RON PAUL donations so far today and this month...


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It is evident that donations to the Ron Paul campaign so far this month is approaching $7M.

So far today alone, on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, donations at this point are approaching $6M.

I am not sure just how many people are responsible for the donations, I found one graph which indicated that there were about 17,500 who donated today Dec 16. On November 5th there were 38,905.

Donations for one day online today has exceeded the record set last month.

This should get more media attention which might lead to better coverage.

Ron Paul's campaign certainly has enough money to spend on national TV and Radio ads. There are already several radio ads which are accessible on youtube.

Link to the donations for today and this month:


Edited by galtgulch
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from the Official Ron Paul Presidential Campaign website

Ron Paul Raises $6 Million in One Day (12/17/07)

Candidate has most successful fundraising day in American political history

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA -- Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential campaign had a record fundraising day yesterday.

In a 24-hour period on December 16, the campaign raised $6.026 million dollars, surpassing the one-day record of $5.7 million held by John Kerry.

During the day, over 58,000 people contributed to Dr. Paul’s campaign, including 24,940 first-time donors. Over 118,000 Americans have donated to the campaign in the fourth quarter.

The $6 million one-day total means the campaign has raised over $18 million this quarter, far exceeding its goal of $12 million.

"We have the right message: freedom, peace and prosperity," said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "We also have the right candidate: Dr. Ron Paul."

Congressman Paul will be campaigning in Iowa today and will be holding a press conference at 12:45 pm at the Des Moines Marriott in the Des Moines Room.

Paul Campaign Statement Following $6 Million Fundraising Day (12/17/07)

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - Following its historic fundraising day on December 16th, Ron Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder issued the following statement:

"There is an unprecedented outpouring of grassroots support for Dr. Paul. The message of freedom is powerful and uniting people across America. And, Dr. Paul is the only candidate offering real solutions to the issues Americans care about, with the record to back it up.

"Americans are sick and tired of our broken borders and they know the other candidates are not serious about illegal immigration. Dr. Paul has proposed serious and substentative legislation to fix our immigration problems once and for all.

The $6 million one-day total means the campaign has raised over $18 million this quarter, far exceeding its goal of $12 million.

"Finally, as Americans see the value of their dollar plummet, they know Dr. Paul has devoted his political career to stopping the inflation that makes it impossible for middle-class families to get ahead. Only Dr. Paul has a plan to cut spending, balance budgets and take care of people who have become dependent on government programs.

"Americans spoke loud and clear on December 16th. They want Dr. Paul's solutions."

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