Eighteen People killed in Paris Shootings


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18 dead in at least three separate shooting attacks in Paris, France. Were there Muslim fingers on the trigger???

See http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/nov/13/shootings-reported-in-eastern-paris-live

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Two world views.

Earlier today (link here):


Shortly thereafter (article in headline here):


It might be tasteless to point this out this early, but I'm sick of Obama's media manipulation to cover a rotted, inept policy of dealing with radical Islamists. I'm not talking about his bluster possibly offending Islamists and making them mad, either. I'm talking about his sheer ineptness and cluelessness.

You can't fight fanatics with backstabbing, drones and hype (the Obama way of fighting).

In fact, let me go all philosophy on everyone and say between these two stories, I see causality. One leads to the other.

The first is the soil in which the second grows.

To not forget, my heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims.

A backlash is coming...


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Update. The butcher's bill is now over 100 innocent folks killed.

There goes your Muslim. Different mountain, different god.

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11/13 will be burned into the memories of the French people.

In the mean time our "Fearless Leader" has not uttered the word Jihad or Muslim out loud in public. Hmmm....

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11/13 will be burned into the memories of the French people.

Naw. Much worse to come. Paris has 1.2 million muslims, some thousands of jihadis.

England, Holland, Germany are screwed, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_the_European_Union_by_Muslim_population

Time to round them up and load them onto freight cars....

Well probably not, but that is my emotional reaction to this outrage.

In my head I know better, but in my gut, my gut is saying kill them all and let God bury the bodies.

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11/13 will be burned into the memories of the French people.

Naw. Much worse to come. Paris has 1.2 million muslims, some thousands of jihadis.

England, Holland, Germany are screwed, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_the_European_Union_by_Muslim_population

Time to round them up and load them onto freight cars....

I didn't know Jews talked like that.


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In my head I know better, but in my gut, my gut is saying kill them all

A billion people? Two million in America?

That is why I let my head decide regardless of what my gut says.

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In my head I know better, but in my gut, my gut is saying kill them all

A billion people? Two million in America?

We have to periodically tamp Bob down.

If there were another here I'd leave. I have no toleration for bomb the mosquers in their mosques or other genocidal sentimentalists.


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Interesting perspective at Wikipedia


"What the recruits tended to have in common – besides their urbanity, their cosmopolitan backgrounds, their education, their facility with languages, and their computer skills – was displacement. Most who joined the jihad did so in a country other than the one in which they were reared. They were Algerians living in expatriate enclaves in France, Moroccans in Spain, or Yemeis in Saudi Arabia. Despite their accomplishments, they had little standing in the host societies where they lived."




Figures are hard to find, disputed, but I think we killed about 120,000 muslims so far.

Must be something wrong with my calculator. Costs $1.4 million to kill each one?

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France's elite counter-terrorism teams are some of the finest in the world and have proven their abilities and bravery over decades of dangerous operations. Most notable of these teams is the legendary Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale which, along with its French National Police counterparts, saw action this week during the tragic terror events around Paris.

The GIGN, or in English the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, is France's premier military counter-terror and hostage rescue unit, originally formed in 1973 following the hostage crisis in Munich. GIGN belongs to a part of the French military known as the National Gendarmerie, which has no precise counterpart in the military branches here in the United States. With roots going back to the Middle Ages, the National Gendarmerie is a force focused primarily on internal security and order. Its present form is something akin to a militarized version of America's Department of Homeland Security, with some additional FBI-like responsibilities, as well as some of the roles of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

And their mascot?

GIPN, which sports a cobra as its mascot, was formed like GIGN after the shock of the Munich hostage crisis. It operates as part of the National Police and is focused on internal counter-terror affairs more strictly than the GIGN.


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Geraldo Rivera's daughter was at the soccer match in Paris.

She is ok.

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Hollande: "Act of war" organised by Islamic State [bBC]
Hollande: "Planned and organized from abroad" [slate]

Mr. Hollande did not specify what intelligence the authorities gathered to establish Islamic State involvement. [NYT] Senior U.S. intelligence and counter-terrorism official told NBC News that the Paris attacks, because of sophistication, didn't appear to be the work of ISIS. Rather, the level of coordination points more toward al Qaeda. [NBC News]

French authorities tightened border controls to prevent potential attackers from entering. [CNN]

Flights into France as well as trains were continuing despite the border closing. [Daily Mail]

No cancellations. Air France Flight 377 taxiing to runway headed to Paris. [WDIV Detroit]

CBS changing its game plan for Saturday's Democratic primary debate in the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks. "This becomes the first segment," said Steve Capus, executive editor. [Los Angeles Times]

"An attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share." [President Obama]

Secretary Kerry described the massacre in Paris as “vile, horrendous, outrageous.” [NYT]

Politicians have nothing of consequence to do, say, or decide. They are physiocratic wind-up toys, floating in a bubblebath of lukewarm hysteria, reciting platitudes written by schoolboys. [Laissez Faire Law, p.38]

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Two world views.

Earlier today (link here):


Shortly thereafter (article in headline here):


It might be tasteless to point this out this early, but I'm sick of Obama's media manipulation to cover a rotted, inept policy of dealing with radical Islamists. I'm not talking about his bluster possibly offending Islamists and making them mad, either. I'm talking about his sheer ineptness and cluelessness.

You can't fight fanatics with backstabbing, drones and hype (the Obama way of fighting).

In fact, let me go all philosophy on everyone and say between these two stories, I see causality. One leads to the other.

The first is the soil in which the second grows.

To not forget, my heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims.

A backlash is coming...


There is causality, yes Michael. But also that which isn't caused. What to be wary of is getting sucked into: we did this to them, they do this to us, we do this to them...etc. (Not you). This has been the progressivist way of open determinism, collectivism, excuses and apologism, simply that men lack volition and can't be held accountable for their ideas and actions.

