Food and Evolution


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An old article, but I found it recently. Looked into the raw food and paleo diets a bit, and evolution seems to be the key to finding the most healthy things to eat.

Just thought I'd share this for people who maybe haven't thought about the significance of species' food history. And even if they have considered this, they may not have been aware of this finding... even though it's old :S

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What? No deep fat? No hot fudge? Precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true.

Humor aside, I agree that eating well is the key to living better and longer... but as the demise of Sally Ride demonstrates, you cannot control everything...

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Actually I've read that fat is the ideal fuel for humans, preferable to carbs. I think it's because we didn't evolve with a meal schedule, and so the ability to store energy was better even than complex carbs which would provide steady, moderate lasting energy.

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People lived so long so long ago--hooray for the hunter-gatherers!

It is a New Yorker cartoon, the two cavemen, and the one says to the other, "All our food is free ranging, the vegetables are organic, the water and air are pure. And no one lives past thirty."

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