Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System

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This is a fascinating article. The author detects organized evil in our world and tries to put together who is involved and what the organizing principles are.

Over many years of investigating the mechanics of global events and the people behind them I have become perhaps a little obsessed with one particular subject – the source and motivations of evil. This fascination does not stem from a simple morbid curiosity, but a strategic need to understand an enemy. Much like an exterminator needs to understand the behavior of cockroaches to be effective, I seek to understand the behavior and nature of organized evil.”


”Evil is first and foremost any action that seeks to destroy, exploit or enslave in the name of personal gain or gratification. Unfortunately, evil actions are often misrepresented as advantageous for the group, thereby making them morally acceptable. The needs of the many supposedly outweigh the needs of the few, and thus evil is rationalized as a means to a “positive end” for the "greater good".

“In most cases, however, destructive actions do not end up serving the interests of the majority, and only end up giving more wealth and power to an elitist minority. This is not a coincidence.


It is sometimes difficult to identify the true “sacraments” behind luciferianism because, for one, luciferians refuse to admit that the system is a religion at all. They prefer to call it a philosophy or methodology, at least in public. The system also seems to encourage active disinformation in order to dissuade or mislead non-adherents. The historic term for this religious secrecy is “occultism”. I would call it “elitism”.


As mentioned earlier, there is a group of people in the world who do not see good and evil the way most of us do. Their psyche functions in a completely different way, without the filter of conscience. These people exhibit the traits of narcissistic sociopaths.  Full blown high level narcissistic sociopaths represent around 1% to 5% of the total human population, and most of them are born, not made by their environment. Also, 5% to 10% of people hold latent traits of either narcissism or sociopathy that generally only rise to the surface in an unstable crisis environment.

“I have written extensively on narcissistic sociopaths and the globalist establishment in numerous articles. I have also outlined how such people, contrary to popular belief, are not isolated from one another. They do in fact organize into groups for mutual gain.”


”Luciferianism is also prevalent in globalist institutions. For example, the UN seems to be highly involved in the ideology through groups like Lucis Trust, a publishing house founded by Alice Bailey, an avid promoter of luciferianism who also owned the Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust was originally headquartered at the UN buildin in New York, and still runs a private libraryof occult books out of the UN today.

“Former UN directors like Robert Muller were tied closely with Lucis Trust and the work of Alice Baily and openly promote luciferianism. Muller was central to the UN's global education policies for children and formed numerous branch agencies with the intent of global governance. You can read Robert Muller's white papers on the formation of a global government on his website Good Morning World.”

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2 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:

This is a fascinating article. The author detects organized evil in our world and tries to put together who is involved and what the organizing principles are.


I caught this article on Zero Hedge earlier. I think the folks at Zero Hedge realized that the word "Luciferianism" would cause a kneejerk reaction in certain users, so they put it under a different headline and used a most intriguing pull-quote.

(It certainly caused a kneejerk here on OL, someone gave it a one-star rating and I am 100% certain the person didn't even look at the article.)

Brandon Smith: A Secular Look At The Destructive Globalist Belief System


"If you have to lie about the motives of your philosophy in order to get people to adopt your philosophy, then your philosophy must be dangerously incomplete or outright cataclysmic..."

That is what pulled me in.

Without using the word, Lucifer, the concept behind the philosophy of the globalists and other ideologues is exactly what I was talking about on a different thread earlier today:

10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

... it all boils down to two different views of mankind:

1. Those who think humans are perfectible according to some model or other, and
2. Those who think humans are not perfectible and never will be.

The contradictions inherent in the "humans are perfectible" model are so great, its breathtaking how people miss them--how the human mind evolved the capacity to be fooled by a good story to miss them.

For instance, if humans are imperfect right now, how can they design a model of human perfection? How do they even know what that is from their perspective of imperfection? The one who designs the model is imperfect by observation and definition.

Yet, like the Sirens calling Ulysses, this vision of perfection drives people crazy and they jump overboard to shatter themselves on the shoals trying to to get to it. They shatter their ships, too. They have done this throughout history, but it got especially bad with communism.

And their model of perfection designer? What do people do about that person's imperfections? They make up a story and deify the person. That is, until they all shatter.

Rand heard this call of the Sirens and jumped overboard, too. Moral perfection is one of the parts of Objectivism I no longer accept. I don't think I ever did. Fundies will say I am trying to make a half-assed excuse for my own pathetic soul, but my problem has always been the contradictions.

