Obamacare Just Lost Canada

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Obamacare Just Lost Canada

Now you know Obamacare is cooked. Not even Rob Ford believes in it.

He actually said he can't get his head around it. Listen for yourself.




And that is one big head!

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Obamacare Just Lost Canada

Now you know Obamacare is cooked. Not even Rob Ford believes in it.

He actually said he can't get his head around it. Listen for yourself.




He is a CINO, a Canadian in Name Only.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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This is a great example of how data conforms to ones worldview. You and I witnessed the very same scene and, in both of our minds, it confirmed our positions, which are exact opposites (almost).

You heard Rob Ford say "I'm a conservative, I'd be called a Republican down in the states" and that he doesn't "get" Obamacare. In your mind that translated as "Gee, even ROB FORD sees how absurd Obamacare and liberalism is!"

I heard him say he's a conservative and would be a Republican and though, "Heh... of course you would. How's the crack these days, by the way?"

I realize we all experience confirmation bias. But that aside... does it not strike a chord of cognitive dissonance when a guy like Rob Ford sides with you? Do you not feel the slightest tinge of anxiety when the laughing stock of Canadian politics says that if he was American he'd be firmly in your camp?

When the unhinged crackhead says that your party is where he'd choose to be if he had to make that choice, you might want to contemplate that for a while. It just might mean something.

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Who are the top three mayors that resonate most strongly with your positions?


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Selene, I cannot name a single politician who resonates strongly with my positions, let alone three mayors.


I understand.

Therefore, would it be fair to say that President O'bama, being our President, and being a politician, would also be in that same "single politcian" category?

I had Goldwater. Additionally, since I am political, I have no problem getting my hands dirty by getting paid to manage campaigns.

You learn a lot about human nature, as I am sure you are aware, being in the military, when you observe how people "act" under extreme stress.


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In fact, on further thought... I'll take it a step further and state for the record that I can't actually name *a person* who shares my positions across the spectrum on every point.

I think that's a by-product of independent thought. Or maybe I'm just a rogue!!!

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Selene, I cannot name a single politician who resonates strongly with my positions, let alone three mayors.


I understand.

Therefore, would it be fair to say that President O'bama, being our President, and being a politician, would also be in that same "single politcian" category?

Absolutely. Have you ever seen me claim to be an Obama disciple?

Curious - why do you put an apostrophe in his name that way?

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Selene, I cannot name a single politician who resonates strongly with my positions, let alone three mayors.


I understand.

Therefore, would it be fair to say that President O'bama, being our President, and being a politician, would also be in that same "single politcian" category?

Absolutely. Have you ever seen me claim to be an Obama disciple?

Curious - why do you put an apostrophe in his name that way?

Is there another way to put an apostrophe in his name?

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Is it some sort of subtle, secret handshake-style indicator to other like-minded folks to let them know you're one of them? Is it supposed to make his name seem Irish? Is it just an errant keystroke that you accidentally hit every time you type his name? Enquiring minds want to know!

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Is there another way to put an apostrophe in his name?

Giggle giggle.

No, really... what's up with that?

I thought he was from the Black Irish?


I honestly cannot tell you why, I started doing it a while ago. It just seems to look right.

A lot of people did not, and, some still don't, lower case the "b" in his name.

So, that is not a secret dis of him, in many ways, I admire him and I respect his family values.

Thanks for mentioning it because I think I started that somewhat recently.

When I get the time, I will search some old posts.

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