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Ok, I just got done watching the fourth of the two sets of two episode in two days season premier of 24. I must say I'm slightly dissapointed. So far Jack Bauer has only killed people by biting them to death, kicking them out of the back of a subway train because they were about to blow up the train with a bomb (the explosion occured right after he got out of the train), and shot one of his friends for trying to kill a terrorist leader turned good. :cool: :drool:

Here's how it goes, Jack was trapped in China due to something that I don't care to explain. Then, they trade for him so that they can then trade him to another guy whose brother he killed. This will give them information that will stop a terrorist. While being tortured by the guy they traded him to, Jack learns that the guy torturing him is the mastermind of terrorist attacks happening on U.S. soil, and that the guy the government is about to blow up is actually trying to be diplomatic. So, while the guy torturing him is out of the room he fakes dead, and when one of the terrorist minions tries to check his pulse he bites his neck until he severs the jugular vein and the guy bleeds out. Jack then takes the key and escapes. That's just a taste of the kind of crazy stuff that happens in this show.

At the end of the last episode, to make a long story short, a briefcase (maybe suitcase or something) nuke was set off in the middle of LA. Death estimates are in the 100,000s. The thing is that there are four more of these.

This is why I rant about this show.

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Oh ya! My favorite Jack Bauer moment. First episode, second season. He needs to find a terrorist and he needs to do it through an organization that he used to work undercover in. So, in order to regain their trust he needs to show that he is loyal. To do this, he starts by interrogating the man who is a witness that will put the leader of the organization away. The man is a rapist/pedophile/murderer. As Jack interrogates him, you find out that he's going to walk free of charge. After hearing this, Jack kicks the man over, shoots him in the head, then yells at the leader of CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) "I NEED A HACKSAW". Later as a present to show his loyalty to the leader of the organization, Jack gives a man a suitcase with the guy's head in it.

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~ Gee, I think there's another '24' thread around here somewhere... :unsure:

~ Fer sure, the show deserves multiple threads, for all the varied goings on throughout the 5-season series.

Hopefully we can keep the sub-subjects distinct. :logik:

~ Yeah, the 'hacksaw' episode was interesting (nevermind the beheaded guy's earlier surprise 'execution' right in the main office); certainly set the 'tone' of what Jack's capable of. But the recent 1st episode cemented the last: Jack's chewing out (literally!) a guy's jugular with his teeth. Now, THAT's getting more 'Primal' than down-and-dirty knife-fighting; talk about 'getting up close-and-personal', mano-a-mano. A 'KODAK Moment', fer sure. Wonder if there'll be more gory stuff we can discuss? --- ("Choices. It's all about 'choices'.") :sick:



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Stuff to discuss other than him shooting his friend and many-time-savior Curtis in the neck in order to save an international terrorist organization head who was helping them find another terrorist? How about that nuke explosion?

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Do people actually say that? He's acting altruisticly HE'S TRYING TO STOP MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DEATHS INCLUDING HIMSELF AND HIS DAUGHTER, IT'S HIS JOB. Besides that, it's a tv show! I could maybe understand if people objected to his methods, like the time he threatened to cut the vice president's eye out (while holding a knife to it) in order to get him to talk.

Edited by Jeff Kremer
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As posters above point out, the show is ludicrous. It's a shame the show was handed over to inferior writers. The first season was a masterpiece. Now, it's merely good entertainment. I continue watching because Bauer is a true American Hero and there are few if any of them in the media anymore. Also, the show constantly drives down the anti-PC road and has nice turns to boot. Occasionally, the show is profound and moving. The ending to last night's show scared me at a deep level. The scenario 24 presents is a very real possibility and the current US culture refuses to look at it; instead most people plug their ears, cover their eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.

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I mentioned to my wife that watching "24" is stressful more than entertaining. The moments of betrayal which abound are distressing. Are there really such evil people in this world? I am afraid we all know the answer to that now. There was a time when Ayn pointed out that the American people are naive when it comes to accepting the fact that there are evil people. Perhaps that is one upside to the "24" show.

Of course I was watching a couple of years ago when Jack Bauer called in to headquarters to ask Chloe to have Edgar maneuver a satellite to help him track a terrorist. Chloe called Edgar on a futuristic device next to her computer. The LCD screen was held up at eye level and the picture of Edgar which appeared was clear with profound realism because the voice was perfectly in synch with the movement of his lips.

I understand that `14.8 million people witnessed that Ojo phone call on "24" and the Ojo was considered to be something created for the show not what it turned out to be: a product placement of a high qualty video telephone soon to be available to customers on the market!

Now the Ojo, which won the Best of Innovations Award at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is being marketed all over the world.

I eagerly await the reappearance of the Ojo on "24" this season.


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The first season was great. However, the real masterpiece was season four. Habib Marwan shoved I have no clue how many plots into twenty-four hours. That season was ridiculous. My favorite moment was still the one in the second season (killing the guy and chopping his head off in the middle of the CTU LA headquarters). The best, that I've seen at least, is season four.