How can I aspire to something that is improperly identified?

Take it on faith?

And when we move this vision to power over others (government), what do you do when those little human suckers refuse to cooperate, refuse to become perfect, insist on doing things their way? The obvious solution always triumphs in the end because reality always triumphs no matter what a visionary says to the contrary. When reality triumphs over quests for utopia, some form of eugenics emerges. The frustrated social and human nature engineers always end up sanctioning murder--just kill the goddam imperfect bastards off. Then those all-wise self-appointed perfection lords and masters turn the executions over to people who don't mind doing it, or even like it. 

And they don't even see that an executioner of innocent people can never be perfect under any model of perfection. So the ones executing will ultimately have to be executed, too. But who will do it? Only the imperfect, who will ultimately need to be executed. Talk about a contradiction...

My point is that government is and should be for humans as they exist, not for humans in some form of future perfected model. That means, no matter how rigid the principles are underlying any social system, there has to be flexibility built in to deal with human imperfections.

Even something as simple as don't hurt people, at least don't start it. That should be pretty easy, right? Never hurt people if they are not hurting other people. No exceptions.

But if you know a human monster is educating himself and arming himself to the teeth, or manufacturing some dangerous form of gas or poison, it's better to do something about it before he kills gobs of people, even if you have to hurt him first. The problem is you can't turn that into a principle. You have to do it case by case to the best of your common sense ability. And that bothers the shit out of those who have heard the Siren's call and want a static universe.

But if they allow primacy of the Sirens, mass murder will ensue. They don't care when they get the craving to jump, though. They jump anyway. And reality will prevail as it always does.

This says the same thing on a fundamental level as the article on Luciferianism does without using an "ism."

I didn't use an "ism" because I didn't want a kneejerk reaction from any potential less rigorous thinker on OL.

:evil:  :) 

Incidentally, YouTube is considering disabling the "dislike" button. People who want to control the thinking of others by getting them to not even look at certain ideas are abusing it by forming "dislike mobs."

I'm into free expression, so I won't disable it the ratings here on OL. But if I see something like "dislike mobs" ever form, I will intervene. The idea here on OL is the idea, not peer pressure.


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In order to pull the teeth out of the attempt to label this article as religious quackery, here are some quotes from the comments:

A poster named "Curious" posted the following:


Brandon, do accept the biblical position that there is a Supreme Creator and that Satan, Lucifer, is a created being that is at this time the god of this present age? Just curious if the Bible is part of your research in reaching your conclusions.

Brandon answered:


No, the bible was not much help in writing this article other than a point of reference for what luciferians believe, which is a "gnostic" and contrary view. Whatever the bible (specifically the New Testament) says, they tend to believe the opposite. There's a reason why this is titled a "secular" look at luciferianism.

A poster named "Brett O." posted:


1. I too would be curious to know more about your personal convictions on the Christian/Biblical narrative and the metaphysical in general. There are lots of folks out there using their end-times ideologies to interpret current events. I don't personally agree with this view--I'm more inclined to say we don't really know how things work until we get to the other side. But it would be helpful to know what angle you're coming at this from. 

2. Jung--he has some really interesting ideas that I'm inclined to agree with, and he has a lot of supporters (Jordan Peterson, Alan Watts) and detractors ( in the modern era. A lot of people say he was involved in the occult, himself, but many say he used it for good, not evil. What do you think of these accusations? Also, I'm curious if you can link to any articles discussing the universality of archetypes (e.g., found in the Amazon and the cities). 

3. There are some who claim that there is a dark occult and a light occult (e.g., Mark Passio), and I personally know people who are involved in the light occult and seem to have good, conscientious intentions in using it. The light occult seems to use most of the same symbolism and methodology as the dark occult, but puts it to more productive uses, or at least intends to. Do you think such a distinction can be made or do you think these people are being deceived? I can see arguments for both sides.

Brandon replied:


1) My personal religious leanings are irrelevant - I am perfectly capable of an objective analysis of any system without personal bias, and this includes Christianity. Primarily, though, I am more concerned about the behavior of adherents; the behavior of adherents does not always match the teachings of the religion. In the case of luciferianism, the behavior absolutely matches the belief system. 

2) I suggest looking up the definition of "occult"; it requires secrecy. Jung was never secretive about his work or methods. His studies into mythology and mythological practices were a study into archetypes from a clinical and scientific perspective. He was, though, a practicing Christian in his personal life, and believed that archetypes and synchronicity were proof of creative design. 

