Aristotle's Rules of Definition


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Just trying to be logical and eliminate any possible explanation.

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That's what "Will" should have said. He should have said that he had copy-pasted her entire post, with her name at the end, but that before he could edit it to make his new post, a unicorn hit the send button.

When I asked "Will" why he signed one of his posts "Eva" he said that he had a granddaughter who liked to sit on his lap while he posted and sometimes she typed her name to his posts. And her name, he said, was Eva. At a certain point even my generous nature felt insulted at being asked to buy that :-)

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They keep popping up like dragon's teeth.




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And now you have a new one over there, with a variant on the cast of characters.

They keep popping up like dragon's teeth.


One possible way of defanging the dragon might be for anyone who is upset enough about "Eva" (and her clones) to contact Ashleigh Volland Whitmore to see if she was aware of "Eva's" using her photo/identity. Maybe Mrs. Whitmore would appreciate the opportunity to explore whether or not there are any legal actions that she could take against "Eva"?


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One possible way of defanging the dragon might be for anyone who is upset enough about "Eva" (and her clones) to contact Ashleigh Volland Whitmore to see if she was aware of "Eva's" using her photo/identity. Maybe Mrs. Whitmore would appreciate the opportunity to explore whether or not there are any legal actions that she could take against "Eva"?


Beats me why anyone would be "upset" about "Eva" and clones, except for Mrs. Whitmore.

I think that Sam Erica is on target in this post:


Here we are ... Objectivists being manipulated by a troll who is posing as an Objectivist while insinuating himself/herself into threads that are not designated as "Dissent." Everyone who has engaged her in discussions knows that he/she is misrepresenting himself/herself and she is laughing as she thumbs her nose.

The obvious way to counter this and not violate any of our principles and still allow free and open speech and without anyone getting angry or anyone even getting their feelings hurt is to merely refrain from engaging him/her. Does it take too much self restraint to do this? If it does, we don't deserve to be rid of his/her presence. This passive-aggressive little troll will just disappear out of boredom. Future attempts can be readily identified just as her former incursions have.



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Geesh. I think that kitten is adorable, not in the least my idea of "dragon's teeth."


Thanks. I thought so too.

However, remember evil can come disguised as beauty.

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However, remember evil can come disguised as beauty.


Is that what I am?

Or is that Brant?




Before I testify, unlike Lerner, "the lying IRS slut," I will stand on my Fifth Amendment rights and refuse to answer because it might get me banned or killed...

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  • 6 years later...

See Leonard Peikoff's course on Objectivist Epistemology. What is the proper name of the course?

That course outlines Aristotle's, Ayn Rand's, and Leonard Peikoff's theory of knowledge, or epistemology, including  logic, incorrect ideas, fallacies, definitions, hierarchy of concepts, and more.

Peikoff's course is one of the best courses in philosophy ever written.

Historians of logic may be interested to know that Eudoxus', author of his "Famous Theory of Equiproportionality", demonstrated the relationships of geometrical concepts and he provided the proofs. We know the short form of one of Eudoxus' statements to be   [  A=B:B=C:A=C, from the Egyptian priests, and the Greek geometers, Thales, Pythagoras, and Eudoxus .]  Eudoxus worked with the geometrical identities, relationships and lengths of lines [all called "magnitudes" in Greek in the day, meaning what we today would term 'scientific concepts' ]. Other types of concepts, for example, biological or ethical concepts were not in Eudoxus' proofs, only geometrical science concepts.

Aristotle, later created his hierarchical theory of concepts, and refined the system of definitions, e.g., accurately identifying the facts of existents with genus and differentia definitions. Aristotle's biological concepts, for example, could be or were substituted for Eudoxus' geometry concepts. What Aristotle did was a major innovation in the history of ideas, and that was the use of correct concepts that properly identified the facts of existence and that were provable. When applied to Eudoxus' "Theory of Equiproportionality", Aristotle's hierarchical concepts created a properly systematized and science of logic that dealt with all types of concepts. Aristotle gave us the system of provable thought that may be all too simply stated;  Equiprportionality times hierarchical Definitions of concepts equals the science of Logic. 



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