Presidential Debates 2008

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Presidential Debates 2008

I'm opening this thread to consolidate all the posts already written about the Presidential debate and about the upcoming ones.

I listened to the debate of the two presidential candidates tonight. I was sickened by the failure of both of them to have a clue about the sources of the present financial crisis -- although, without understanding the cause, they were emphatic in claiming to know the solution: More governmental regulation of the economy. As Rand used to say about collectivists, "They believe that the cure for the illness of America is to give it more of the poison that is making it sick."

See Robert Bidinotto's blog - -- for a valuable audio by the Managing Director of Lehman Brothers.


P.S. I posted this to another thread, then realized that it belonged here.


Random thoughts:

To call this a debate assaults everything that I taught for five years at Queens College.

Barbara, I could not agree with you more. Additionally, this is the socialization of the private housing stock of this nation.

A call came in to the Mark Levin show on ABC in NY last night. The caller asked if Mark had ever read Atlas Shrugged. Mark responded of course and I recommend it to everyone along with Von Mises, Hyak, Burke and he named a few others. The caller then said that isn't reading Atlas Srhugged just like reading today's newspapers?

And of course the answer is YES indeed.

Finally, Mr. Baker: "Some do. Interestingly enough, Objectivism has long been under-represented in the South", do you ever have any sources for your assertions?


Here is the video Barbara alluded to:

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

I caught this on Robert Bidinotto's blog. It's quite good. Partisan as all get out (wouldn't it be nice if the Devil did exist?), but very informative.


OK, this is a start.

I have noticed something funny with the reporting on the debate. Whenever the experts or pundits talked, they all mentioned that Obama won the debate. This was on all TV channels I saw (several). There were some small rooms of people on CNN that were monitored and these people also claimed that Obama won hands down. Yet when the write in polls from viewers were mentioned, at least what I saw mentioned on Greta Van Susteren at the end of the night, it was resoundingly McCain (like about 80%). Now I see on Drudge Report, the figures stand at 68% McCain, 30% Obama and 2% Neither.

If you check out a really mainstream publication like Huffington Post, you would think McCain didn't even debate.

Media bias anyone?


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None of those "polls" are polls. Believe me I design them and incoming internet "polls" are to be discarded as not scientic at all.

This instant video ad by the McCain campaign is very effective:

Sharp, clear and totally chery picked, but it will be very effective.


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"Sharp, clear and totally chery picked, but it will be very effective."

Very effective? I don't see that it proves anything. Certainly not that McCain is ready to lead.

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