Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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To all the supporters of Mother Russia, I hope you will tune in to the following:

From Business Insider: Russia will force kids to learn about the government's justification for its attack on Ukraine. The Ministry of Education said schoolchildren will be forced to watch a broadcast on March 3. It's the latest example of Russia's use of baseless claims as a means of justifying the war. As the West widely condemns Russia for what it deems is an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Russia is planning to force schoolchildren to watch a broadcast about the government's justification for the Ukrainian invasion.

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Some text from the Russian broadcast to children so even they will understand . . . . Da, da. Years ago they punched me on the arm and made me let go, and then they bothered my friends who wanted to play on their own! So of course I had to chop off their hands and feet, brutally murder them and then hack them to bits. What else could a decent Russian do!?!

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

To all the supporters of Mother Russia, I hope you will tune in to the following:


"To all you anti-vaxxers I hope you will follow the science..."

Oops. Wrong thread.

Sorry, but you invited that. 😉

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3 hours ago, Peter said:

To all the supporters of Mother Russia...


Who on OL supports "Mother Russia"?

I certainly don't if you mean the Russian government under Putin.

(I love the Russian people, though. I met many in Brazil. Even Ayn Rand was Russian by birth.)

I could also start a post called: "To all supporters of the Deep State and Endless War for Profit policies, i.e., to all murderers of the American young on foreign soil for money."

Would you feel I was referring to you?



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4 hours ago, anthony said:

One more, I promise... Konstantin Kisin a couple days ago - A fellow I can relate to.


I am over half-way through. A very good video so far. Konstantin Kisin is both not pro-Russian and is against what the West is doing right now, although he states explicitly he want Western values to predominate in the world.

At this very moment, I came up against him saying the following and I had to post it. Freddie Sayers, the interviewer, asked him what he wanted to do about Russia. This was the start of his response (my bold).


Well, that depends on, again, on whether the West is willing to assert itself. That may mean, as I say, economic sanctions, it may mean putting peacekeepers in once we know where the border is  going to be, it may mean – these discussions are way above my or your paygrade, no offence to either of us.

My point is broadly this: you have to accept reality before you know what you want to do about it. So the first thing we've got to do in the West is wake up from the slumber that we've been in for the last 20 years where we've imagined and deluded ourselves into thinking that everyone everywhere thinks like us, that everyone everywhere wants liberal democracy, that everyone everywhere just wants peace and trade and all of these wonderful things, and the most important thing is we find some unicorns and rainbows and sing Kumbaya together. That is not how the real world works.

(Note: I have now seen the full video. It's good.)

He is talking about Russia here, but he's not just talking about Russia. He later mentioned China. And I think, if pressed, he's also talking about the Deep State in the West. I base this on the fact that he considers current Western leaders weak and openly says Putin would not have done what he did under Trump (even though he dislikes Trump a lot).

I am absolutely certain of one thing. Whatever Biden has in mind, whatever he does, it will make the situation worse and favor Putin's goals, if not drive Russia and China and Iran into each other's arms during a stretch.

I base this on the past performance of the people around him.

Look what happened with Obama and Clinton's actions in the Middle East (when Biden was VP). Bad guys now sell human slaves on the open market in Libya and ISIS almost became the Caliphate while staging a steady stream of gruesome executions.

If we go off into jingoism, etc., about the Russian threat as if the evil people on our side are the answer, Biden and his crew are so inept, we could soon be involved in a nuclear war.

But should that happen, at least we can be comforted by the fact that they will have embezzled their money...

More bah...


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Here is Dr. Turley giving a look as best he can based on reality, not media hysteria.


✅ Here’s Your Chance to Get In On Our Awesome RINO HUNTING VIRTUAL BOOTCAMP on Saturday, March 5th! TICKETS WILL SELL OUT FAST SO DON’T WAIT! ➡️

In short, Turley adopts Doug MacGregor's view (on Tucker) that Putin is doing what he said he would do for years if a NATO country ever became close to bordering Russia. Also:

1. Putin practically has this war won in Ukraine. (MacGregor gives the military strategy rationale).

2. Putin will capture part of Ukraine and keep an eye on the rest to make sure it remains neutral.

3. Biden will accept this situation.

That sounds reality-based in my view and will probably happen in this phase. And it's not too bad an outcome if that's all that happens.

