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I resent the racists of every ilk who have nothing better to say than to harp on the merits and demerits of what they call systematic racism, an anti-concept that has no meaning. What should be the focus of attention when discussing liberty, individual rights, and liberty is the defunding of government-owned and/or operated education institutions. America needs to get rid of the Kantian-based philosophy that underlies Progressive education, the application of systematic Pragmatism that is the most evil philosophy and that is the basis of Progressive Education, Socialism, and Communism. What is the evil? The Kantians, Pragmatists and Progressives reject logic and reason in education and government, and to them, they say, "anything goes", and "whatever". They are Government owned and operated education and Progressive education is causing the destruction of America. Instead, America needs only private property, freedom of ideas, creativity, entrepreneurship, and free-enterprise in education. And will you racist designators please get rid of the systematic Pragmatism that is destroying America?     Ralph Hertle

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On 2/6/2021 at 9:09 PM, HERTLE said:

And will you racist designators please get rid of the systematic Pragmatism that is destroying America?


I don't think they will.

From what I see, they want more, not less.


I haven't read Kant except for small sections. But I'm thinking of attacking Critique of Pure Judgment because I'm interested in his notion of awe I've seen discussed around.

I have a question, though, and it is a serious question, not banter or snark. Did Kant ever write about racism? Or bigotry?


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