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Well -- I broke down and ordered seasons 1 through 5 on DVD from Amazon. If I hate it, I've blown about $180.


Don't start watching until you clear your calendar. The episodes are like potato chips: you can't just consume one and stop.

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No joke, during Winter Break my whole family would sit down in front of the tv and go through two discs (4 episodes a piece) starting at 6-8 and ending at 11-2 (no commercials). Those things are crazy.

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Let me add, Judith, that while Season One was terrific, Seasons Two and Three were disappointing. The subplots were often inane and embarrassing, though the seasons were redeemed by the Jack Bauer character and some truly stellar moments.

However, the series regained its footing in Seasons Four and Five, which were simply fabulous. Season Six is off to a roaring start, too.

If you can stick through the second and third seasons -- mandatory, if you want to follow the continuing story lines of the various characters -- you'll be amply rewarded by the later installments.

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So, the episode wraps up with Jack suffocating his brother, who he tied to a chair, with a plastic bag because he suspects him of dealing with the terrorists. We, of course, know that his brother is one of the primary reasons that he got sent to China to be tortured for years and that he was also behind last season's plot.

Another day in the life ;) .

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As soon as Jack showed up at Bro's door I knew that Bro was in for some Jack-justice. Do you think the writers had this plot in mind when the Brother character was in season 4 (or was it 5?)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well -- I broke down and ordered seasons 1 through 5 on DVD from Amazon. If I hate it, I've blown about $180.


Don't start watching until you clear your calendar. The episodes are like potato chips: you can't just consume one and stop.

Ahem. I begin to understand. I just finished watching the first season, having spent -- if I may use the expression -- about 24 hours doing so.

My god. They've created the perfect man.

I'll take one. :)

Kiefer Sutherland is nearly a dead ringer for his old man. If it weren't for his slightly chubbier face and shorter stature, one would wonder if he actually had a mother and weren't actually a clone. Even the voice is the same. Who is his mother, anyway?

I can't imagine watching this show week to week. It would drive me crazy. The season is one long story, and, in my mind, meant to be watched in one or two long sittings. The major reason I don't watch TV is that I can't endure having my attention span interrupted every 7 or 10 minutes for commercial breaks. This was much more satisfying. :)

Now to use strong willpower not to break out the next season until I have time to watch it!


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~ GL on that last statement! A friend got the 1st-Seas/1st-Disc and, after complaining about staying up 'till 4am finishing it, she then complained that Netflix wouldn't let her rent 2 discs of it simultaneously. She's hooked.

~ Missed last Monday's latest ep (#$@*&**!!!). Don't know whether to catch the rest or...(gah-h-h!) wait for the DVD due next year.



P.S: 'marathons' are awfully tempting, but really, take a break after, oh, 4-straight-hour watchings. You'll overlook things from mental exhaustion. Really.

Edited by John Dailey
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John, I can summarize the whole thing for you really quickly and you really will not have missed much. I can't think of any real key things that you might miss in the small stuff, so anything else you can probably infer.

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Haha, don't wait to break out the second season. After all, who could resist seeing my very favorite Jack Bauer moment ever? The show is amazing.

I'm still digesting the first season. It will stay with me for a long time; it's like one of one's favorite movies -- one doesn't forget it easily.

Wow -- Bauer even drives The Right Car -- a GMC Yukon XL. :) Perfect.

But you're right -- I'm having trouble waiting for the next installment. I've got eye strain.

~ GL on that last statement! A friend got the 1st-Seas/1st-Disc and, after complaining about staying up 'till 4am finishing it, she then complained that Netflix wouldn't let her rent 2 discs of it simultaneously. She's hooked.

~ Missed last Monday's latest ep (#$@*&**!!!). Don't know whether to catch the rest or...(gah-h-h!) wait for the DVD due next year.

P.S: 'marathons' are awfully tempting, but really, take a break after, oh, 4-straight-hour watchings. You'll overlook things from mental exhaustion. Really.

I'll probably end up watching it again someday in the future to pick up things I missed, and when I'm going through withdrawal after I catch up. I watched it in two installments, stopped only after my disc started crapping out on me. Turns out the brand-new, fresh-from-the-box disc was filthy! It never occurred to me to look; I even went so far as to try it on my old computer, which took me nearly an hour to get started. I've seen the first twenty minutes of 1-2 PM of season one several times trying to get that disc to work, and it turned out that I had to scrub it with both soap and water AND isopropanol to get it clean.

When I was trying to get that disc to work, I started trying to watch the 3-4 PM episode, not having seen all of 1-2 and not having seen 2-3; I gave up; it was too unsatisfying, even having read the synopses of these episodes. John, I'd recommend getting someone to send you a copy of the episode you missed if you possibly can rather than trying to watch the rest of the season not having seen it.


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