3) I'm not really interested in what people do in their spare time, as long as they don't harm others in the process. The problem with luciferianism is not only that it rationalizes destructive actions, but that it seems tailor made for narcissistic sociopaths. These are the people I am concerned about; their religion is actually just an extension of an inherently evil mindset. 

4) Narcissistic sociopaths require bureaucratic systems and large populations in order to blend in. I think it is possible they are simply a natural extension of civilization and we forgot how to deal with them over time. That said, I think it's also possible that they have been deliberately seeking to create more centralization in power structures over the centuries. Monarchy, bureaucracy and the high priest class seem to be perfect petri dishes for them to grow.

Based on this article and these responses, I like this guy, Brandon Smith. 

I will look into other things he has written.


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31 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Based on this article and these responses, I like this guy, Brandon Smith. 

I will look into other things he has written.

Here are a couple of other things he has written, but I haven't read them yet.

Global Elitists Are Not Human


The Reasons Why The Globalists Are Destined To Lose

Also, here is a documentary he linked to in the article on Lucifereanism. I will see it and maybe comment later. It appears to detail the symbolism and some of the propaganda processes of Lucifereanism.


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On the BBC’s “Midsummer Murders” show last night Detective Barnaby and DS Troy investigated a group of Satanists after an annual Halloween magic stunt turned deadly . . . and right in front of children. This usually dramatic show was nearly a comedy when you began to see the Satanists in their silly costumes, performing their 60 IQ level rituals, with blindfolds, costumes like wizards, and sharp swords and knives. I can’t take the global, real or unreal life, version with any seriousness. 

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The true basic principles of Objectivism are perfect as such. (I am not referring to the NBI course.)

Reality, reason, self interest, individual rights. All wrapped up and integrated. You got this you've got Objectivism. THEN you pile on the humanity with all its complexity and supposed exceptions.

What Ayn Rand piled on ran right through humanity like a hot knife through butter including her own humanity. But humanity cared not.

The philosophy of Ayn Rand is not Objectivism, but she was entitled to call it that in her own lifetime which was staggeringly heroic, creative and productive.

All Objectivism is is those basic principles and what is made of them. Person by person.

But if we can say Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand then John can say Objectivsm, the philosophy of John or Objectivism, the philosophy of Brant*. Just acknowledge those basic principles and abide by them in integrity.


*I never do this; I don't like the form

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Apple has demanded Natural News stop publishing articles critical of abortions or Satanism, threatening to block the Natural News app from all Apple devices if Apple’s demands are not met.

”Speaking out to stop the mass murder of newborns is now “hate speech” according to the deranged, mentally ill Leftists who run Apple, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Facebook and Snapchat.”


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  • 2 months later...

Another article by Brandon Smith at


The ultimate goal of globalists is to make you into a monster just like them

by Brandon Smith

In recent months I have been writing extensively about the psychology of globalists as well as the strange cult-like beliefs that drive their philosophies. In my article ‘Global Elitists Are Not Human‘ I outlined evidence that globalist motives and behavior are directly comparable to the ideals and behavior of narcissistic sociopaths (or what some people might refer to as psychopaths). I theorized that globalists are in fact a highly organized cult of narcissistic sociopaths, that they look for the inborn character trait of sociopathy in the people that they recruit and that these people are like a separate species from normal human beings, as they lack most traits that we would associate with normal human behavior such as empathy and self-examination.

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24 minutes ago, Jon Letendre said:

I haven't looked at the article yet, but the statement made in the title strikes me right off as false.

The globalist elitists are parasitical.  They require people who aren't like them to feed on.

Consider a comparison to thieves.  If everyone were a thief, who would be producing the goods for thieves to rob?


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13 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

The globalist elitists are parasitical.  They require people who aren't like them to feed on.

Consider a comparison to thieves.  If everyone were a thief, who would be producing the goods for thieves to rob?


Fully agree.

I've often characterized this as treating the rest of humanity as livestock and lab rats.


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37 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I haven't looked at the article yet, but the statement made in the title strikes me right off as false.

The globalist elitists are parasitical.  They require people who aren't like them to feed on.

Consider a comparison to thieves.  If everyone were a thief, who would be producing the goods for thieves to rob?


I think he means they have to corrupt society, bring it to where it does not object to their evil or their rule over us. Get us to accede to the extreme sexualization of our children and to “abortion” on the day of an infant’s birth, they figure, and we will accede to the rest of their regimen re: children and their entire sick program. Not to make us literally one of them, but just apathetic and accepting enough of their evil to stay obediently sat down.

