Alex Jones vs Bilderberg


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Bilderberg does not exist. It is part of a conspiracy theory. If it existed, it would be on mainstream news and everybody would know about it.

This entry in wiki is false information. Don't believe everything on wiki.


Right now Alex Jones and team are on Bilderberg like ugly on a warthog. He is bullhorning them and getting kicked out of the hotel and all kinds of fun. And Bilderberg has lots of security and they are more paranoid than a grasshopper in a chicken coop. They are supposed to be a secret organization and what goes on in the meetings is supposed to be even more secret, but Alex Jones and team are hell bent determined to expose them to the world. But wait ... that don't figure. Bilderberg doesn't exist.

There are many Alex Jones vs Bilderberg videos. This is the latest one at the moment.

41 min


I hope Alex Jones and team kick their asses so hard that they gotta clear their throat to fart. Ooops, I forgot, Bilderberg doesn't exist.

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Bilderberg does not exist. It is part of a conspiracy theory. If it existed, it would be on mainstream news and everybody would know about it.

This entry in wiki is false information. Don't believe everything on wiki.


Right now Alex Jones and team are on Bilderberg like ugly on a warthog. He is bullhorning them and getting kicked out of the hotel and all kinds of fun. And Bilderberg has lots of security and they are more paranoid than a grasshopper in a chicken coop. They are supposed to be a secret organization and what goes on in the meetings is supposed to be even more secret, but Alex Jones and team are hell bent determined to expose them to the world. But wait ... that don't figure. Bilderberg doesn't exist.

I hope Alex Jones and team kick their asses so hard that they gotta clear their throat to fart. Ooops, I forgot, Bilderberg doesn't exist.

Beware of the Black Helicopters.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Bilderberg wants to kill Ron Paul. Not surprising. Like maybe put him on a plane and then have the plane crash. They are having a cussing fit over Ron Paul and his supporters. Nope, I'm not making this up.

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I'd be on board if not for the golden roasted babies." />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" window="transparent" width="400" height="254" scale="noscale" salign ="tl" />

The problem is, I like mine boiled.



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