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This is how the Deep State's media think they are going to take down President Trump and beat him in the election in November.

Dumbass doesn't even scratch the surface of describing the brainlessness of their political messaging.

They don't perceive they are reelecting Trump while congratulating themselves on their superiority to Trump supporters.




Well, they finally done did it.

Now the story wars about the Deep State has gone into the fiction realm. Someone wrote a modern thriller about the Deep State. And to make sure everyone understands, guess what it's called:

Deep State: A Thriller by Chris Hauty.


WARNING. There is a spoiler at the end of this post.


Guess what the story is about?

You guessed it. The unexpected election of a controversial divisive populist president. His name is Richard Monroe, but we all know he's a Donald Trump stand-in.

The set up: Monroe's Chief of Staff is found dead and a heroic 21-year-old female White House intern, Haley Chill (where does Hauty get these names? :) ), is out to find out why he died and save the country and the very foundations on which it is built no matter what political party the bad guys belong to. Then off the story goes into the Deep State and conspiracy theories as the bodies start piling up. Hell, the Deep State ends up trying to assassinate the president and install its own guy with only the heroic Millennial babe standing in its way.

I haven't read the book, although I might, so for now I'm only going on what I read in the Amazon user reviews. If you are curious and read most of them, you will get the impression that this is a nonpartisan book and a cool new way to approach the controversial topics of current politics.

However, as you go along in the reviews, you begin to see a crack here and there about the author spoiling his story with his own partisan views.

And there's that thing about the ending. Which leads us to the spoiler.

Guess what the big reveal is at the end?

President Richard Monroe is actually a Russian-born mole.


That sound you just heard is the collective groan of Trump supporters., the kind of groan one makes when hearing a bad joke. I don't think Trump-haters themselves resonate with this.

The Deep State is currently unraveling. If this book contributes anything, it will be to help speed up the process. From the looks of things, Americans can tolerate treason without getting all wound up. But they can't forgive lame-ass fiction.

Talk about a story wars build-up and belly-flop...



On 12/1/2019 at 3:21 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Lookee what I found:

Irving Newton Brant

You probably know this, but I bet most OL readers don't.


Lookee what else I found:

Storm over the Constitution

New Deal and stacking the  Supreme Court by increasing the number?



btw - I've got The Fourth President plugged into a price watch. I'm just waiting for the price to go down.


  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick note without links. (They can come later if this gets discussed.)

The big thumb in President Trump's eye from Mueller's flank in the Deep State was the persecution of Roger Stone. Even though President Trump was Teflon to everything they had thrown at him, at least they nailed his bud, Roger Stone, to make sure Trump knew they could get him any fucking time they wanted by getting the people next to him. Take that Trump!

When prosecutors yesterday recommended a sentence of nine years for Roger Stone, the Internet erupted in outrage and President Trump tweeted his displeasure. WTF? The Deep State gets off from massive treason-level activities and hoaxes while Stone gets nine years for a process crime originated in the illicit activity of the Deep State itself?

Today the nine year thing was withdrawn and, so far, two Deep State Mueller prosecutors have resigned from the Stone case.

And this surrender looks like it's going to spread.

Crumble... crumble... crumble...




The DOJ shut down its investigation of Andrew McCabe and, man, are the Deep Staters crowing.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe won't be charged, Justice Department says

No need to post much about this. The news is all over the place.

Let's let McCabe himself crow a bit then whine about what a victim he has been of OrangeManBad.

As a nice addon, here's something cute that is making the rounds:


We know who that is, right? :) 

There's just one problem.

The DOJ was investigating McCabe in direct response to a criminal referral by Inspector General Horowitz for McCabe's misleading internal investigators and lying to them.

Based on this particular Inspector General and his history (including all the recent stuff), we all know what a referral like that means when it goes against one of the team. It means a referral has to happen for optics due to public heat, but the investigation will have a lot of "orientation" in it. And, no doubt, those investigating will have plenty of incentive to stay within the bounds of such orientation.

That's how you make an issue look like it was thoroughly looked into by the DOJ, when in reality, it only looks at the parts that lead to the desired outcome (clearing the team playa). 

Remember, this IG even refused to make a referral against Comey for lying.

But here's the problem for McCabe.

Does the DOJ do just one specific investigation in a matter like this and then it's done? Based on a referral from an IG who was an insider with the target at that?

It didn't do that even in the Obama administration and the target was Hillary Clinton.

In addition, the DOJ has many departments with different focuses. And each one has its own investigations.

In the second video below, Jason Chaffetz ends by saying that McCabe is far from being out of the woods, and mentioned a few reasons. Then he cut himself short as if he said too much on air.

I bet, in the end of all this, McCabe will call the inside of a jail cell home for a few years.

Meanwhile we have to listen to all the crap and crowing from the anti-Trumpers and Deep State and the fake news mainstream media.

I say, may they crow long and in good health. That will make the fall of their people all the more satisfying.



Blago is out.

President Trump commuted his sentence.


(But don't get me wrong. We all know Blago was no saint.)

From Breitbart:

Donald Trump Commutes Democrat Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s Jail Sentence

There are so many reasons for President Trump to do this, it's not funny. Here are just a few off the top of my head.

1. All Blago did--essentially--was mouth off on the phone. 

2. Blago was really punished, not for mouthing off, but for potentially embarrassing the newly elected President Obama since it was Obama's Senate seat he was crowing about and negotiating. Blago was a sacrificial lamb to show the country that President Obama would be impartial since Blago was a Democrat.