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11 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:

I think he means they have to corrupt society, bring it to where it does not object to their evil or their rule over us. Get us to accede to the extreme sexualization of our children and to “abortion” on the day of an infant’s birth, they figure, and we will accede to the rest of their regimen re: children and their entire sick program. Not to make us literally one of them, but just apathetic and accepting enough of their evil to stay obediently sat down.


I've read the Brandon Smith article now, and I think you're right in your understanding of his meaning.

Interestingly - re my calling global elitists "parasites" - he says in the third paragraph:


The root factor that could change the world is if humanity finally realized that these people are not like us — they are a parasitic species which feeds off us.

He refers to their parasitism a number of other times also.

What he's talking about as their "ultimate goal" is a goal which he recognizes they couldn't achieve but which they aim toward so as to make life safer for them.

Some excerpts:


Narc/sociopaths see themselves as far superior (or godlike) compared to normal people [...]. Therefore, they feel justified in their pursuit of dominance and exploitation of others. However, they also understand that they would be considered monstrous by society and face consequences if they are ever exposed.


Being that they see themselves as superior to the rest of us, they find it reprehensible that they should have to hide their true nature. They are “gods” among men, and it is demeaning to them to have to skulk about in the dark or play act as if they are like us. The final behavior of narc/sociopaths that I want to mention here is their need to either prove that everyone else is just like them, or their need to make everyone else just as monstrous as they are.


[...] the elitist goal of convincing the masses to go along with less freedom and more centralization [...] cannot be discounted. But there is also an underlying and more sought-after goal of erasing our humanity altogether. From moral relativism, to digital distraction and our ever shortening attention spans, to the masses being encouraged to chase ever more dopamine, to the demonization of natural masculinity and femininity, to gender dysphoria, to the obsession with sexual gratification to our growing acceptance of government subjugation as long as it is against our political opponents, to the use of war as a means to expand political influence, the globalists are attempting to make us just like them.

The problem for them is, we are not like them. Conscience and empathy are inherent and inborn qualities for us, just as narcissism and sociopathy are inborn qualities for them. We are undeniably different at a fundamental level. They have spent the better part of centuries (maybe longer) trying to find ways to undermine our humanity and have met with constant interference.

I sometimes take comfort in the fact that while the conspiracies of evil are always present and on the attack, they still fail to get what they truly want above all else. While the powers of good are not as visible at times, they are subtle and intricate, and cannot be easily undone.


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I don't think they, for the most part, see themselves as "monstrous" so they aren't afraid of being seen as such. They simply don't want to be challenged. Then they go nutzo.

But what they are fighting is basically human biology. Ironically they aren't even addressing ten percent of the world's population. It's Western Civilization they are after, which is a runabout way of trying to overcome human biology. They can only win battles. They can't win--they won't win--the war. The more they are exposed the weaker they'll become as the "sanction of the victim" is withdrawn.


not to fight evil is to sanction it

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Explanation of anti-humanity per psychopathology, therefore determinist. Eg. Hitler (etc). was clearly 'a psychopath', therefore he *had* to do what he did. 'Globalism' - or world-wide collectivism - does exist in the heads of those who have faith in it (the lambs for the good of humankind - the monsters for brute power over humankind, one leash for all necks), but cannot be made sense of and opposed on the grounds of empathy and conscience. (And yeah, narcissism- sociopathy exists also). We "undermine our humanity" by refusing to think.

The ways people try to explain evil acts and ambitions in order to avoid human volition.

He wraps up with some salient points, however.  

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Brant wrote, “Ah, Attila and the Witch Doctor?”


I see President Trump is calling former VP Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe,” but now he has added a word to Joe’s nickname and he is now “Sleepy Creepy Joe.” Or was it Creepy Sleepy? We could close it up and call Joe, “Sleepcreep.” Or “Screepy?”

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4 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

Ah, Atilla and the Witch Doctor?


old wine . . .

They are avatars of the "materialist" and the "spiritualist" (mystic of muscle and mystic of mind) who actually reduce to the same (Society -- God, both mystic entities). This is quite different. The great number of timid and scared globalists want to give up all their and others' freedom for forced harmony and safety - from wars, AGW, self-responsibility ...truth, you name it - and the power-globalists, "mystics of muscle" are happy to oblige. Self-sacrificers meet sacrificers, a marriage from hell. Who was it said "give up a little liberty for a little security, and you deserve neither and will lose both"? Ben Franklin?

