying to convince me with posts like you made. I have stated many times that ideas and facts convince me, not rhetoric and hyperbole.

If you are insinuating that you were targeting other readers with your persuasion efforts, I fully agree that rhetoric and hyperbole have a far better chance with them than with me, although I believe the intellectual standard of OL readers is generally very high. So, to be frank, I don't think you are going to convince hardly anyone but the choir that sings in your pew with rhetoric and hyperbole.

But if you think you can make a difference that way, go for it...


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A brilliant observation on your part! The folks on would be absolutely thrilled about a US city being nuked. Why, they're just giddy with anticipation at the prospect!

While, on the surface, it appears that some of the writers whose work has appeared on, such as Doug Bandow, Alan Bock, Ivan Eland, Jacob Hornberger, James Bovard, Sheldon Richman, Robert Higgs, and Arthur Silber are among the most brilliant libertarian thinkers alive today, it's all really just a ruse. Deep down, they're really islamofascist agents working with Al Qaeda to bring down America. Thanks to your brilliant detective work in exposing them, perhaps America can be saved after all. Perhaps the US government will want to offer you a job as head of the CIA, where you can discover WMDs hidden in Somalia.

Weapons of mass destruction are everywhere. Don't you know that? And everybody is evil.

Charles Lindbergh, Wendell Wilkie, and Smedley Butler were paid agents of the Nazis.

Many foreign nations were paying off the Senators who rejected the League of Nations. They also paid off Harding.

William Jennings Bryan and Bob LaFollette were paid agents of the Kaiser.

Grover Cleveland was taking bribes from the Spanish and the Hawaiian queen. He refused war with Spain over Cuba. He refused to annex Hawaii.

Abraham Lincoln, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson were taking money from Santa Anna when they opposed the Mexican War.

James Polk took money from the British when he refused to fight for the Oregon Country.

Hitler's assassination attempts were all funded by Churchill and the British. The Italian king was also taking money from them when he opposed Mussolini.

Jefferson was actually taking money from England. The embargo was just a distraction. They were paying Jefferson not to go to war against them.

John Adams was taking bribes from the French during his Presidency.

Opposition to war is always the result of a conspiracy. It always has been. Everyone who opposes war is actually a paid agent of the other side.

How about some factual evidence to support these assertions? Do you have any forthcoming?

Adams detested the French by the way. Read the biography of John Adams written by David McCullough. Unlike you, the biographer goes to primary sources of historical information. You just blow out hot air. The kind of sh*t you are posting is reminiscent of the crap that Lyndon LaRouche used to spew out. Shame on you!

Ba'al Chatzaf

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