From No Masks To Masks To Mandatory Masks To Goggles & Face Shields

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It doesn't get much more bizarre than this.  I mean, wow!  

Soon, everyone will be required to wear a full body suit.  Then comes the next plandemic.

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The shutdown was only supposed to be for 2 weeks. Then look what happened and is still happening.

That's the way government works.

It's like back in my drug days. I once gave a small piece of crack to a stranger out in the combat zone because he looked so pitiful and I felt sorry for him. I couldn't get rid of the goddam guy after that when I would try to score. Power is like crack to people in government. Give them a little and they marry you whether you like it or not.

The best visual I have come across for this tendency by the government is a camel getting its nose under the tent. I like seeing the government as a camel. With all due apologies to camels.


Government encroachment is the default state of social intercourse, not the exception, and it's because of human nature. That's why we have to pound at it every day. There is no on-off switch in any government system anywhere throughout all human history.

Authoritarians love them some power. And power corrupts everyone. Even the most liberty-loving ANCAP can become a control freak if he gets some real power in his hands. Those who do not succumb are rare exceptions in the human species.


btw - Back to Fauci & Co. This was glorious.



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Fauci is 100% skank. 

Jordan should be Speaker of the House.  What a riot that would be. 

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Well, wouldn't don't ya know it?  Big Dope gets immunity:

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