My review of Captive Audience


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Captive Audience is a recent book about telecom.

I put a review of it on Amazon and gave it two stars.

I would appreciate clicks on the Yes button immediately below it. A gang of librals will probably click No.

Government regulation of the internet is an important issue. Lots of people feel like the author, and she might be very influential in the discussion. She was a technology advisor to B.O. and is/was a visiting professor at Harvard.There are 198 reviews on Amazon already.

MSK, if you think this better fits another forum, feel free to move it.

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MSK, if you think this better fits another forum, feel free to move it.


Conceptually, it is better in the Library. So I moved it to there.

That's where book reviews are supposed to go.


btw - Good review at Amazon. I clicked helpful.


Oh, I thought from the contents the Library was a place for only Ayn Rand things.


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