The Death of a very funny man.

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George Carlin died last night around 9 P.M. EDT. He went to the hospital because of a heart attack. He was 71 years old, just a kid.

Carlin had some heart problems related to previous drug use.

Some of the laughter died with Carlin. So it goes.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Edited by BaalChatzaf
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George Carlin died last night around 9 P.M. EDT. He went to the hospital because of a heart attack. He was 71 years old, just a kid.

Carlin had some heart problems related to previous drug use.

Some of the laughter died with Carlin. So it goes.

Ba'al Chatzaf

70 is the biblical span of life but I too am sadden. His hippy dippy weatherman was very funny.
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George Carlin died last night around 9 P.M. EDT. He went to the hospital because of a heart attack. He was 71 years old, just a kid.

Carlin had some heart problems related to previous drug use.

Some of the laughter died with Carlin. So it goes.

Ba'al Chatzaf

70 is the biblical span of life but I too am sadden. His hippy dippy weatherman was very funny.

Nowadays a 70 years old person is barely out of middle age.

Carlin by his own estimate had a rather negative view of the human race, but he was funny anyway. Someone has to poke fun at our kind. He did an excellent job.

I get the distinct impression that Rand would not have approved of Carlin's humor. Perhaps some of you O folks might know something about that.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ahh...great riff.

Basically illustrated the need of the human being to "carry" a practical "piece" of their "home"/cave/abode.

Carlin made it exponentially hilarious by exploring the concept that humans tend to "need" their personal material constructs to "center" themselves as they travel.

I understand that Saturday Night Live is, upon information and belief, re-broadcast the first ever Saturday Night Live which is alleged to have been hosted by a radical young comedian George Carlin this weekend.

I have no recollection of that first show, but I was involved in politics and getting laid, so I might have missed that first show. It, if true, is already set to be DVRed.

Great man.


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This man was awesome!

Probably the one skit I remember most (and made me piss my pants) is the one where he receives a speeding ticket - one of many he had floating around on the floorboards or glovebox. He then asked the police officer, "Aren't you a public servant? Go fetch me a glass of water!"

I will sorely miss his slant on the human race.

~ Shane

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My client sent me this radio interview just months before he dies, well worth the listen. He addresses comedy and philosophy.

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