If Putin gets an itch to conquer more, we will just have to see what happens. I have no idea how hapless Biden will do anything. The only thing I have seen him do with the American military is cut and run (in Afghanistan).

Oh... I forgot. There are gender studies, forced vaccines, Critical Race Theory and things like that, too. Biden does these things with the military.

Let's just hope this does not go to nukes.


As an odd view, I saw the take by Scott Adams. He thinks the Russians will be defeated, but not by the Ukrainians per se. He thinks supply chain issues will hamper the Russian armed forces to the point of shutdown because the tanks need to stay on paved road, not the mud where they will get bogged down. He said that the Ukrainians probably let the forces in without a fight knowing that all they will have to fight against are Russian attempts to provide fuel and supplies.

It's an interesting take. Also reality-based.

But that presupposes Putin was unaware of this possibility when he went in and doesn't have workarounds in place. I find it hard to believe Putin is that stupid. Evil maybe, but stupid, no. I don't see it.


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I think perhaps we are overlooking a pretty obvious detail , the kind of reality check that comes back to bite you in the ass when you refuse to look at it.

The only thing keeping us from transitioning to all electric vehicles is the petro lobby in DC, we all know this. Basically democracy is the impediment to following science, Russia is led by a dictator , He is able to do the things that need doing without any interference , hence what some say looks like the inability to move fuel to his war machine after they advance too far from their supply lines without fortifying a route , an ancient 'Russian" mistake, is moot , they're electric tanks !! That's why he took Chernobyl and has sights on other nuclear plants!

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The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! 

Russia is going to blow us all up in a nuclear war. We need to blow it up, first!


So how can we check how serious the threat is?

Follow the lying-ass media or follow the money?

You decide.


I, for one, prefer to follow the money:

Not even the World Economic Forum is worried for real. They're giving billions of dollars to Russia. Right now.


So the real deal is drench the public in fear porn to keep them looking over there.

And over here among the predator elites, there are some hot times in the back rooms tonight!



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I keep hearing how the Russian army is committing folly after folly. I'd like to think that they'd collapse under the weight of their own incompetence, as was thought once about the Soviet Union in general, but I still don't want to underestimate what they might do out of desperation...supposedly, they've taken a city and attacked its nuclear plant...

(Of course, there are people arguing that it wasn't real, that it was spin, it didn't happen, that Biden wouldn't even be awake at that hour, etc...all that jazz...)

Russia attacks Ukraine nuclear plant as invasion advances

KYIV, Ukraine -- Russian forces shelled Europe’s largest nuclear plant early Friday, sparking a fire as they pressed their attack on a crucial energy-producing Ukrainian city and gained ground in their bid to cut off the country from the sea.

The world's leading nuclear authorities were concerned — but not panicked — about the damage to the power station, but the assault triggered a phone call between U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the U.S. Department of Energy activated its nuclear incident response team as a precaution.

read more here:


Russian forces have shelled Europe’s largest nuclear plant, sparking a fire


Russian Attack on Nuclear Power Plant Threatens Disaster ’10 Times Larger Than Chernobyl,’ Ukrainian Official Says

"Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba claimed on Twitter that the Zaporizhzhia plant could cause a disaster “10 times larger than Chernobyl,” though other reports have suggested the threat is less severe. The White House confirmed Biden discussed the situation in his call with Zelenskyy, but did not offer details of their conversation."

read more here:


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The doubt seems to be coming in because the only video we have so far of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant is  single view, grainy black & white footage supposedly showing a fire...

But if it's real, then it IS a MAJOR concern, like, worse than Chernobyl concern:

Per: Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs:

"Fire has already broken out," he wrote – a claim that appears to be supported by grainy livestream video. "If it blows up, it will be 10 times larger than Chernobyl."


Russian artillery fire is blasting Ukraine's largest nuclear plant, sparking a fire, hours after international atomic regulators...


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That tweet you posted is from an hour and some change ago.

This was posted by Jack Posobeic over 5 hours ago.

I thought of posting it when I saw it, but I thought, nah... Jack is always well-sourced, so this thing is one more fear porn surge.

But the fear porn in the press ramped up. Wanna bet even with your post, the next 12-24 hours or more will be filled with news that there will be a nuclear meltdown and a nuclear war based on this fire?


