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On 5/11/2018 at 8:22 AM, Jon Letendre said:

How rare should a left black eye be? How many prominent people can have a left black eye and still there be nothing-to-see-here? Answer that for yourself before proceeding.



The sick cult with last week's expiration date is openly discussed on Turkish National TV.

Tick tock, you sick motherfuckers.



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On 6/8/2019 at 5:34 PM, Jon Letendre said:

I stopped at 45 seconds.

Those incels sure are losers, no wonder you follow that storyline. Picks you up, right? In those comparative terms, well shit, you’re batting a thousand in life!

Are those loser incels also super gullible and stupid, did they for example have faith in the Russia collusion conspiracy fantasy for three years? Or is that still a viable belief, Billy? You pushed it with great confidence, for years, then went very quiet about it.

You often invoke the importance of epistemological standards, so why don’t you tell us the epistemological status, in June 2019, of the assertion that Trump colluded with Putin to beat Hillary?

You never did answer, Billy.

Why don’t you tell us the epistemological status, in June 2020, of the assertion that Trump colluded with Putin to beat Hillary?

You and your fellow leftist scumbags never did accept this President, on that basis.

Do you see yet that you were wrong, or is your little brain still holding out hope?

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On 5/10/2018 at 3:30 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Besides, wouldn't you expect Adam Schiff himself to live up to your high bar re character assassination if the topic is pedophilia?

Here is what he wrote on Twitter about Judge Roy Moore back in December:

Tsk tsk tsk...





Pedo Schiff was soooo upset when pedo-protector Berman was taken out:



Then Pedo Ghislaine Maxwell got arrested today, just days after Berman was taken out — funny how all of that worked out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Natalie Wynn video linked too is a really good analysis of incels. And her comparison between incel and trans cultures was eerily spot on. They are different in that one is about causing harm and the other is affirming, but there are similarities.

I visited incel forums a few years ago to see what all the fuss was.

It is probably the scariest convergence of toxic masculinity, misogyny, homophobia and racism this side of the third reich.

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