A clear line has to be drawn. Reprisals will follow these attacks, sure -- it's what the terror backers are anticipating and counting upon in order to blur the line of 'causality'. Then come the next murders in another place, and the next.

What I'm picking up here and elsewhere by even the Left, is people finally realizing that moral grit is now necessary from western leaders. They too, are realizing that the world can't keep lurching from unpredictable outrage to outrage, response to response.

This has to be fought ideologically and with unswerving conviction to western principles. The left in Europe has become bankrupt of ideas to fight it. Leaders, media and intellectuals cannot or will not identify the distinction between Islam and Islamists, nor especially, go as far as calling out those ideological Islamists who while they wouldn't strap on a suicide vest themselves would still give the brutal action moral and vocal support. As result, few people have so far wanted to loudly intellectually judge or condemn - until after the fact, on the basis of "It is wrong that civilians should die". Naturally, but not nearly enough. No longer should guilt and fear of giving offense, therefore of 'causing' or 'creating' further attacks, hamstring the effort to oppose that evil ideology.

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Michael, do not blame the defenders; blame the aggressors. Do not blame the leaders of the US or France for these atrocities. Yesterday was a good day for the allies against ISIS in Syria and in Iraq. The US is using drones, yes, and they have saved lives of our armed forces, but that is not all we have used. You and other outraged people who say the US should do more, should say outright what. Specifically, are you advocating or condoning sending thousands of American troops over there on the ground to finish off ISIS faster? Or not?

I say not. And I think it has become grotesque the way every atrocity, such as shootings with numerous victims in the US, are nowadays addressed firstly by the press and public with "Who let this happen?" rather than by condemnation of the depravity of the aggressor, sympathy for the victims and their loved ones, and praise for the responders. It is not the case, and never will be in free or semi-free societies, that all aggressions inside our countries can be nipped. (That is part of This Perfect Day.)

"Bomb 'em to bits" or "Nuke 'em" are responses we have heard at least since Korea and Vietnam. Whenever I hear those strategies expressed by my fellow citizens, I immediately think to myself, "You coward." They always want to act tough and bellicose by these expressions, while not having the balls for the real world and for saying the truth that making war full tilt in all these cases would require American troops on the ground and loss of life and limb among them.

14 years ago after 9/11 I posited--it must have been on the old Atlantis--the best way to deal with that situation was sub rosa and sotto voce. I supported going into Afghanistan, kicking ass and getting out for the only ostensible major above board reaction. When it was obvious unstoppable Bush was then going to invade Iraq, I gave up. The basic best way became a no was. I then had little interest in the best way to go forward out of a grossly deteriorated context. "Mission accomplished" is now 12 1/2 years ago.

What is going on can be described from the perspective of the Jihad as a poor man's war respecting the opposing civilizations which mostly have a Christian basis. This can even describe Japan to some extent for the Christian political if not moral values imposed on it subsequent to WWII. The advantage to the United States vs. Japan then was the authority of the emperor. He said stop the war and the war stopped. There was hardly any if any terrorism aftermath. Five or six years later apropos the Korean War my Air Force uncle even had a Japanese girlfriend whom he left crying on the dock when he returned to the States.

The "War On Terror" (WOT) has the same conceit of Napoleon or Hitler invading Russia: capture Moscow, accept capitulation, war over. Because of Russian peculiarities that wasn't going to work then and such an approach is obsolete too in dealing with Muslim terrorists and their ironic and deadly individualism. The irony of course is it isn't true individualism but whatever it is called it works for Islamic terrorism. By way of example, I can convert if only in my own mind to Islam and I am blessed and now motivated to go out and kill as many infidels as I can in any way I can without any instruction and command and control whatsoever. Now, there are way over a billion Muslims of various sects in the world. There is an endless supply of mostly young males, but some females, of such agents of terrorism.

Now is the time to interject some comparative war analogy. When the Mongol hordes conquered a city they thought nothing of killing everybody in the city. Think of a million. The Muslims couldn't stop them. The Christians were about to be overrun when the numero uno Muslim leader died so the Mongols retired. How many people died in all the wars the U.S. has been involved in? The Civil War? The wars of the last century? In Vietnam the North Vietnamese alone lost a million soldiers. The Cambodian genocide which fed off that war killed up to 3 million Cambodians. In the First Gulf War maybe 100,000 dead Iraqi soldiers were bulldozed over in mass graves. The economic sanctions that followed killed how many Iraqis and their babies? Now 9/11 took out what--3,000? The crap in France, 150? The terrorists have been promised "merciless retaliation." But that's what they want/wanted. That's what they wanted 14 years ago in the greatest example of successful bear baiting in history.

War is what these benighted soldiers of Islam want. War today and war tomorrow and all the days after until the purported desired conquest is complete, although then it would become war between the Muslim sects, some of which is going on right now. It doesn't matter in the least that civilization itself would be gone, even the cities turned to ruble and dust even if billions of people starve to death--not to them for the war would still be going on and war is always the main order of business. Besides, what else is there for a young man to do but to continue to embrace Jihad? This is not the actual to be denouement, however. The Muslim jihadists will get their asses thoroughly kicked one way or another, but until then they will live on in the context of their psychological duty and glory. How they get their asses kicked will likely be in the stupidest, most destructive ways possible considered the near past projected forward, but they will.

There's little or no point in addressing strategies. The only people who matter for that hold the reins of power and will continue to do so. Much, much more important than all this dramatic folderol, is the danger of nuclear warfare and deflationary economic collapse.

Hunker down. Several insanities are coming to a head and wars are only part of it. For consolation, the greatest human disaster in history, if you combine both lives lost and percentage of the population, will not lose its crown by any of this. That was the Black Plague.


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