3. It's just plain fun to turn the rationale in Number 3 around and say President Trump is commuting Blago's sentence to prove that he is impartial, given that Blago is a Democrat. :)

4. Blago has already served 7 years of the 14 year sentence. In any rational universe, that is more than enough for what he was convicted for. In fact, in weighing the context of what other politicians did and do, etc., etc., etc., Blago's conviction was more persecution than justice, so commuting his sentence was simply the right thing to do. This is realigning justice from abuse to reality--in this case, to the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.

5. The same people who tried to take President Trump down in the Deep State are the same people who took Blago down (see the article). So this is a warning shot to them and the rest of the Deep State that war is now declared by the Trump side. And it's real.

6. By President Trump doing this for Blago, just as he did something similar for Scooter Libby, both from opposing camps, Trump eases with way in public perception into pardoning Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and others in his camp.

7. Most of all, commuting Blago's sentence is a thumb in the eye of former President Obama. One that hurts.

There are more reasons, including one more fake news press shitstorm that President Trump likes to cause so he can redirect the attention elsewhere, but that should do it for now.


btw - This event is in the Deep State Unraveling thread because it is a clear demonstration of the Deep State's waning power.



How much time do you get for murder? How much time for kidnapping? How much time for strong armed robbery? Obviously, White Collar Crime is as unworthy as that, so the prison time should be the same? Right? No, it is not. Thank You President Trump. 


The Deep State is not amused.

Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower during Obama era, found dead, police say

The fake news mainstream press is trying to pass this off as a suicide, but there's plenty of people pushing back on this notion. They think he was murdered.

This one is going to smolder, but I bet it gets solved, unlike what happened with Seth Rich.

One should never take the Deep State lightly just because President Trump is cleaning house and succeeding.


  • 3 weeks later...

This is just the threat level right now, but I can hear this land like a thud all throughout the Deep State.

And the thud is followed by a gulp.

With all the coronavirus media madness swirling around, President Trump deals with it like a problem solver. But he does not get distracted. He also plows ahead on things the fake news media does not want to talk about for some reason.




He tried to destroy the republic, so no amount of suffering is too much. I hope he dies very slowly of infections and pestilence. And yes, I am ok with my government treating every Avenatti this way. Don’t be an Avenatti.

  • 4 weeks later...

Just because nobody is talking about this, that doesn't mean it has stopped.

Like a magician doing patter and movement with his right hand to get attention as his left does the work of making the trick, everybody is looking at the coronavirus in the right hand right now. But look at what is happening in the left hand (from The Gateway Pundit):

THIS IS BIG! AG Bill Barr on John Durham Probe: "We're Not Dealing with Just Mistakes or Sloppiness There's Something Far More Troubling Here"

Here's the video this article is based on. (The video is in the article, too.)

And here is a transcription of a few comments from this video. All text in the quote is spoken by AG Barr. He starts with John Durham's investigation.


Well I think a report, may be and probably will be a by-product of his activity. But his primary focus isn’t to prepare a report.

He is looking to bring to justice people who were engaged in abuses if he can show that they were criminal violations. And that’s what the focus is on. And, as you know, being a lawyer yourself, building these cases, especially the sprawling case we have between us that went on for two or three years here, it takes some time. It takes some time to build a case. So he’s diligently pursuing it.

My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness. There’s something far more troubling here. And we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.

. . .

I think the president has every right to be frustrated, because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history. Without any basis, they started this investigation of his campaign, and even more concerning, actually is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage the presidency, and I think or at least had the effect of sabotaging the presidency.

. . .

The people who abused FISA have a lot to answer for.


The following article from the Washington Examiner has some more information on Laura's interview with AG Barr as concerns the Deep State:

Barr says evidence from Durham investigation is ‘far more troubling’ than mistakes or sloppiness


If I'm reading all this correctly, Hillary Clinton and, perhaps, even former President Obama will get tainted by Durham's investigation and possibly get caught up in it in a far more serious way than anyone thinks possible right now.

I would not want to be among the group of people that is under investigation by John Durham right now.

I bet not one of them are sleeping well.

And I bet all of them are using the coronavirus magic trick to do their own shenanigans to try to get out of this. They can fool the public. But I doubt they are going to fool Durham. He even looks like a big-ass dog on a mission to find a bone and that is all on his mind.


  • Like 1

Drip... drip... drip...

Hillary Clinton Hit With Crushing Blow As State And Justice Departments Agree She Must Testify Over Benghazi


It seems we are yet another step closer to putting Crooked Hillary behind bars, but don’t expect this small victory to be the end of it – this is likely to be a long and hard-fought battle.

After the 2020 election, if all goes as I imagine it will, this stuff will move faster. But even if not, this problem for Clinton is not going to go away.


  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

President Trump just retweeted this:

Here is the video in the article:

Now the fun really starts.




EDIT: President Trump just tweeted the following a minute or two right after I posted this post.

Man, that fun didn't take long. Hang on, folks. It's going to be quite a ride.


btw - Wait until President Trump hires General Michael Flynn again.

Those Deep Staters who AG Barr doesn't scoop up will have to look at General Michael Flynn coming right at them.

I think he might be pissed at them, too.




Don Bongino is a righteous human being though he always seems to aspire to public office. Weeeellll, so did President Trump. I forgive them.

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