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15 minutes ago, Brant Gaede said:

Hi, Jules! Has Climate Change changed Canada yet--for the better?


Well Alberta kicked the leftist NDP commie dogs to the curb in the provincial election so things are warming up 👍.  Hopefully this fall we can be rid of Trudeau so things can actually get built.  Like a pipeline or 4.  I’m actually on a duel pipeline at the moment.  Got some good bear pictures!

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17 hours ago, anthony said:

They are avatars of the "materialist" and the "spiritualist" (mystic of muscle and mystic of mind) who actually reduce to the same (Society -- God). This is different. The major number of timid and scared globalists want to give up all their and others' freedom for forced harmony and security - from wars, AGW name it - and the power-globalists are only too happy to take it. Self-sacrificers and sacrificers, a marriage from hell.

We've got this totalitarian menace (called globalism, euphemistically) in ascendancy to bring the world to heel, dissolve nations' sovereignty and so, control individuals ... and what one opposition intellectual -mainly- comes up with to fight it, is this:

"inborn qualities"

Conscience and empathy (apparently good) - versus - sociopathy and narcissism ("evil").

Guilt ("conscience") and the primacy of empathic feelings for others - loudly exhibited/proclaimed - as the only human virtue which the sensationalists who are (largely)leftists know of - are why the West got in a mess to begin with.

With all this "love" talk floating around for at least a decade, why has hatred been soaring? Simple causation. You can't make people feel love for what they don't feel love, and they get cross when you try. Naturally, a mind is not made that way.Then the "love-rs" hate them for resisting "love", guilt enters minds for not feeling the love, hypocrisy and dishonesty, the way of faking love - and so on - the vicious circle. 

Guilt and fear and self-doubt are the signs of western intellectuals who have no ammunition and courage left. 


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44 minutes ago, Samson Corwell said:

I have yet to see a good definition of "globalism".


I can give this a shot.

Globalism is a crony government plus corporation system that uses backroom tariff and cartel protection arrangements--that become enshrined in laws the world over--to game and cheat free trade between nations and ensure unearned money flows to the top cronies while screwing the middle class and poor of each nation.

That was off the top of my head so I can probably polish it a bit. But the essentials are there. I should also add that globalist cronies like to couch their actions in words that mean the exact opposite of what they do. For example they say "free trade," but mean a convoluted insider government protected cartel arrangement. They have perfected an endless war for profit template where nobody wins wars, but people keep fighting them in order to burn through product that they get to replace, including rebuilding after destruction.

Globalists tend to have an elitist mindset where they believe they are innately superior to the mass of mankind, which they believe is nothing more than human livestock and lab rats that exist to serve the whims and fancies of their oh-so-precious selves. Since nobody can keep a self-deception like this alive in their souls without rotting from within, many of them fall off into weird belief systems like Luciferianism and diverse secret organizations and cults to justify themselves to themselves.


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48 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I can give this a shot.

Globalism is a crony government plus corporation system that uses backroom tariff and cartel protection arrangements--that become enshrined in laws the world over--to game and cheat free trade between nations and ensure unearned money flows to the top cronies while screwing the middle class and poor of each nation.

That was off the top of my head so I can probably polish it a bit. But the essentials are there. I should also add that globalist cronies like to couch their actions in words that mean the exact opposite of what they do. For example they say "free trade," but mean a convoluted insider government protected cartel arrangement. They have perfected an endless war for profit template where nobody wins wars, but people keep fighting them in order to burn through product that they get to replace, including rebuilding after destruction.

Globalists tend to have an elitist mindset where they believe they are innately superior to the mass of mankind, which they believe is nothing more than human livestock and lab rats that exist to serve the whims and fancies of their oh-so-precious selves. Since nobody can keep a self-deception like this alive in their souls without rotting from within, many of them fall off into weird belief systems like Luciferianism and diverse secret organizations and cults to justify themselves to themselves.


I'm pleasantly surprised, Michael. That definition is many times better than what I've seen up until now. Previous definitions I've encountered were vague, kinda cloudy-feeling stuff about "socialists", "multiculturalism", "Islam", and hodge podge of other things. I saw the title of this thread and was wondering just what I was going to see.

Also, no welcome back? Nothing like "Hey, Samson. Haven't seen you around as of late. How have you been?"?


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