The idiots doing this shit in the press will eventually have something real to get people scared about, but they have repeated crap for so long, there are some serious bad habits being formed.

The audience won't realize that shit's real until a couple of days later or even longer. So anything that they should be doing do in those couple of days they won't do.

They are constantly glued to the fear porn by their lizard brains, but they have already learned that the most serious problem they have personally from what they read--regardless of how bad it looks--is where to get their next bag of potato chips.


What's happening is no way to run diplomacy, no way to run a war, no way to run the media, no way to do anything rational.

Now they are waging war against the ruble. Who is this going to hurt? Putin and his war machine and the rich over there? Nope. Not even when our idiots take their yachts. 

Their rich will certainly not suffer so long as the USA is still buying about a billion dollars a day in energy from Russia between oil, gas and other forms.

Waging war against the ruble will only hurt the average everyday Russian people--the ones who are not fighting a war. 


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On 3/1/2022 at 2:29 PM, Peter said:

President Biden is a dirty bleep. edited for content.

UNITED STATES (EDUFINTECH) – Despite the growing contradictions between the United States and Russia, American refineries are forced to buy Russian oil and oil products in order to replace supplies from Venezuela and other OPEC countries. American refineries prefer to buy Russian fuel oil instead of heavy oil. end quote

Apparently, the Russian “fuel oil” we are “forced to buy” is ready for gas production here in the U.S. Yet, Biden has stopped any increases in U.S. oil production. Ready for another slur? He is a  bleep who is kissing the asses of American leftists and “greenies.” And he or his buddies are making millions while Russia is committing murder. What the hell is wrong with US?    

edit. I stuck some "bleeps" in my post for now. I will wait and see what Putin, oops I mean Biden says. I was half listening to Nora Odonnell on CBS and I thought she said President Putin when she meant to say Biden. Maybe my attention wandered . . .     

Yeah well Biden’s first act as El presidente was to cancel Keystone XL.  Guess he prefers Russian blood oil to our peaceful beaver oil.  Fuck Biden.  

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Like I keep saying, I'm not defending Putin. But the people in power on our side are so goddam sleazy, I don't see them as a correct foil for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

That even goes to the moral realm.

Take a look at this tweet from Robert Barnes.

People can then argue that Putin will not stop and so on.

But when I look at our side, what do I see?

To start with, look at what the West is doing. It's not stopping the horseshit. It gleefully clamped down on everyone with this coronavirus bioweapon released by China and allowed Big Pharma and their buddies to rake in gobs and gobs of moolah off of outright killing people and permanently altering their genetic codes. And that's just for starters. I have a long list of other beefs. 

But to point:


Nukes: Our side is making sure Iran gets nukes sooner than later. Also, nuke technology is big business and worldwide. I don't know how it can be big business if nukes are supposedly going away. But hell, Hillary Clinton made sure Russia got US uranium deposits. How does that work? Don't get me started.

So nuke reductions is just a lie. Like all things involving crony corporatism, what the public sees and what is reality are completely different.

Who wants a world with that in it?

NATO: Everybody and their brother on the NATO side were trying to get Ukraine into NATO as leverage over Putin. Now that Putin invaded Ukraine for real, the NATO countries are taking a powder. What, us? You want us to fight? Hell, no. Not even air cover.

Why? It's simple. NATO does not really exist to fight Russia. Formally, that's it's reason to exist. But NATO's reality is to promote endless wars for profit when it can get away with it. And it exists as a war machine boondoggle that generates gobs and gobs and gobs of money each year. It's a money machine for military suppliers.

Who wants a world with that in it?

Nazis: By being in bed with IMF, World Bank, WEF, etc., the West is essentially in bed with Nazi progeny. I don't mean physically, although there is some of that. I mean intellectually. And spiritually through eugenics, which is now called transhumanism. Why? In order to craft a master human race. A better way to put it is to engineer and breed and master stock for the human species. It's just not German (Aryan race) anymore, but the fundamentals are the same.

Who wants a world with that in it?


So within that frame, what is wrong with no nukes, no NATO and no Nazis?

The correct answer is: Not a fuckin' thing.


By the West losing the moral high ground to Russia in such a barefaced manner, all I feel is an enormous cognitive dissonance.

I don't want Putin's Russia as life. And I sure as hell don't want that crap above.


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